Bao Bao Won’t Die Easily

Chapter 56 - Chiaki and I are drunk (14)


This is Baoyi’s first mission failure.

Her task was to reverse the tragedy and help the male and female masters end up in a circle. Now that the male lead Zhao Ting is dead, she should be recalled to the headquarters immediately. She will stay here for two reasons. One is that she concealed Mu Xingchan’s existence in private and did not report the situation here. The other is that even if she numb her lies, she did not hear Zhao from her mouth. News of Ting’s death, Yuan Ying has not completely lost his heart.

Including Baoyi himself, he did not quite believe that Zhao Ting had died like this. .

In the original book, Zhao Ting did not live long, and died in the third year of Yuan Ying ’s ascension. On that day, the queen said that she was ill and did not face up, but she kept silent in the direction of the pearl in the palace. Now that it is known that Zhao Ting was the sixth emperor of the Ming Dynasty behind the betrayal of the Ming Dynasty, I am afraid that the original work is not so simple.

Regarding this speculation, Bao Yi told Yuan Ying without reservation, but he never mentioned Zhao Ting’s life and death, but disclosed her speculation about the sixth prince to her. She said that these also have her own selfishness. She hopes that Yuan Ying can cheer up soon, even if she uses hatred as strength, the current situation can’t allow her to be weak for a moment.

The derivative world without the actor will have a tilt. If the appearance of Bao Yi will have a butterfly effect, then the death of Zhao Ting is like a tornado to the world. The other side of the shore may be calm and calm. It may be the end of the world, and no one knows what will happen.

After a colleague failed in a mission, the space-time was plunged into a century of endless war, living creatures were covered with charcoal, scorched earth, the mainland became a purgatory on earth, living creatures resent sky, negative energy almost caused a big explosion in space.

Now that the world is supported by Yuan Ying, it will not collapse, but it also becomes very dangerous. All the information about this world that was infused at the time is no longer meaningful.

A month later, Yuan Ying was still weak, but she was able to get up to handle politics. Mrs. Mu is also urging the county couple to go home. The “child” of the Yi County owner declared that it was premature delivery. Due to the difficult and dangerous conditions of delivery and his weak body, it was not appropriate for the vehicle to take care of himself. This was another reason for the delay. Now that the deadline has expired, never to return, Mrs. Mu is afraid to kill in the palace.

After Yuan Ying returned to the palace, Bao Yi also returned to Mu’s house. Mrs. Mu had some dissatisfaction with the waywardness of her daughter-in-law. Du Yan disappeared, and once again regarded the Yi County Lord as the Mu family. The small group finally named Mu Youting, meaning to protect you. As the name suggests, once you entered the house, you became the treasure of the Mu family. The originally small and thin body was carefully taken care of by the Mu family and grew fleshy. Because the full moon was missed, at the 100th day, the Mu family set up the banquet very publicly. Bao Yi saw that the Mu family was so happy, so she felt that Mu Xingchan was right. Some lies will never be taken apart, but it is a good thing.

At the 100-day banquet, the princess also attended. She hugged the small corps for a while, she seemed very relieved, and she did not persevere when she left. From beginning to end, she showed the attitude that a child aunt should have— —She is not just an ordinary mother. She has been in this house for many years. She knows how to cover up her heart than anyone. She knows that this is the best protection for this child.

After Yuan Ying returned to the dynasty, as soon as she changed her past gentleness, I heard that the first day of the dynasty angered two old members of the King’s Party. The reason for the attack on her was nothing more than Yuanying ’s body, but the emperor did n’t see them when she first adopted the emperor, let alone the history of Xiliang ’s daughter-king. But not without, even a few female generals have been out. This argument couldn’t stand at all. On the contrary, Yuan Ying took the evidence provided by Lan’s and drew it on the old minister’s face, and half of them shut up.

Even the emperor was a little surprised by this daughter’s change, but more was a surprise. He used to think that his daughter was all right, that is, some kind of women. Now looking at these thundering methods of Yuan Ying, she also knows that she has grown up and transformed, and King Rui has been crushed by her … The court situation has stabilized.

One year later, Yuan Ying officially inherited Datong, becoming the second queen in Xiliang history.

During this year, the courtiers went through a major blood exchange, and Yuan Ying pulled out the nails left by King Rui one by one, which also caused Yuan Zhao to completely die in the house.

The small dumplings were very good, and Bao Yi occasionally carried her child into the palace to show Yuan Ying. The sisters had deep emotions. Yuan Ying felt the child as if she was born, and it was not strange to the outside world. After all, as Yuan Ying’s current status, even if she marries in the future, whether or not to have children, it is still a problem. It wasn’t that no one mentioned the marriage of the princess in the middle of the DPRK, but now the court is Yuan Ying’s court. She glanced at it, and others only had to shut up obediently. There are many people who want to marry her and marry Yuan Ying, and their blood can be melted into the royal family. This is a rare opportunity; but more families are afraid to marry her-where is marrying, this is marrying a son. Which man can survive such a powerful woman? Not to mention nagging, unless you don’t want to live, and you don’t want to live with the whole family and nine groups.

When the news of Yuan Zhao’s death came, the first month had not yet come out. When Yuan Ying heard the news, he was enjoying snow with Baoyi in the palace’s Meiyuan. The court girl hurried to report, Yuan Ying didn’t have any expression when she heard it.

Baoyi carefully looked at it carefully, there was really no expression, not even a touch of movement.

Or in Yuan Ying’s eyes, Yuan Zhao was a dead man. For this brother, she had no feelings, let alone Zhao Ting’s death and Yuan Zhao could not be separated. She did not specifically target Yuan Zhao, but he also allowed him to ban himself at home. This is to Yuan Zhao Might as well be a stab at it.

Yuan Zhao has been convinced that he would always go out from the first day of being banned. After a year of tossing, he tossed himself to death, even hanged in the study.

After hearing this, Yuan Ying sneered: “He wants to go out and let him go out. The ancestral shrine is no longer needed. It was buried behind the palace. Just stick to the wall roots and dig deeper. If not, the wall in the backyard will be demolished. . “

This is the result of Yuan Zhao. After working hard for half his life, his last wish was to step out of the house where he was banned, but he couldn’t leave the bones.

When the king defeated, Bao Yi felt that if there was spirit in Yuan Zhao, there would be nothing to be convinced. Even if he did not fight against himself, he could not win Yuan Ying. The city government’s wrists were too much, which is fatal. Besides, if it really made him win, Yuan Ying would be miserable, and it would only be worse.

Winter snow fluttered outside and red plum blossomed. The little dumplings were already asleep in the warm court. Yuan Ying and Bao Yi were ventilated in the yard.

“It’s cold, Tinger is fragile, don’t take her back and forth.” Yuan Ying said, noticing that Bao Yi beaked her mouth, and couldn’t help laughing. “I know, you are afraid I miss him. Ayi, You know, giving birth to him has been my biggest concession. I was cultivated as Chu Jun from an early age. The feelings of an ordinary person in this life have been given to you and Zhao Ting.

The environment does not tolerate her kindness and weakness.

Besides, the child was raised by Mu’s family and protected by Baoyi, she could not rest assured.

Baoyi sighed: “I know, I just want to see you stretch too tightly, so I want you to see more children. Sister, you are the queen of Xiliang, the queen is also a person. You will not sacrifice for this country, but You can’t even forget that you are personal. “

Everyone should have feelings, and everyone will be tired. When feelings are expressed, you should rest.

Yuan Ying watched her younger sister holding her woman’s hair bun, and she was more mature than ever, and was relieved.

“Okay, I know. I’ll take a good rest.” She turned and stepped forward in the snow, her voice seemed to melt into the wind. “Don’t listen to them, either. I know my own body, I With a sense of scale, these people are always fuss. “

The waiters who love to make a fuss shrink their necks and bow their heads in guilty conscience.

Yuan Ying turned a blind eye.

These people regarded Baoyi as the second master and her nemesis. As long as she took a break later and took a little less medicine, she immediately sent a letter to Mu’s house nonstop, and then someone went to the palace to treat her. After the sister got married, she became more and more mother-in-law. Fortunately, the county husband was also good-tempered and could bear her.

“You, you also need to be nice to your cousin. Are you Mu’s wife or a man to support you?”

“Do you know I’m not good to him again?” Bao Yi rolled her eyes and gave her, and now it is only this Yi Jun Lord who dares to be so disrespectful to the Queen. She frowned suddenly: “No one will sue you, right? My father-in-law, my mother-in-law? No, they are not such people, are they Mu Xingchan?”

“Look at it, look at it,” Yuan Ying put a little on her forehead. “You just yelled at the county husband like this in front of you, and called your name directly? No wonder you’re the name of” Xiliang No.1 Wife ” Can’t pick it up late. “

“You’re not an outsider.” Bao Yi disapproved. “Rest assured, I can give him face in front of an outsider. If you lose his face, you will lose me. I still understand.”

In fact, Baoyi wanted to say that these people, when they saw Mu Xingchan’s honest appearance, couldn’t see the animal nature in his bones. He obviously was disadvantaged by himself, but some foreigners still felt that she was bullying Mu Xingchan.

Is it amazing to be out of the house? Is it necessary to read the scriptures? This person would have been a sister when he was a little bald!

“Sister, don’t talk about him anymore. I heard that there was another change over Zhu?”

Yuan Ying froze and nodded.

“Will you fight?” This is what Bao Yi cares about most.

The Mu family is a military commander’s family, and there are also fifty generals. Once there is war on the border, Mu Jiaerlang must go out. At that time, I am afraid that Mu Xingchan will not hide.

Yuan Ying pondered for a moment, then turned to ask Bao Yi: “Do you want to fight, or not?”

Bao Yi laughed: “Of course I’m bad-tempered, I also know the importance, fighting in front, and the people are bitter, how can I hope to fight. But … if the other party provoked deliberately, we can’t just let it go.”

Hearing that Pearl’s side, the six princes and princes have completely torn their faces, and it is very likely that things will happen again recently. The six princes have always been a radical advocate for expansion. The Northwest Army of the Ming Dynasty has repeatedly harassed the Xiliang border. New enemies plus old grievances, I am afraid that this battle must be fought.

“Sister, you don’t have to worry. Even if there is a real war, I don’t think you are going to take revenge for Zhao Ting. You are not such a person.” Bao Yi said in a worrying way.

Yuan Ying was silent.

She has nothing now, only Bao Yi, the younger sister. She doesn’t want Bao Yi to misunderstand her, thinking that she wants to send her brother-in-law to the battlefield to die for her own sake.

“Sister, I have only one request.”

Bao Yi smiled, and her lip color reflected the plum blossom behind her. She was very charming: “If Mu Xingchan is going to fight, please let me go.”

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