Are You Addicted?

v4 Chapter 6 - Have children?

During breakfast, Yang Mengchao asked in particular: “What arrangements are there today?”

“I give you 浲 N meaning 痢! Br />

“Give me the N-Jun apprentice, I ’m going to use the machine, I ’m going to cut it, and I ’m going to make it.

In particular, he said, “You are my bodyguard now, walking around with me every day, and your image is directly related to my face. In case one of the shots takes us both, I am bright and beautiful inside, You’re ragged next to you, how sad it is to watch! “

“Don’t!” Yang Meng slammed the bowl on the table, “You must not let me take a photo, my dad is your fan, he will pay attention to every thing you do. In case he sees, I just dressed up, and he still doesn’t know about my resignation. “

“Then you have better intentions to forgive you! It ’s okay for you to evade the turmoil, to judge, and to search for your own legs.

Yang Meng stuffed the snotted paper into a special soup bowl.

“No money!” Simply two words.

Especially understatement: “I can give you.”

“Don’t!” The reputed receipt.

The tone was especially firm, “This can’t be done by you! You work for me now, and your image is also part of my request. I will pay you to buy clothes, and you will have to pay me back those clothes!”

“Don’t use me if you suspect me!”

After that, I fell out!

Since Yang Meng was resigned, he has been in a bad mood. After walking a few steps outside, I found my clothes next to the trash can. I walked over and saw a lot of dirt on it. I saw that I vomited after drinking last night.

As soon as he was about to chase out, he heard the knock on the door and opened his eyes. Yang Meng stood frowning outside.

“That … Look at you, it’s pitiful, or I’ll go out with you!”

Yang Mengchi never visited such a high-end mall in his life. He saw that the legs of his prices were weak, and he kept putting on him. I have to say that when people rely on clothes to wear horses and saddles, they change their suits, and the temperament of the whole person is different. Yang Meng couldn’t help feeling that rich people were just fine. Looking at the wealthy merchants carrying Xiaoling Xiaosan and Junior 4 on their arms, Yang Meng was envious.

Out of the mall, Yang Meng was about to drive, and suddenly saw two familiar figures.

factor! … Yang Meng muttered involuntarily.

Especially following Yang Meng’s line of sight, I really saw Bai Luoyin and Gu Hai, and it was two months before they got married. The honeymoon was over, and it is not unusual to see them at this moment. The point is, why do you two push a stroller and one hold a child?

“Too fast?” Yang Meng’s eyes were straight.

Especially calm, “This is a adopted child?”

“Now in this society, where are you going to raise healthy children? It must have been raised before marriage. Look, there are children, but my wife-in-law is still there!” Yang Meng was so jealous that his bowel was broken.

Especially knocked him, “Don’t say hello?”

Yang Meng hesitated, “Forget it … wait until I have a formal job.”

Talking, quickly got into the car.

Especially don’t have a profound look at Bai Luoyin and Gu Hai, and follow the car.

“I said, when will your cousin pick up the child?” Bai Luoyin looked at Gu Hai impatiently.

Gu Hai was helpless. “Call her and always be busy.”

“Is she her own son?” Bai Luoyin said while patting the child’s back. “What on earth did she think? Bring such a small child to our two masters. Isn’t she afraid of something?”

“She wants us to get in touch with the kids more and see the cuteness of the kids. Maybe I want one later.”

Bai Luoyin sneered, “It’s enough for one day!”

Just after speaking, the child in his arms yelled, his arms waved wildly, and he scratched his face.

Gu Hai pointed at the tip of the child’s nose and threatened, “Don’t you dare to scratch him, I’m strangling, believe it or not? Little beast!”

Beloxin had a sour arm, so he put the child in a stroller. He didn’t want to just put it in. The child immediately burst into tears. Beloxin collapsed. Just cry as soon as you put it in the stroller! “

Gu Hai thought for a moment, and said quietly: “I feel it, it may feel different. You think! When I am doing you in bed, you are not very energetic, waiting for me to hold you to a writing desk, You’ll be right away … why can’t other children pursue it a little bit? “

Beloin’s face suddenly turned black.

Then, someone pushed the baby carriage in front of him frantically, and someone chased after him all the way.

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