Are You Addicted?

v4 Chapter 7 - Live with me!

Throughout the afternoon, Yang Meng accompanied him, especially in the studio, and was tired of all kinds of cool moves. Yang Meng took the car specially allocated to him on the street under the pretext of going out to buy a pack of cigarettes.

Previously, when Yang Meng wore a large vest and pedaled his bicycle to the street, no one yelled at him. Now he changed his head and changed his car. No matter where he parked, the hot eyes gathered from all directions to him. Yang Meng had a sense of rush and excitement that became famous overnight.

After staying at the police station for a few years, Yang Meng stopped the car and walked inside with a big cigarette.

“Zhou Zi!”

Yang Meng happened to see Zhou Zi standing at the door with a drinking glass, and he shouted excitedly.

The water cup in Zhou Zi’s hand shook a bit, and looked at Yang Meng with his eyes narrowed for a while, and the eyes widened. When Yang Meng came to him, Zhou Zi recognized who it was.


This fierce blast blew out several people playing games in the room.

“Mengzi, where have you been this time?”

“Why didn’t you say hello before you left?”

“Yeah! We all miss you.”

“Brother, go in and sit for a while!”


Yang Meng erected his collar and waved a few waves in front of the people in front of him. “No, I just passed by, and came down to say hello to you. I still have something to do, let’s go and talk what!”

Sure enough, as soon as Yang Meng turned around, he was caught by a few warm hands.

“Meng, what have you been doing recently? Whose car is this?”

Yang Meng quietly raised a few hairs in front of his head. “My boss gave me a car.”

“Your boss?” Zhou Zi wandered around Yang Meng with curiosity. “Who do you follow?”

“Be a bodyguard for a little star.”

There was a laughter immediately at the door. Which starless star chose Yang Meng as a bodyguard?

Yang Mengxi smiled and explained, “I have a low academic background and I don’t have a strong social ability, so I can rely on this body to eat and dine, hey!”

Zhou Zi shook a few laps in front of Yang Meng’s new car, booing, “The bodyguards are all equipped with such a good car, which big-handed man did you follow? Why not recommend it to my brother? I can follow you!

Yang Meng was about to speak. The phone rang. When he looked at the particular number, Yang Meng sneered. “Look, you can’t work without me for a while. You can get out to buy a pack of cigarettes! I have to go first. “

Hitting his finger, he drove away and left envious eyes.

“I’m afraid he’s on the street. Why would anyone want to be better off!”

Yang Meng was driving on the road, and my heart was so happy! It’s been a long time since I felt envious of this kind of accomplishment. I used to live a sloppy life. I never valued name and profit, and had no pursuit. Now being covered with such a halo, Yang Meng suddenly found that the taste was not bad, and somehow he was struggling to prove that he was worthy of this treatment.

“Mengzi, this is the director of planning for our company.”

“Director Liu, this is Yang Meng that I told you.”

Yang Meng was taken aback by a particularly sudden referral, but quickly reacted and reached out to shake hands with Director Liu.

“In particular, I heard that you are very talented in planning. He recommends you to plan his meeting next week. I want to hear your thoughts.”

Yang Meng was completely stunned. What’s the meeting? I do not know! Raising his eyelids to see Director Liu’s expectant gaze, glancing sideways to see especially encouraging eyes, daring a lot of useless, boldly meaning that he is fully qualified for this job.

After Director Liu left, Yang Meng poked a special belly with his elbow.

“Have you got a **** in your head? I don’t know if it’s going to be a meeting, do you give me the job?”

In particular, it is quite optimistic, “Last time we made a hole in the cave, I saw that you have a talent for planning, and cultivate it. Maybe you can make a difference in this field!”

Yang Meng almost planted something. “Only the spoof thing can get on the table?”

“That’s not a spoof, it’s an eye-catcher. Anyone who gets on the table can do it, and it’s not easy to persuade what makes an eye-catcher. You can rest assured that somebody will give you a check on the scale, and you will shake your arms and fight Well, I’m bullish on you! “

Yang Meng looked around for a while, and finally showed a narrow smile.

“I found for the first time that you have such a vision.”

The two were teasing, shouting “Live together”, Yang Meng stretched a lazy waist.

“No activity at night, right?”


Yang Meng picked up the mineral water and murmured and sipped two sips, and patted his shoulder especially, “I’m going home!”

“Eh?” In particular, he dragged Yang Meng’s neck collar to bring him back. “Go home? Which home?”

“How many homes do I have?” Yang Meng blinked. “The home with father and mother.”

In particular, I pressed the eyebrow, a worried expression.

Yang Meng paused. “Rest assured, I will send you home, after all, I am your driver.”

“You are still my assistant.” With a slight cough, “I think you need to live with me. In the event of an emergency, someone is by my side.

Yang Meng took a deep breath, an expression of distress.

“I think so, Comrade You, although I earn your money, after all, I’m free, so let’s live together, I promise you will always be on call?”

“All right!” Especially reasonable.

Yang Meng sent him home, and the phone rang as soon as he opened the door downstairs.

“Come back!” Especially with a commanding tone.

Yang Meng twisted her eyebrows. “I said especially, are you deliberately tossing?”

“Don’t you say it’s on call?”

“I won’t do it!” Yang Meng akimbo.

Especially snorted, “You want to be my old fan-your dad knows where you are right now?”

Yang Meng grinds his teeth, scolds countless voices at one of the windows above, and walks back resentfully.

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