Asura Conqueror

Chapter 123: Dragon Pool

Emily went into the Stone of Destruction, dragging with her an unconscious naga, Arielina.

She fought with Arielina for about ten seconds before Eva came in to help. They both quickly finished neutralizing the naga and proceeded to go inside the Destrcustone.

Emily walked inside the chamber where Eva and Erika were.

"There was probably someone who saw me," Emily spoke as she threw Arielina inside a cell. Diabel was also inside together with her.

"Who?" Eva asked. She looked exhausted. Her face, pale.

Emily shook her head. "I didn't get to see the person's face. I just sensed that someone was nearby watching. But considering how dark it was, I think the person didn't recognize me."

The night sky was covered with dark clouds, making it impossible for the twinkling stars and the bright moon to shine over Estra. 

Eva nodded. "He probably only saw your figure, but if he did see you, that still won't be a problem. What's he going to do? Tell everyone?"

Erika and Emily chuckled. 

After the battle, Erika fully healed herself and the other two ladies. She then retrieved the 'Nether's Warding Eye' and placed the remaining life energy inside the scepter's gem for later use.

The three walked into the living room to have some tea. They agreed to relax until this was all over, as their mana also needs to recover. 

Emily had just used up her mana and drank a single mana potion to restore it a bit. But since there is no immediate need to fight, she didn't drink more. She thought it would be a waste of mana potions.

Erika still had quite a bit of mana left, she hardly casted a spell in the fight a while ago as her spells were still quite weak, even her 'Nether Warding Eye' only sapped the life energy of the nagas by a small amount every time they casted a spell. 

The three arrived at the living room. Emily and Erika sat on the white couch together on one side, while Eva sat on the white couch on the other side.

Eva retrieved the tea and the cups from her spatial ring and served it to the two, she then served herself afterward.

"You think Marcus is okay?" Erika asked as she sipped from the cup in her hands.

Eva chuckled. "These kinds of opponents are nothing."

Emily sighed. "I just hope he won't overreach like he always does."

Erika nodded. She too knew how Marcus could be sometimes.

Emily placed her cup down and stood up. "I'll go look for Zoey. It's good that she didn't wander into the chamber"

"I'll go with you." Erika took one last sip of her tea and placed it down.

Eva also joined in. The house inside the stone was quite big and their soul sense can't reach every corner of it yet.

The three walked around and checked every room they passed by.


Not long after they began walking, they heard a high-pitched scream coming towards a certain direction.


Zoey's feet touched the hardwood flooring of the wooden house. She looked around and saw white couches and a coffee table in the middle. There were shelves on the sides with decorations on top of them. A red carpet was also placed in the middle of the room underneath the couches and coffee table.

'Where is this place?' Zoey wondered as her curious eyes darted around the room. She remembered getting touched by Erika, and after that, she found herself here.

Zoey was confused, afraid, and curious. The place was quiet, eerily quiet. Only the sound of her breathing could be heard.

She slowly walked out of the living room while surveying the place. Every step she took was careful and wasn't rushed.

Zoey kept walking around. She touched the walls, opened a few rooms, and in the end, she shouted.

"Is anyone here?!"

Her voice echoed throughout the stone, but there was no response. What she received was silence.

Zoey proceeded forward. As she went on, she went into a room filled with books and maps.

"A study?" Zoey thought as she walked closer to the only table in the room. The books were neatly piled up. It seemed as if someone had just arranged them recently, either that or it hasn't been touched in a long time.

She grabbed a tome on the table and checked the title.

'The 221 Positions; A guide' 

With her curiosity, she opened the book, and what she saw made her cheeks turn red. She hastily put the book back on top of the pile and turned around.

'What did I just read?' Zoey quickly walked out of the room and calmed herself down.

Walking down the small corridor, she had so many questions in her mind, she couldn't understand how she got here.

'Was Erika the one who sent me here?' Zoey wondered. She knew Erika was only an Elite, and if this place was a treasure, it would have been impossible for her to obtain it. 

Zoey stopped in front of a door. There was something written on top, a writing which she couldn't understand.

She slowly opened the door and entered inside. She turned her head left and right, but all she could see was an empty room. On the backside of the room was a glowing red pit and on the wall in front of it were a bunch of writings which again, she couldn't understand.

She went closer to it and saw a small rectangular pool with red liquid inside, glowing. It had an area of around 7 square meters.

Zoey knelt down and checked the red liquid closer.

"Is this, blood?" She asked herself as she stared closely beside the pool.

For some reason, she couldn't take her eyes off the red liquid. Not because she has a connection with it, but because it felt magical. 

"Hey!" A voice close by sounded.

Zoey panicked. She looked around for a place to hide but she found none. Then her eyes turned back to the pool with the glowing red liquid.

She glanced at the door one and slowly moved backwards. Her fear of what's on the other side of the door grew by the second

"Ahhhh!" Zoey reached the edge, slipped, and fell into the pool.

Nexus who had just reached the entrance, rushed towards the small rectangular pool.

"Oh no," He muttered as he slapped his forehead. 

When he was 'depositing' the nagas inside the chamber, his senses picked up someone inside the stone, after finding out who it was, he was surprised and wondered how she got here.

He hastily made his way to the room where Zoey was in and question her, but he wasn't expecting her to fall into the pool.

Nexus sighed. "I guess that solves one of Marcus' problems in finding a successor. Someone literally dove in."

Not long after, the three ladies arrived.

"What happened?" Eva asked.

"Where's Zoey?" Emily could guess who screamed a while ago, as the only other female here was Zoey.

Erika didn't say anything, she just silently watched the glowing poo at the back of the room.

Nexus looked at the three. He wryly smiled as he pointed at the deep red pool.

The ladies turned their heads.

"What did you do?" Eva scrunched her brows. She stared at Nexus who arrived here first.

"Woah! I'm as innocent as a lamb. I just got here too. When I arrived she dove into the pool. Well, actually she slipped into the pool." Nexus dryly chuckled.

His soul sense was out the whole time which was why he saw Zoey's foot neared the edge and slipped.

Nexus continued. "I called out but she didn't know it was me, I felt her fear rising so that's probably the reason why she went closer to the pool."

Eva sighed as she shook her head. "Zoey falling into the dragon pool could be considered a blessing. I just hope Marcus will feel the same."

Emily nodded. "Someone has to be the successor soon enough, and Zoey is an amazing choice."


Zoey held her breath as she opened her eyes, but to her surprise, she wasn't in the pool. 

The place she was in right now was dark, however, there was white light that shined in her direction. It seemed as if she was being spotlighted.

Her eyes darted around but everything else was pitch black.

She turned around and there she saw a throne, with a woman who sat on it.

Unlike the surrounding areas, the throne with the woman on it was illuminated.

She could clearly see the gorgeous woman staring at her.

"So Marcus chose you." The woman with blood-red hair and eyes spoke.

Zoey couldn't speak. No words would come out of her throat. She was scared, confused, terrified even.

"I don't have much time, let us start immediately with the trails." The woman stood up and clapped her hands once.

The place was no longer dark. There were trees and beautiful flowers on the ground, weird looking creatures perched up on trees, seemingly chirping.

'Where am I?' Zoey asked her flabbergasted self. 

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