Back to the Peak

Chapter 138

Chapter 137 Institute explosion

Cheng Sisi was still tied up, and at the same time, because of the uncomfortable stomach retching, after they were caught, no one paid attention to them at first, but later they were plugged in a urinary catheter, and they were hung up with water. The inside can be maintained. The nutrient of life.

In the past few days, they just lie down like this. Except for changing nutrients, they don’t care about them at all. They don’t eat and can’t excrete by themselves. The whole person is no different from death.

In fact, if not for the two of them, Cheng Sisi felt that she would collapse 80%, but even if she did not collapse now, Cheng Zhenzhen was already on the verge of collapse.

Before Cheng Zhenzhen betrayed herself, Cheng Sisi naturally hated her cousin, but now there are only two of them here, and Cheng Zhenzhen is her cousin after all. When she was a child, Cheng Zhenzhen held her leg and called her sister sweetly. Still vividly…

“Zhenzhen, don’t cry!”

“Mom, mom…” Cheng Zhenzhen kept crying. After she was caught, she kept crying when she had time. By now, her eyes have been swollen badly.

“It’s useless if you call mother again. If it weren’t for your mother, we wouldn’t have fallen to this point!” Cheng Sisi couldn’t help but said, thinking of Qin Liu, his hatred deepened.

Cheng Zhenzhen didn’t respond to her as she did at the beginning. She was young and had never experienced such a thing. Fear and fear were enough to crush her.

Seeing Cheng Zhenzhen’s appearance, Cheng Sisi was also a little scared. Although she has been in this room these days here, she has a little understanding of the situation here. At least, she can clearly feel that she often comes to give The people who changed their nutrients looked at their eyes without the slightest temperature, as if they were just strange animals waiting to be slaughtered.

The surrounding environment, the attire of the people I saw and the things in my hands… Cheng Sisi vaguely felt that this place should be a certain laboratory.

She once tried to save herself, but it was a pity that the struggle had no effect except putting wounds on her body… She could only wait for others to let them out, or someone to rescue them!

And then, I’m afraid her grandfather will have to pay a lot of money… Thinking of this, Cheng Sisi regrets again. In a place like the gate of the city, there will be no accidents for no reason, and no one will arrest people at the gate of the city. The Feng family had been questioned at the time, and they would not deal with them anymore. They were suspicious, but they made a coincidence and found some criminals to arrest them.

The criminals who betrayed the master’s family went out of the city. These criminals betrayed the family’s house, but they happened to take the enemy of the family’s hostage as hostages… Anyone who knew about this would say it would be a coincidence, but I’m afraid not. One can doubt the closure of the house.

Cheng Sisi used her nails to paddle on the console where she was lying. Although she knew that she couldn’t leave any traces, it was only in this way that she could vent some emotions.

At this moment, the door was suddenly opened.

In the room they were staying in, there were no products that could be used for communication, and the walls were very isolated. Therefore, although the noise outside was fierce, even though the alarm bell was loud, they didn’t hear anything.

Cheng Sisi suddenly turned his head and saw that his father was outside. He burst into tears with a “wow”.

However, before Cheng Hui could rescue her, he tied the ropes on their two consoles, and suddenly they began to tighten tighter and tighter. Not only that, another door fell at the door of the destroyed room to block the room. A steady stream of liquid also gushed out of the cavity.

“Hold your breath!” Shi Qingyang said immediately. He is no stranger to that kind of liquid. This kind of volatile liquid is poisonous and harmful to the human body. It can also make people lose radiant energy instantly, and the radiant energy in the room, It will become less and less when the liquid is dissolved.

The Feng Family’s research institute has been strengthening its defenses since its emergence, and the average level 8 radiation fighter would have only lost his life here!

“The potions in that room are the most powerful among the potions we have researched, and we have calculated through precise calculations that even if the eighth-level radiation fighter does not inhale the volatile poisonous gas, it will not be enough to break the walls of that room. No way!” The dean of the research institute said proudly. In fact, they still wanted a mechanism that could kill the ninth-level strong, but Feng Yunhong himself was a ninth-level one, so he would often come here, so why would he allow it? Is there such a thing?

As for Fan Jia…No one in Central City doesn’t know. Fan Jia doesn’t like to mix things up the least, and people with a little bit of power also know that Fan Jia has a problem with his body.

If it weren’t for physical problems, a woman who ran out at the eighth level all day, how could she stay at home all day when she reached the ninth level?

When the three seventh-level radiation warriors heard this, their faces relaxed a lot, and at the same time they were a little scared. There was such a thing in the room of this research institute. If these people wanted to kill them, would they have nothing? Resistance?

As soon as this thought came up, a loud noise suddenly interrupted their thoughts, and at the same time, there was another black spot on the map in front of them.

Those institutions that made the dean of the academy proud have been completely destroyed!

The expression of the dean of the academy froze, staring at that dark and unbelievable face. It was destroyed so soon, who was it that broke in? Even if it is three eighths, it would not be strong, and where did the Cheng family come from three eighths? How could an eighth-level powerhouse be willing to help the Cheng family do such a dangerous thing?

“I’m here…” At this moment, a voice rang through a device nearby, and that voice belonged to Feng Yunhong.

When the researchers huddled together heard this voice, they no longer flinched like they did at the beginning, and there was a frenzy in their eyes—Feng Yunhong was here, and they were naturally safe!

“Feng Yunhong is here.” Fan Jia felt it and said.

The Fengjia Research Institute was built next to the underground city of the Central City, and above it was the isolation belt outside the Central City. Fan Jia now made a passage to the outside of the city.

Some people were protecting the city wall from radiation damage. They were shocked when they saw someone rushing out of the ground suddenly, but Fan Jia had already looked at them: “Don’t you run away?”

Fan Jia’s aura was too strong, and those people immediately reacted, ignoring the protective equipment, and ran away quickly.

“I’m going to the research institute.” Shi Qingyang said. Although the two girls were both injured and inhaled poisonous gases, they were both alive. Cheng Hui was holding them now.

Feng Yunhong is here, and Fan Jia will definitely face it. Cheng Hui needs to protect the two girls, but he is completely free to go back to find information and destroy the research institute.

He has thought about things countless times in his previous life, and it will be done today!

Shi Qingyang didn’t wait for Cheng Xuze’s reply, and soon returned to the same way. At this time, Feng Yunhong had already arrived outside the city from another passage.

His face was very ugly, and after seeing Fan Jia, his face was full of resentment.

He valued the research institute very much, and he would usually take care of it personally, but today, these people in front of him entered the research institute quietly and ruined most of his research institute. Not even that, Fan Jia actually stood on his opposite side.

Feng Yunhong had always been paying attention to Fan Jia’s affairs. He knew that Fan Jiaduo had a different view of Cheng Ran because of Cheng Ran’s talent in medicine. This special look will make her stand on Cheng Ran’s side, but it is not enough to make her and Feng Jia tear their faces apart.

But now, Fan Jia just did this!

“Feng Yunhong, you have harmed people several times and caught two girls in your research room. Do you really feel that you are strong enough to do whatever you want?” Fan Jia said directly, Cheng Hui has already withdrawn very much. Far away, but many people have seen the two girls with him.

Whether it was Cheng Sisi or Cheng Zhenzhen, because the rope on her body was suddenly tightened at the end, her whole body was wounded and looked very miserable. Cheng Hui led them into the crowd at the gate of the distant city, which made people believe in Fan Jia’s words. No doubt.

The murder case at the gate of the city a few days ago is still vivid, because Feng Yunhong’s nephew’s subordinates did such a thing, and many people feel more sympathetic to Feng Yunhong, but now listening to Fan Jia’s words, those people turned out to be Feng Yun. Hong’s men!

The people who plan to leave the city at the gate basically have binoculars on their bodies. They took out their equipment, and while looking at the distant scene, they also posted what happened here on the Internet.

“Fan Jia, don’t spit someone, who knows where you got those two girls?” Feng Yunhong frowned and looked at Fan Jia. No matter what, he would not admit it.

Fan Jia didn’t care about it either. She looked at Feng Yunhong, and as soon as she waved her hand, she attacked Feng Yunhong: “Feng Yunhong, you have harmed my child. Today I must seek justice!”

Feng Yunhong’s face changed, and he finally dealt with it intensively, and at the same time he hated his nephew more and more.

He did find Feng’s family to deal with Fan Jia, but only a few people know about it. Fan Jia now knows that someone must have leaked the secret.

Two ninth-level masters actually fought! More and more people came outside the city, people did not dare to approach, but they were reluctant to leave.

You know, there have been no ninth-level masters fighting against each other for two hundred years!

Cheng Hui was mixed in the excited crowd. A few eighth-level masters of the house closed staring at him, but these people did not make a move in the end. Although they are very strong, although they look down on the ordinary people around them, in this world, Most of them are ordinary people…

In history, it is not that there are no powerful radiation fighters who want to seize power and establish a dictatorship. In the end, hasn’t no one succeeded?

“If you have free time, it is better to put more protective shields to protect the people around you, so that you can redeem your merits in the future.” Cheng Hui saw that there was already an army to maintain order, and he smiled and looked at him staring at him. People, the person in front of him is Feng Zhaohai, the father of Feng Yunhong’s son Feng Linqiu.

Feng Zhaohai had just reached the eighth level in the past few years, but he relied on all potions, and fighting with people was a mess… However, even if his strength was relatively poor at the eighth level, the protective shield was enough.

Feng Zhaohai looked at Cheng Hui and finally set up the protective cover. He was Feng Yunhong’s son, but Feng Linqiu’s heir he valued was Feng Linqiu. Therefore, he was a little cringed. He couldn’t afford it. At this moment, he just wanted to wait for Feng Yunhong to win, but he didn’t have the guts to step forward to help Feng Yunhong.

Feng Zhaohai did this, and of course the others did the same. The other eighth-level experts in Feng’s family even breathed a sigh of relief-it was really great to not have to fight against the ninth-level experts!

Both Feng Yunhong and Fan Jia avoided using large-scale destructive tactics, and even moved further and further away from the city. At this time, Shi Qingyang was in the research institute.

After Fan Jia and Feng Yunhong both went out, the people in the research institute began to sort out all kinds of equipment and count the losses. For them, Feng Yunhong was too strong to lose. Since Feng Yunhongdu Come, then they will naturally be fine.

Moreover, since this research institute was suddenly inspected many times more than 20 years ago, many human experiments have been arranged in the base Fengjia is outside the city, so the place is actually quite clean, and they don’t have any. Too scared.

These people are very busy. Feng Yunhong is usually unwilling to expose them to too many secrets, and there are few contacts between various departments, so he did not find out at all. There was one more person beside them that they did not know.

Of course, the reason they didn’t find it was related to this person’s familiarity with everything in the research institute.

Radiation energy was introduced in the research institute, so all ordinary people put on radiation protection suits. Because they were uncomfortable, their movements were much slower. Shi Qingyang pretended to try his best to rescue various experimental materials, but in fact, they couldn’t see it. In case of copying a lot of data.

The various experiments carried out in the laboratory today are normal to these researchers, but in the eyes of ordinary people, they are scary.

A few years ago, a certain laboratory researched medicines against alien animals, and released some pictures that caused the alien animals to die in pain. Some people felt that they were inhumane, not to mention that they even asked humans to cooperate in the research…

Looking for videos and materials, Shi Qingyang slowly approached the center of the research institute.

The three seventh-level radiation warriors guarding in the research institute are now in the central area of ​​the research institute. The newcomer is a little nervous, and the two who have been guarding here are very calm.

Seeing someone coming from a distance, one of them frowned immediately: “Who are you and what are you doing here?”

“Of course it ruined this place.” Shi Qingyang smiled and took off the helmet on his head.

“Shi Qingyang?” The person who caught Cheng Sisi immediately recognized him, and sneered: “A seventh-level…” Although Shi Qingyang is a genius, he is only at the seventh level now. Three of them are at the seventh level. Can’t you still deal with one?

The man’s face was full of ridicule, and in the next second, his expression was fixed on the ridicule forever-Shi Qingyang had broken his neck.

This was not the first time Shi Qingyang had killed, and he did not have any discomfort. The man in front of him killed many people at the gate of the city when he caught Cheng Sisi. It can be said that death is not a pity.

“Level 8?” The other two said as they attacked, but Shi Qingyang had actually prepared a combat technique before confronting them.

There is a huge gap between levels, not to mention, these two seventh-level masters have been in the laboratory for many years, how can their skills compare to the often experienced teacher Qing Yang?

After solving the two people in front of him, Shi Qingyang put down a time bomb at the core of the research institute, and at the same time, he retreated and put on protective shields on himself. The eighth-level protective shields, he put on one after another. Then he rushed out of the research institute at the fastest speed-the bomb he put down was not powerful, but it could trigger the research institute’s self-destructing device.

The explosion of the research institute may affect a corner of the central city in the area, but this is the site of the Cheng family. Naturally, Shi Qingyang would not be kind enough to protect it. However, he was paying attention to the residential areas that were out of the disaster.

He Meimei is an administrator of a shopping mall. Now that everyone is used to online shopping, all she has to do is to organize the order and deliver it through the transmission pipeline, or find someone to deliver it to her door.

The shopping mall where she is located is just outside the central city, and the warehouse is next to the protective cover. When she is free, she likes to look outside through the protective cover.

In the past, she watched it many times, and most of them saw people happily going out of the city, or people practicing combat skills near the city. There was nothing new, but today is different.

First, there was a group of young people doing protection on the protective shield. One of the handsome guys smiled happily at her. Later, she even saw two ninth-level radiation fighters!

This is the first time He Meimei has not seen these two people through the Internet. If she didn’t leave the shopping center suddenly, she might lose her job. She could not wait to run out of the city instead of looking at the outside through the gray protective cover. .

This kind of protective cover is really outdated. I heard that the newly released protective cover of the Cheng family has very good light transmission. However, the Cheng family shut down the company as soon as the family was closed…

If you don’t have this protective cover, you can see the distant scene clearly! He Meimei was a little disappointed holding the telescope he had just bought faithfully from shopping.

As a result, she had just thought of this, when the ground shook suddenly, a protective shield in the distance burst suddenly, the protective shield in front of her also cracked, and finally fell in front of her, splitting into countless pieces.

Radiant energy! He Meimei was shocked and wanted to run into the room, but he didn’t expect a huge protective shield to suddenly cover her in front of her. He repaired the upper hole of the protective shield and did not let the radiation from outside leak in.

The protective shield of the city, in order to prevent the damage to a large area, is separated into one piece. With this protective shield, He Meimei no longer has to worry about radiation energy, and can even see the city clearly. Everything outside, but at this time, she was already scared silly.

Just where two 9th-level radiant fighters appeared before, a huge pit was now exploded! There are still all kinds of debris around the pit, and even now, there is still billowing smoke constantly coming out.

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