Asura Conqueror

Chapter 124: Against A Preparation Stage Expert

Marcus continued to look for more 'sea monsters' to fight with as he still has enough mana left in him and he had already finished sending three of the nagas into the stone. 

'Should I dive into the water?' Marcus asked himself as he saw no enemies nearby. He tried avoiding the weak ones who wouldn't prove to be a challenge. 

He suddenly stopped as heard chattering nearby.

Marcus opened a portal and ported near the area where he heard the voices.

"Trust me the Strongwald's did this." One of the voices spoke.

"Shut up!" A second voice spoke. "You can't say things like that or else you'll get yourself killed.

Marcus looked to where the two voices came from and saw that they were two humans wearing black robes. Both were at the early stages of Commander.

The first one who spoke, a man with a mohawk, shook his head. "It's not like there are people around. You see if the Strongwald's weren't in on this, then why did they make us prepare for battle a few hours ago before all of this."

"I was suspicious too, but we're soldiers. We are not allowed to ask questions, just do your job." The man with short hair sighed.

As a soldier, they just have to follow orders no matter what it may be.

The man with a mohawk looked at the night sky. "Don't you ever want to be something more."

"A dreamer are we?" The man with short hair chuckled. "Don't worry, those dreams of yours are going to vanish sooner or later."

Marcus quietly listened to the two men who were sitting by the side of a building.

'So the Strongwald's had a hand in this?' Marcus thought. 'Should I thank them?'

He, his wives, his older sister, and Nexus benefited a lot out of this whole fiasco. He got a chance to train and push his body. The same goes for the others.

"We should get going. Someone just sent me a message, telling me about three bright objects hovering in the sky." The short-haired man stood up, drank a bottle, and started walking.

The man with a mohawk closely followed.

Marcus scrunched his brows. He tailed them and soon saw what they were talking about.

Those were the summoned moons of Emily. However, not long after, the moons faded and slowly disappeared. 

Marcus relaxed as he saw this. He thought that she might have gone into the stone. 

"I need more information about what happened." Marcus ported away from the area. He was sure there were a lot of people crowding here, wondering what the light might have been.

He arrived near the boulevard where he began his search for a Preparation Stage expert.

Commanders wouldn't know much about the current situation, but he was sure that the Preparation Stage experts would know more, if not all, about what is happening. 

'If the Strongwald did do this, what was their motive. Do they want to own the sea?' Marcus could not understand what the humans were thinking. 

There were quite a number of people who died in this whole mess. If the Strongwald did do this then they are showing not only dominance, but also ruthlessness. 

'They truly are the number one family here in Estra if they were the cause of this.' Marcus jumped from building to building.

It didn't take long before he finally found a rank 2 Preparation Stage person, who seemed to be patrolling an area and tying up nagas, kappas, and siyokoy.

Before Marcus engaged, he first surveyed the surroundings, he had to make sure there were no others around. His senses only had a very small range, so made use of a few portals from time to time to make his job a lot easier.

Seeing that there was no one except for a few Commanders that he cleanly took out along the way, he proceeded towards the Early Preparation Stage expert. 

Marcus didn't dally. He immediately transformed into lightning and zipped forward.

The Preparation Stage human turned his head. He noticed the incoming lightning right away and erected a barrier of flames around him. He readied his stance and prepared for the lightning to strike. To his surprise, the vermilion lightning changed its direction and is now stopping a few meters in front of him.

Marcus landed on the ground, the opponent who had short black hair, placed his barrier of flames down.

'A foreigner?' Marcus examined his opponent. The Preparation Stage expert was about 6 feet tall, short black hair, and has wide ears.

"Kid what are you doing here? Can't you see there are monsters in the city? Go away and run back to the shelter" The man asked. He could see that the person in front of him was only a teenager. 

Marcus didn't reply. His hands turned red, lightning danced around it. He dashed forward towards the man with black hair.

The Preparation Stage expert scrunched his brows as he saw the actions of the teenager.

"Hmp" The man stomped his feet in the direction of Marcus. The fire was raised from the ground in a straight line.

Marcus turned into lightning and zipped. He didn't let the line of fire stop him. 

As he got closer to the man he turned back to his human form and delivered a powerful punch.

However, the simple punch didn't do much.

"A Commander Stage expert pulling stunts like that?"  The man laughed. But then he stopped as noticed something. The person in front of him looked too young to be a Commander.

"Who are you?" The Preparation Stage expert asked.

Marcus now confirmed his suspicion of this person not being from Estra. This meant that this man was not working for the Strongwald family, either that or the man went into long seclusion.

Same as before, Marcus didn't reply. He went on with his attacks. Punch after punch, kick after kick, they were all blocked.

"Kid, you let me educate you. Commanders should not be fighting with Preparation Stage powerhouses, do you understand?" The man laughed. He had formulated a plan of recruiting the vermilion-haired kid and sending him to Octopi, the organization he's part in.

"Shut up so I can concentrate on beating your ass!" Marcus casted 'Chaos Lightning Javelin' and threw it towards the man, he followed it with a chaos spell, 'Emotion Manipulation'.

He then went back to using his fists.

The Preparation Stage expert felt tired, exhausted even. He felt that he was carrying thousands of heavy bricks on his back. 

The man furrowed his brows. He then began casting fire spells and aimed them towards the vermilion-haired teen.

Marcus zipped back as he dodged the barrage of fiery spells thrown at him. All his vermilion lightning attacks infused with chaos didn't deal that much damage and almost all of his physical attacks were blocked.

"Really hard to deal with," Marcus muttered. The Preparation Stage expert is still throwing all kinds of fire spells.

Marcus jumped back as a flamethrower-like attack was thrown at him.

Seeing that there was no other choice to speed this fight up, he slowly transformed into an asura.

His face turned red, his muscles bulged and he gradually became taller. The robe he wore expanded in size as he grew.

The Preparation Stage human was dumbfounded by what he's seeing. He swallowed hard as he looked at the vermilion-haired teen turn into a monster.

"An alien? Here?" He couldn't believe it. Soon his surprise turned into greed. He wondered what kind of treasures the being in front of him brought.

Marcus finished his transformation. Black tattoos appeared around his body, but they weren't shown as his clothes weren't ripped.

Marcus breathed out. He then casted a chaos spell. Vermilion-colored spheres appeared around him.

Marcus ordered them to hit the man who's a few meters in front of him.

The chaos spheres streaked in the air as they locked on the target.

The Preparation Stage Expert floated and raised a wall of flames in front of him. He then surrounded his hands with fire as he was preparing to attack. He was determined to find out what treasure this alien was holding.

Alien goods have always been the talk in the market, the prices they are sold for are quite extravagant, especially if the goods are seen to be important.

Marcus smirked. Seeing that the human in front of him didn't dodge, he emptied his chaos mana and summoned more chaos spheres.

They all streaked in the air, aimed at the Preparation Stage expert. The balls weren't stopped by the wall of flames, they all passed through.

The man behind the wall of flames shot a flamethrower-like spell at the vermilion colored spheres, however, as his fiery spell landed on the vermilion ball, it exploded, knocking him back a few meters.

The other balls soon followed and they all exploded in front of him.

The man lay on the ground, coughing. He wasn't expecting a Commander Stage to have those powerful attacks.

One of the ball hitting wasn't really a problem, as he was only slightly damaged. But there were more than thirty of the chaos spheres.

Marcus dashed towards him. He lifted him up and started beating the man, throwing him to a nearby building in the process.

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