Bao Bao Won’t Die Easily

Chapter 57 - Chiaki and me drunk red dust (end)


When Bao Yi returned home, Mu Xingchan had already returned from the Ministry of Defense.

He now serves in the Ministry of Defense, and his official title is not high, but he has real power. The nails of the Ministry of Defense had been pulled out, and the rest were either Yuan Ying’s or Mu’s. Just after taking office, the couple had a hard time falling asleep, and Baoyi had to get up every day to kick the person who was lazy than her.

After the early morning today, the couple had not met face to face. Bao Yi remembered those words that Yuan Ying asked her about fighting, and she felt uneasy. It happened that Mrs. Mu did not see the dumpling all morning, and she missed it. She simply left the child to his grandmother and went back to her residence. Finally, she found her husband in the small study in the inner courtyard.

Colleagues in the Ministry of War knew Mu Xingchan’s drunken Buddhism, and sent him a volume of the “Wonderful Lotus Lotus Sutra” written by the former writer Wen Chao. This gift and the appetite of the fake monk in her family have been holding it for two days, sometimes forgetting to eat.

Mu Xingchan was drunk, and when he felt a chill, he looked up and saw his wife open the door, with snowflakes on her shoulders, and her face was aggrieved.

Mu Xingchan immediately withdrew the book and pulled people in. He was not afraid to caress the thin snow on her body, and gave her a thick cloak with his own hands.

Bao Yi fiddled with him, didn’t speak, and had long eyelashes. I didn’t know what I was thinking.

Two more pieces of charcoal were added to the basin. It felt a little stuffy when the room was warm and warm. Mu Xingchan just sat down, hugged someone in his arms, and warmed her with her body: “What’s wrong?”

For a moment, Bao Yi raised her head, and her cold nose just touched the man’s warm and slippery cheek, leaning affectionately against his neck.

“Are you going to fight?”

Mu Xingchan froze, and immediately knew the cause of her abnormality today.

“I didn’t mean to hide it from you. It’s not decided yet.”

However, it’s uncertain … he knew it well. Whether they want it or not, the Queen wants it or not, there is a battle between Pearl and Xiliang. The elementary school of Xiliang is not as wide as the rear of the Pearl. This battle cannot be delayed. General Mu has rich experience in warfare, but in the end he is old and he can still take command. It is only his son who can charge and kill the enemy.

He didn’t tell Bao Yi that it was because the queen had not formally ordered the expedition. He thought that he could say that one day was one day later.

“How,” Mu Xingchan teased her deliberately, “Afraid of me losing? Do you think I can’t win?”

Baoyi looked up at him lazily, and Mu Xingchan immediately moved.

“I know, you are worried about me.”

Hold people tighter again.

Bao Yi dejected: “This world is not good, it is too unstable.”

This is their identity again, and it is impossible to be alone.

Although they have overcome their stumbling this year, they have come all the way, but such a day is too frightening. The big environment is turbulent, and small homes are rare. Baoyi misses the era of the last life with Mu Jingyang. It is bland, the legal system is sound, the facilities are perfect, and there is no smoke.

She had to start thinking. If she could not remember the past, she would only be able to reunite with her lover in this way. Her destiny with her lover would be at the mercy of time and space, and life and death would be in the hands of others.

It’s too disturbing. The only way is to go back to her own space, but …

“Why I just can’t remember it.”

There was an invisible shackle in her mind, and the truth was behind the door, but she couldn’t break through.

Mu Xingchan was silent.

He knew better than anyone why Bao Yi had amnesia, and that’s why he couldn’t get involved. She didn’t want to get up one day, which means that she was still subconsciously concerned about the past, unwilling to face the past, and even unwilling to face him.

“After returning this time, I’ll go to the medical department for an examination. Maybe they can do it.” Bao Yi said.

“……It’s useless.”

Those stupid people in the medical department would be nice without chaos.

“What?” Bao Yi looked up, staring at him with wide eyes.

“Baoyi, can you promise me that one day you restored your memory, don’t hide from me, you can beat me and scold me, just don’t run away, even if you can’t forgive me, but don’t disappear before my eyes.”

“Did you really do something wrong with me?” Bao Yi’s face changed, and she grabbed Mu Xingchan’s coat. “Shit, have you been cheating?”

Mu Xingchan reluctantly looked at this girl who just said he liked him wholeheartedly, and even the girl who counted up now.

Who said that when a woman was in love, the IQ was off the line, and his daughter-in-law was so good that it was not easy to flicker.

“No, absolutely not!” Mu Xingchan flattered, “there are no misunderstandings, they are misunderstandings.”

Bao Yi let go, thinking about it for a while, he smiled, and jumped off Mu Xingchan’s leg: “Okay! When I restore my memory, I will give you a death sentence and give you a chance to quibble.”

She was a hooligan, and patted Mu Xingchan’s chest: “Remember to make a draft, only once.”


Mu Xingchan breathed a sigh of relief, so that he could rest assured.

Baoyi did not expect that she had a gentle and comfortable lover the day before, and she put herself on the next day.

That night, the Xiliang Army set off overnight, and the Mu family was all men and men, leaving a woman alone. Baoyi learned that the day was already dawning, and she quickly rushed across the city. When she rushed out of the city, she only looked at the sand and gravel, and the army had been away for a long time.

Yijun was so angry that she even became angry with Yuan Ying who did not report her information. She didn’t enter the palace for several days.

There was a letter from Mu Xingchan under the pillow. The purpose was to apologize and explain why she could n’t take her out. Not because she did n’t want to, but couldn’t—it was nice to say, but the master Yi Jun did not appreciate it.

It was only after he slept that the man ran away, and she was the last to know, and no one could swallow this breath.

Mu Xingchan told her to write to him, and Bao Yi was so mad that she didn’t write, didn’t write, didn’t write, or didn’t write. But he got up early the next morning, and Long Fei wrote three big pieces of paper, asking people to be delivered to the post.

Later, Bao Yi suddenly remembered how long and how he would fight this battle. She didn’t even know what to do. He didn’t prepare any salute for him. His wife was really not competent enough. She immediately entered the palace again, regardless of Yuan Ying’s surprised look, and asked carefully about the situation. The anxiety that she wanted to have all the secret military information in hand made Yuan Ying almost suspect that the younger sister had been dropped by the enemy agent, but when she asked why, she felt cried and laughed.

Baoyi gathered some light and sturdy clothes to salute, and ordered people to send them with the letter, which relieved her. Just silently wrote Mu Xingchan in his heart.

I can’t condone it anymore. Such a big thing is really too much.

This account took a long time.

The battle was fought until the next winter. The interior of the Pearl was chaotic and the army was not uniform. The soldiers had no intention of fighting. Mu Jiajun chased after the victory and finally expelled people from the country. However, his own side also suffered heavy casualties.

The Lord of Yi County guarded Mrs. Mu and waited for a year at the General’s Mansion. From the beginning, she could n’t wait to write a letter every day, and only wrote a letter a month, from a full three pages to the remaining line, “Read it,” the day is really slow. This battle has been fought for too long, and the little regiments have been able to run and jump and talk. He was told that his father and grandfather were both great generals. He knew how proud he was at a young age. He waved a small wooden sword and yelled to chop flowers and plants in the pavilion. He was arrogant and was arrested by Baoyi. Dumb butt.

For the first time, Baoyi felt that it was so difficult to live in a different time, without Mu Xingchan and the role of a male and female master. If it were not for a child to raise, she would not know she was numb here.

The weather was cold again. Last year’s winter clothes were probably not warm enough. Baoyi sent the newly made cotton clothes over there. Before sending it, she even hesitated, thinking that if he could come back before winter, he wouldn’t have to send it, leaving him at home to wear it, but think again, in case?

What if I still do n’t come back and get frozen? For people like them, can they still lack clothes? Send it, and it will never freeze him when he returns.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the clothes were sent away, a message came from the palace: Mingzhu sent someone to negotiate.

Baoyi breathed a sigh of relief.

His mother, this battle is finally over.

Yuan Ying told her that the court had sent civilians to pick up the envoys in the opposite, and in less than half a month, Mu Jiajun would be able to triumph.

Bao Yi began to feel bad about the best cotton coats, but they were all made by her own hands, and they used the best materials. I don’t know if he received it, but Mu Xingchan should be on his way back.

Bao Yipan Yepan, I only feel that the time of the year has not been as good as this decade. When the gate of the city beats the gongs and drums to greet Mu Jiajun into the city, the Yi County chief simply used his private rights to climb up the city gate, far away. Looking down.

She saw the banner waving, she saw the army returning from the dust, and the colder she looked, the more she looked.

The head of the team was General Mu, but there was no Mu Xingchan, and Mu Xingchan’s deputy held a dark jar in his hand.

Baoyi’s eyes were dizzy, and if it was not supported, she would almost fall off the wall.

Mu Xingchan made great achievements in this year. From the unknown Master Mu family, he became a well-known general Mu Xiaojun. He is a hero of Quan Xiliang and a daunting general of the Pearl General. He is known as “Buddha Shura “. In the final battle, he penetrated into the enemy’s battalion and broke through the enemy’s army, but was also seriously injured and failed to survive to go home. In order to suppress the morale of the pearl, General Mu old painfully concealed the news of Aiko’s death, and he was afraid to tell his wife and daughter-in-law in his book.

Baoyi listened to the deputy’s tears and elaborated the battle situation, only to hear her ears humming.

Mu Xingchan, you are so good. I waited for you for a year and you gave me such a result.

What went deep into the enemy camp, what hit the enemy’s ambush, what wound was cracked … How could a man so smart, if prepared, let himself be in such a situation.

He had known for a long time that the robbery was coming.

Mu Xingchan said that her soul was damaged three times and five times, and she could not bear the frequent death of the host, so he took the initiative to ask him to go to war. He did not plan to return after he had gone, and he went to her for the divine will and death. Already.

The two of them always have to go first. At this time, the space can not hold two foreign souls.

The three-year-old female emperor Yuan Ying, the young master of the Mu family, Mu Xingchan, sacrificed her life for the country. The widower of the widower of the widow’s widow had no tears. The public scolded them for being cool and thin. The next day, the Yijun master appeared in the palace, and the young woman in her early twenties was actually a Huafa with a back like an old woman.

He turned his head all night and was speechless.

The female emperor was six years old, and the orphan Mu was six years old. She was a child prodigy, and the mother-in-law was seriously ill. The emperor was sad and did not go to the dynasty for three days. Then he took the younger son of Mu family in the palace and raised him as if he had come out.

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