Asura Conqueror

Chapter 112: Octopi Sending Troops

Marcus and Erika arrived at the large room. 

Emily, Eva, and Nexus sat cross-legged around the glowing ball.

"This, this, the mana." Erika could feel that the mana inside was different from the outside. It was the quality of mana that she was used to feeling.

Marcus proceeded inside. "This is another surprise for you. Now you know why our cultivation is much, much higher than yours."

It was true, Erika had been wondering how they've already reached Commander Stage in this god-forsaken realm. She felt that it was impossible to reach Commander Stage at their currency age. 

However, she didn't ask, as she knew that Marcus would tell her sooner or later which he did.

"How about we cultivate first? You can thank Big Sis later." Marcus sat cross-legged close to Emily.

Erika nodded and sat close to him. 

She also wanted to cultivate under these conditions. She could already feel her mana reacting wildly to the place they were in right now.


In the Strongwald Estate, inside their meeting room.

The four leaders of the Strongwald family sat on one side of a rectangular white marble table. They faced the dark screen as they waited for it to light up.

"What's taking them so long?" Vid asked in an irritated tone. He was so close to making a breakthrough with his experiment, but he was called at the last minute by Merts and was told to go to the meeting room.

Merts Strongwald shook his head. "You don't have to be so impatient, it has only been fifteen minutes." 

He knew how Vid can be when it comes to activities such as this. Vid prefers to be left alone in his lab. 

He also knew that Vid didn't see anyone in the Strongwald as family. But, he didn't mind, as Vid is someone useful. As long as they give him enough resources for his experiments, he'll remain here.

"They didn't forget did they?" Senator Bong spoke. His brows furrowed. He already told the family about his son being responsible for the explosion, cleaning his hands in the process. 

Senator Bong had also been extremely obedient to Merts these past few months making Pald laugh at him in disdain.

"I don't think they are that irresponsible, like you." Pald chuckled and glanced at Senator Bong mockingly.

"You can provoke me all you want but I'm not in the mood to fight." Senator Bong calmly brushed off Pald's taunts.

Pald knew that this Senator had a hand in the explosion. He also suspected Senator Bong to have orchestrated what Kin did to Luten.

"You two can fight later after the meaning, but right now both of you have to be on your best behavior." Merts calmly spoke as he stared at the dark screen.

What Octopi is doing right now is on purpose and he knows that, so he remained calm.

"Vid I heard your experiment is doing great." Senator Bong initiated a conversation with Vid to grow closer with him. He and Vid were family but never friends. They hardly talk. To be fair, Vid hardly talks to any of them.

Vid raised his right hand, palms facing Bong. "Please don't try and make small talk with me." 

Pald chuckled. "Go lick someone else's ass!" 

Senator Bong glared at Pald. 

"We're sorry we're late." The screen lit up. This time it was not partitioned into three.

The screen showed three individuals sitting on throne-like chairs in a room. They glanced at each of the Strongwald family leaders.

A female voice sounded. "We were busy cleaning a few of the messes our troops made."

Zee, the one who just spoke, wore a white-colored dress that had a long slit that started from the top of her breast to her belly button.

Senator Bong's eyes stared at the woman on the screen. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva as his imagination started to run wild.

"It's fine, we also just arrived." Senator Bong spoke with a smile on his face.

"Shut up!" Pald glanced at the Senator and turned to the screen. "You people should show some respect and arrive when on time."

Miel scoffed. "We're not like you people who are always on your asses all day."

"It's best if you both don't talk to each other to avoid fights from breaking out." Paul calmly spoke.

He had heard of Pald being someone who loves to fight a hot-headed individual similar to Miel. He thought that these two should not be placed in the same room together during a discussion or else no topic will be covered.

"When do we start?" Merts have been patiently waiting these past two months. He didn't try to pester Octopi to speed up their operations as he knew it would be useless to do that.

"A few of our men will be arriving there in a few days." Paul had just finished checking all the things they had to do. In these past two months, they have taken over a few third-rate planets and a few lower second-rate planets. 

The ones leading the countries are the politicians under their control so there seemed to be nothing wrong on the surface. 

"In a few days?" Merts furrowed his brows.

"Be more specific!" Senator Bong loudly said.

Paul chuckled. "I alright, two days from now, I can send a few men so that we can start the first phase of the operation."

Merts nodded. "The first phase will be easy to do. Just send us at least five Preparation Stage experts. "

"We'll just send back five of the Preparation Stage experts that you sent us. You know you can also do this by yourselves right?" Miel laughed.

"Don't send those men back." Merts shook his head. "Send your own."

Paul smiled. "Miel here was only joking. Of course, we would send you our own Preparation Stage experts."

The Strongwald family had sent troops to aid the crusade of the Octopi. The Strongwald's were not at all stingy about the troops sent. Some of those were even geniuses by their own right. Geniuses but not so much. They were of course not stupid to send Octopi their true geniuses.

With the aid of the Strongwald's the Octopi was able to occupy planets a lot easier. But, they were not finished. They still have a few more that are left on their list before they can put their resources in Estra.

They knew that Estra wouldn't be easy to take over which is why they needed the Strongwald's help.

Without the Strongwald's, taking over Estra would just be a faraway dream. This is also why they didn't listen to Miel's warnings at the beginning. 

After a few minutes of discussion "We'll try to finish everything here as quickly as we can, hopefully before the first phase ends." 

Merts nodded. "It's also a good time to start our operation, as heavy rain started falling here in Estra recently."

The leaders spoke for a bit before the screen dimmed. 

Senator Bong turned to Merts. "Should we at least get more Preparation Stage from them?"

Merts shook his head. Massaging his temples, he spoke. "It's fine, unless there are multiple powerful monsters down there, we won't have any problems."

The three soon stood up. 

Vid, who had been silent the whole time, dashed out of the room to return to his lab.


Marcus, his two wives, Eva, and Nexus sat at the dining table, eating dinner.

"Thank you so much for the scepter, Big Sis." Erika slightly bowed her head.

"It's no big deal." Eva raised her right hand. "I had a bit of free time and Marcus told me a few months ago that he sent people to look for you, so I prepared this as a present."

Eva continued. "However, I couldn't do anything to the dresses. My knowledge of your magic is too shallow."

"The scepter is already enough." Erika smiled. 

Marcus who was silently eating turned to Nexus. "Has the Strongwald made any moves?"

Marcus tasked Nexus, who didn't really need to cultivate, to check the Strongwald's from time to time with the use of his soul sense. 

Nexus shook his head. "Aside from the leaders meeting frequently, there's nothing."

"Meeting frequently?" Marcus' brows scrunched. "Do you think they're planning something?"

"What's the worst they could do?" Nexus scoffed and continued to munch on the food on his plate.

Eva, who sat beside him, giggled. "Last time you said that, pirates invaded our ship."

Nexus turned to her. "That was coincidental. It's not like water pirates are going to invade this place tomorrow." 

Emily, who sat to the right of Marcus looked at Nexus. "I think they're just called pirates."

Nexus thought for a while before munching his food again. "Oh potato tomato.

They soon finished their dinner and went back to the room with the glowing ball in the center.

Erika, who had the lowest rank, was the most eager one to cultivate and catch up. She doesn't want to be a burden when the time comes.

Marcus also needed more spells which he could use for the future.

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