Back to the Peak

Chapter 137

Chapter 136 Rape Institute

Although it is dangerous to save people, if Fan Jia is willing to take action, things will be much easier. If they can find enough evidence from the research institute, they can also directly testify against Feng Yunhong.

“I’ll go.” Fan Jia nodded to Shi Qingyang. Cheng Ran just helped her sort out the radiation. She is in a very good condition and safe. Don’t worry about the radiation riots. Moreover, she wants to die for herself. Avenge the child.

Human is a kind of strange animal. As she grows older, she often likes children more and more. When she was young, she didn’t want children, but as time went by, she wanted them too, so there really were It is unavoidable that I am looking forward to it very much. In the past few years, I hope that there will be children in the lap.

But that child is gone, and now, she will never even have a child of her own.

The final candidates to go are Shi Qingyang, Fan Jia, and Cheng Hui—at this time, when there are too many people going, it’s a bad thing. It’s better to go there with fewer people, and they always have to leave someone to protect Cheng Ran and Zheng Gaoyuan. Et al.

Cheng Xuze approached Ding Yingxin, took all the people who needed to be protected, and then left the central city-it was very large outside the city, and when it was outside, it was easy for others to find it.

Shi Qingyang is very familiar with the research institute. He drew a map of the research institute and then found someone to make a white coat and white mask for the three-seat research institute. After arranging the appearance of Cheng Hui and Fan Jia, he entered the cave. .

The cave that Zheng Gaoyuan dug out was not big, it was very dark and very humid, but the three of them put up protective shields around their bodies and used lighting equipment. They had to enter back and forth, but there was nothing at all. influences.

Shi Qingyang controlled the radiation energy, so he could move forward without touching his feet. He walked very fast, and it didn’t take long before he came to a metal wall.

He had already estimated the distance between the villa and the research institute, and naturally knew that if nothing happened, this would be the outer wall of the research institute. However, although he knew the general location of the research institute, he didn’t know where it would be when he entered. .

But even so, he still couldn’t help being excited, even a little overly excited, before his worst nightmare was about to destroy him.

When he was in the research institute, he was cut every day and his body tissues were taken away every day. His life was very miserable. Although he was a little better later, the researchers did not regard him as an equal to them. In their eyes, he was clearly waiting to be cut at any time, living just to be an experimental product that could be cut for a long time.

At that time, he had no radiation energy, his body almost collapsed, and his condition was very bad. Even if he escaped, the only way he could think of was to steal the research institute’s medicine and corrosive liquid…

He tried his best to read a lot of information, calculated the size and scope of the research institute, and was about to do it, but he unexpectedly encountered the animal tide.

“You have a lot of secrets.” Fan Jia said suddenly, looking at the metal wall in front.

“But I have no ill intentions.” Shi Qingyang smiled. Of course he has a secret. Cheng Xuze thought it was all because “I don’t want to be hungry.” Before they came, he asked him if I didn’t want to be hungry. Research Institute, but Fan Jia would not think so.

Cheng Hui, who had been silent for a long time, stayed beside him. He was confused when he heard this, Shi Qingyang had a secret? Shi Qingyang even acquiesced, what does this mean? Haven’t Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran always had many magical places?

“I know.” Fan Jia said, “Do it.”

Humans have thermal weapons, and they have also developed hard alloys and various materials that are configured with the shells of alien animals. But even so, they still need advanced radiation fighters, and they will still give advanced radiation fighters various preferential treatments, of course. There is a reason-the advanced radiation warrior is too strong in a place where there is radiation. When encountering a powerful monster, when encountering a new city, it is basically impossible without the advanced radiation warrior.

And the ninth level is the strong one among the strong.

Shi Qingyang is at the eighth level, and the general eighth-level strong are not his opponents, but he doesn’t know much about the ninth level. After all, there are only two at the ninth level. Until now, Fan Jia’s momentum suddenly increased, and he could clearly feel the gap. When Fan Jia made a hole in the wall in front of him, he admired Fan Jia even more.

He can also do such a thing, but he is by no means as light-hearted as Fan Jia.

At this moment, the entire research institute suddenly rang, and all the alarms came to mind at the same time.

“We went to find three researchers and robbed them of the signal transmitters. If there is no such thing on them, it is very likely that they will be actively attacked by the research institute’s defense system.” Shi Qingyang said, this research institute of the sealed family can be. It is said that it is a collection of the top technology in the whole country, and it naturally has automatic defense. This is when one of the female researchers who pity him persuaded him not to go indiscriminately.

However, this female researcher, before pitying him, still took some parts from him every day, ranging from hair and blood to large organs and tissues, and all kinds of things.

Fan Jia nodded, and suddenly gathered all the radiant energy around him, forming a sharp awl and piercing it up, piercing a huge hole, and the radiant energy poured in from the outside—there was plenty of radiant energy around. , Their strength will also increase a lot.

Many research products need to be isolated from radiation, so the door near the damaged point is automatically closed when the radiant energy is felt, and various retrieval devices are starting to retrieve. Shi Qingyang and Fan Jiachenghui are studying the quality of the house in damage In the center of the district, it soon felt that several bombs were thrown at them, and at the same time, the door in front of them was suddenly closed.

The power of these bombs is not small, if it is an ordinary eighth-level radiation fighter, I am afraid that he will be injured, but for this team with one nine-level and two eight-levels, the only thing he needs to pay attention to now is the research institute. The self-detonation system only. Once the self-detonation system exploded, the entire research institute would be destroyed, and no matter how strong they were, they would probably die or be injured if they approached.

In the Fengjia Research Institute, when the siren first sounded, all the researchers were already awakened, and they all panicked.

This research institute, from its completion to the present, has never been attacked except for several inspections, which made everyone terrified. But now, it clearly shows that it has suffered a dangerous invasion and the level of danger is still high. !

It’s not that an alien beast is scratching the wall outside and the alarm is triggered. This is an intrusion!

In an office in the middle of the research institute, an old man with white beard and hair was sitting in a dreadful manner, with a serious expression: “Hurry up and inform the people on it. All the defense systems are turned on for me. We must kill all the intruders!”

He said this into the microphone in front of him, and every researcher heard it. After hearing it, he couldn’t help but feel even more panicked. You know, many people who do research are ordinary people. They can’t rely on their physical strength to work, they can’t make a living outside the city, so they can only study hard so that they can live on their brains in the future, for example, to become a researcher.

Under such circumstances, if they encounter an intruder, they will probably have nothing to resist.

Of course, there are also people who protect the people in this research institute. This is where Feng Yunhong values ​​the most. There are two seventh-level fighters protecting it all the year round. The seventh-level radiation energy fighters who had previously captured Cheng Sisi and Cheng Zhenzhen and some other sixth-level fighters. The radiation warriors are here now, and many people come here subconsciously, wanting to seek protection.

The dean of the research institute did not stop all of this. In this research institute, the most precious people have always been the researchers, and the radiant energy pouring in from outside is enough to hurt them. They are now hiding behind these two people. It is the safest.

“President, what about the two girls?” A man with black and yellow buck teeth looked at the dean who was respected by all the research institutes.

This old man with white beard and white hair was worried, but when he saw the researcher next to him, he gave him a fierce look-this man is really shabby, and no one likes him. I don’t know if it’s because of this. It turned out to be too lustful.

Cheng Sisi and Cheng Zhenzhen were locked up, and this person had been betting on their ideas. By this time, he still remembered these two people.

By the way, these two people! The dean of the research institute lit up before his eyes, and suddenly understood how someone would attack the research institute suddenly, could it happen, that person came for them?

The grandfathers of Cheng Sisi and Cheng Zhenzhen are eighth-level powerhouses, and Cheng Sisi’s father is also eighth-level. If they find the entrance of the academy, they can naturally rush in, but two eighth-level powerhouses dare to come in…

“You two, go and bring Cheng Sisi and Cheng Zhenzhen!” The old man looked at the two sixth-level radiation fighters next to him. These two sixth-level radiation fighters came with the person who captured Cheng Sisi and Cheng Zhenzhen. Yes, he can’t command the three seventh-level powerhouses now, but it’s not difficult to command them.

I don’t know if it was a coincidence. Just after he said so, the alarm system of the research institute slowly began to decline from the high risk at the beginning.

While the old man here was giving orders, Shi Qingyang and Fan Jia also heard him. They destroyed many places just now, found three researchers, and took out the signal transmitter they had worn on their wrists instead of the contact terminal.

They wore this signal transmitter too fast. The defense system did not find that the identity of the wearer had been changed. Finally, after killing the three researchers who did not have the signal transmitter with the laser transmitter on the wall, they were quiet. Come down.

At this time, Shi Qingyang, after fiddling with the signal transmitter, heard the dean of the research institute.

Ten years later, Feng’s research institute was the dean, and it was still him ten years ago… Shi Qingyang clearly remembers that this so-called dean once cut his stomach, and he watched the other party take it from himself. Part of the liver is gone.

Even, because these people wanted to see his reaction, he was not given painkillers, but was completely unable to move under the double **** of ropes and medicine.

“According to what they said, Sisi is over there!” Cheng Hui looked at the map for a moment and pointed to a place.

“Let’s hurry up!” Shi Qingyang nodded.

“Will there be fraud?” Fan Jia frowned slightly.

“According to the direction they are going, it shouldn’t be. Moreover, these researchers don’t have so many thoughts.” Shi Qingyang said: “Shall we break the wall?”

“Of course!” Fan Jia nodded, and shot again, quickly breaking through the wall next to him, allowing the radiant energy from outside to flood in quickly.

The alarm that slowly subsided sounded again, the signal transmitters on their bodies were also disabled, and many weapons were fired at them.

However, when the radiant energy has come in, even if the radiant energy around is a little bit low, they are still intact.

The dean of the research institute saw the alarm being sounded again, and his gaze fell on the plan of the research institute in front of him. This plan recorded the situation of every room in the research institute, and recorded every channel and every channel of the research institute. Originally, all areas of the door were lit, but now, many areas were darkened, indicating that those areas were damaged.

At the same time, each researcher has a signal transmitter, and three of the original green dots have now been marked in red.

At least three people are dead! And what he just told others to find Cheng Sisi and Cheng Zhenzhen, obviously revealed the location of Cheng Sisi and Cheng Zhenzhen.

“Are they going to save people?” A seventh-level expert looked at the map in the hands of the dean.

“Yes, I didn’t know before, I was careless, and even revealed the location of the two girls.”

“It’s been peaceful for so long, it’s normal for you to think of it.” A seventh-level expert said, and suddenly smiled: “Isn’t there a mechanism over there? Also, Master Feng should be here soon.”

As for the self-destruction of the research institute…Once they self-destruct, they will be gone, and they will be wiped out. When it is not a last resort, of course they will not use it.

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