Asura Conqueror

Chapter 113: Please Don't Let it be Pirates

"See nothing happened." Nexus who wore business attire said to the woman beside him.

Eva, who was wearing a pencil skirt, chuckled. "You should really stop that."

The two were in a car on their way to work. 

Marcus and the others, were, as always, at home.

"Now that we are complete, should we leave this place?" Nexus asked in a serious tone. He looked down towards the streets full of people.

Eva turned towards him. "You're not enjoying Estra?"

Nexus shook his head. "It's not that, I think that it would be better for us to find a quiet place and cultivate until we reach the needed rank, then we go up to the heavenly realm, after that we go up again and take our revenge."

"I don't think Marcus is finished with his business here." Eva knew about Zoey. Her memories of her have returned and Emily told her that she wants to bring Zoey with them and she also wants to know what happened to her.

Nexus nodded. He didn't really mind. As long as he's together with the people he's with right now. He doesn't want to be separated from them again.

"I'm sure that it won't be long before we actually leave this place." Eva was told by Marcus that he too wanted to go somewhere else. 

He told her that he wants to get a ship and travel space, and maybe even meet other races.

Nexus nodded. "Now that sounds like Marcus, always wanting an adventure."

Eva chuckled. "That is how he met Erika, maybe he's going to meet more this way."

"Emily and Erika might skin her alive." Nexus still remembered the time when the two ladies fought.

"They probably will, if he doesn't ask for their permission," Eva remembered how Marcus knelt in front of his own palace.


Later that night.

Zoey who was once again invited to the house met Erika. They talked for a few minutes before Erika went back in the Stone of Destruction.

Zoey turned to Emily who sat on a couch with her. "So she's also Marcus' wife?"

Emily nodded. "Is it weird?"

Zoey thought for a while. "I guess it's weird for us Estranians, but for someone from a kingdom, I guess it's normal."

She has read a lot of books about harems and how it's usually a prince or similar. She also read that harem members usually don't get along.

"Are you okay with Marcus having another wife? And is she also okay with it?" Zoey asked. What she saw a while ago was different from what she read. Emily and Erika seemed very close with each other, people might even mistake them for sisters. 

But then again, she also thought they were acting since they were in front of people and Marcus too.

"We both have no problems with it. Although I was mad at him at first for bringing Erika home without telling him." Emily chuckled.

"What if he gets another one?" Zoey asked.

Emily looked at her in the eyes. "We've already agreed on it with him. Erika and I have to accept the woman first."

Zoey was quite shocked by her answer. She didn't expect Emily to be this calm about Marcus adding members to his harem.

Marcus, who was talking with Nexus, walked towards the two ladies. 

"Congratulations on a successful collaboration." Marcus smiled at Zoey.

"Our companies are close, so it's only natural for it to go well." Zoey chuckled.

Marcus' company, 'Asura', already started distributing about a month ago. Asura only distributed it to the malls owned by Lopard, in return, Eva gets fifteen percent of his business.

After the first month, Leo had to triple the workers because of the massive list of orders they received from all over the country of Estra.

Marcus also gave the three families special drinks that would make their cultivation faster, but they would have no chance of reaching the middle stages of the Transformation Stage.

Marcus told them to build a secret army and let them take all of the medicine. The three families, of course, agreed. None of the leaders of the families wanted to take this type of medicine as they all dreamed of reaching higher the middle stages of the Transformation Stage.

Asura has also started distributing to neighboring planets which made the company expand once again.

'The Corner' has also seen a major change last week. You will now need a member's card to enter, renewed every four months. The price is not something normal people can afford making 'The Corner' somewhat exclusive for rich people. 

Of course, the interior was also upgraded. All the furniture now came from a first-rate country.

"Will you be staying for the night?" Marcus asked. He stood beside Emily who was sitting on the couch, her arms around his hips.

Zoey nodded. "Eva and Emily invited me to stay the night."

Marcus nodded. "Both Emily and Eva had been hard at work and cultivation these past two months, and I'm sure you've been too. It would be great if you girls could do something relaxing"

Emily and Eva cultivated their hearts out after the room with the glowing ball opened. Marcus thought that it would be great for them to unwind.

"Actually," Zoey turned to Emily. "We're planning on training with each other, but we will dive into the pool afterward."

Marcus chuckled and shook his head. "I guess that's fine too. I wouldn't want to be late for your second activity."

Marcus slowly walked away after kissing Emily on the forehead. He went up the stairs, proceeded to his room, and dove into the Stone of Destruction.

"Do you want to start?" Zoey asked.

"Mhm," Emily nodded. She was currently hiding her true cultivation.

"I'll go and change." Zoey walked towards where the comfort room was.


As the ladies were training, Nexus watching tv, and Marcus cultivating inside the Destrucstone together with Erika. The Strongwald family got busy.

Dozens of kilometers away from the boulevard of Estra. The

There were fifteen people standing in the air, illuminated by the moon's light. They floated on top of the calm blue waters of the sea.

One of which was Bong Strongwald. "Alright, the plan is simple. We rough them up and leave. No one, and I repeat, no one is to stay behind a second longer, no matter what you see. Understand?!"

The other fourteen people nodded their heads attentively. 

Five of these people were the ones Octopi sent, and the others were elite troops of the Strongwald family.

"Be swift and don't die. Go!" Senator Bong yelled as he dove into the water. He was then followed by everyone floating.

Not long after they dove in, ripples started appearing near the area where they entered. Soon, a column of water erupted from the sea, reaching a few meters up, it was then followed by another one, and then more followed after that. 

Whirlpools were then formed in some of the areas. 

Under the water, Senator Bong and the other Preparation Stage experts and late Commander Stage experts fired at the barrier in front of them.

All of them gave it their all, they threw their spells as if there was no tomorrow.

On the other side of the barrier, there seemed to be a city. Humanoid figures swam around as if they were in a panic. 

Senator Bong stopped firing. He sent a message through soul sense and hurriedly went back up to the surface.

The waters above raged as pillars of water erupted and tried to reach the sky. 

"Go!" Senator Bong roared. 

They all swiftly flew to safety. Not a single person tried to look back.


An hour or so before the events at the sea.

Emily blocks Eva's flying holy weapons with her glaives. She ran to the sides and blocked a few more attacks before throwing the weapons in her hand. 

Eva blocked it with her light barrier spell. The bright white-colored fire appeared around her hands, She then threw it towards Emily while constructing new light weapons.

Emily, who had just finished summoning the moon that floated a few meters on top of her, rolled backward. The lunar beam hit the light constructs, destroying them.

The fight ended in a stalemate and the two stopped fighting. Both were out of breath as they drank a tube of mana potion.

They have now reached Commander Stage making it okay for them to take mana potions and such to recover their lost mana. 

Zoey who watched everything was astounded by the level of the fight she just saw. 

'Are these two really from a third-rate country?' She just saw some moves that even she couldn't dodge.

She was also shocked by their magic. Both had just used magic that is for her, a higher tier than rare.

Zoey looked at Emily. "So you were going easy on me?"

Emily nodded. "Our fight wouldn't be any fun if I did any of that in our battle."

Zoey wryly smiled. "Looks like I still have a lot of things to learn."

'You just need to remember your memories and you're good to go.' Emily thought as the three changed into their swimsuits and jumped into the pool.

They swam while drinking wine that they placed on a tray that floated on the pool water.

Not long after, an announcement sounded throughout the city.

"Emergency. Everyone please evacuate the city as fast as you can. This is not a drill. Leave your homes and go to the west side of the city. I repeat, rush to the west side of the city. I repeat, rush to the west side of the city."

Nexus, who sat on the couch, looked up. "Please don't be pirates, please don't be pirates."

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