Are You Addicted?

v4 Chapter 12 - Scourge followed

In the middle of the night, Bai Luoyin was wearing a small pair of pants and sitting in front of the computer.

A clear hooligan face appeared on the screen.

“Hey, what are you doing in underwear? Take off!” Gu Hai teased.

Bai Luoyin spit out smoke and looked at Gu Hai with a lazy gaze.

“Do not take off, get rid of civilization.”

Gu Hai smiled slyly, “Are you civilized and uncivilized?”

“Who told you to leave me alone?” Bai Luoyin corrected the computer and said to Gu Hai solemnly: “As soon as you left, I brought the little lover home. I played overnight last night, Bel Cool! “

“Really?” Gu Hai grinned. “How do you play? Tell me.”

“Go away!” Bai Luoyin twisted his cigarette butt. “Amused with you, do you really believe it?”

“I still believe it!” Gu Hai sank, angrily, and said to Bai Luoyin, “Where have you hidden the little lover?”

Bai Luoyin saw Gu Hai’s strength, and his heart was overwhelming.

“Where is the cupboard? I hid him in the cupboard!”

Gu Hai heard more and more evil, a mighty finger pointed, “Open the cabinet to me!”

Bai Luoyin sneered. “Don’t fight, what do you do if you turn on the excitement?”

“I’m looking for excitement today.”


Yang Meng rushed out of the elevator, seeing that the door was covert, flashed into the room, and a rush of heat rushed into the body. He felt that his heart, stomach and lungs were all warm. He walked into Beloin’s bedroom barefoot. He wanted to ask him to find a piece of clothing for him, only to find that Beloin was dressed up with him and was still in a video chat.

“I’m a mother! Why is the video still running?”

Little virgin Yang Meng Gu muttered, and flashed into the closet in a hurry.

Bai Luoyin was still flirting with Gu Hai ecstatically, but Gu Hai’s face suddenly changed.

“How did I see someone flash into our cabinet?”

Bai Luoyin snorted, “It has been …”

“What I said is true!” Gu Hai was anxious.

Ironically, Beloine said, “It’s kind of acting.”

“Who played with you? Open the cabinet for me.”

Bai Luoyin coughed twice, “But this is what you are looking for? When you see my little lover, you can be polite. What’s wrong is your … your … grass … … “

Bai Luoyin opened the cabinet, Yang Meng was picking clothes in it, and before he had time to put them on, he wore a pair of underwear to shrink into the cabinet. Seeing the cabinet open, Yang Meng was startled, and stared at Bai Luoyin.

“No … why are you here?”

Before Yang Meng spoke, Gu Hai spoke first.

“Beroin, if you’re a man, don’t run, I’ll be home tomorrow morning.”


Before the screen was black, a crackling noise hit the heart of Beloin.

“Fuck this time! Misunderstanding is big.” Bai Luoyin’s face was covered with haze.

Yang Meng scratched her head awkwardly, “Gu Hai should be able to tell that it’s me?”

“Look at an egg?” Bai Luoyin was annoyed. “How far is the camera from here! He can see nothing except you can see that you are not wearing clothes! Why do you say you come to me without advance?” Make a phone call? Even if you don’t call, you can’t dress up like this? You … “

Before he finished speaking, Yang Meng rushed to Bai Luoyin and wept.

“Factor! You have to decide for me!”

Bai Luoyin’s stagnation for a moment, he found a bit of kindness, patted Yang Meng’s back and said, “I have something to say slowly, hasn’t I especially confessed to you?”

“Don’t mention him!” Yang Meng slammed Bai Luoyin’s back a few times. “I’ve planted it in my life.”

Bai Luoyin saw Yang Meng hanging on his body, his legs were wrapped around his waist, the rounded petals were stuck in the lower abdomen, and both of them were wearing only underwear … this scene, even he himself They all want to go wrong.

“Calm down first, let’s talk slowly.”

When Yang Meng’s emotions stabilized, he understood the antecedents and consequences of the matter with Bai Luoyin, but Bai Luoyin looked completely indifferent. It gave you a good job and gave you another step down. “

“Okay?” Yang Meng gritted his teeth. “Are you willing to leave you alone?”

“If a friend is so good to me, I would be grateful even if he lied to me.” Beloin said it painlessly.

Yang Meng squinted him, “What if Gu Hai did this?”

Bai Luoyin narrowed his eyes narrowly, his eyes exuding a bit of chill.

“Then I cut him!”

Immediately after speaking, Gu Hai called on the phone, and Bai Luoyin returned to his senses. He also provoked the grandfather, and it is estimated that he will be the victim. So he hurriedly explained to Gu Hai in an upright manner. This explanation explained the half-board, which made Yang Meng’s eyes dark.

“That makes sense?” Yang Meng asked, yawning.

Beloin nodded. “Well, I finally got this grandpa done.”

“Go to bed first!”

Yang Meng patted the quilt, he just had a dream just now.

As soon as Beroin was about to get out of this bedroom, the doorbell rang. Yang Meng suddenly got up from the bed and grabbed Bai Luoyin’s arm.

“It must be especially, it must be especially, just say I’m not here, and absolutely can’t let him in !!”

Beloin approved a piece of clothing to open the door. Opening the door and seeing it was really special.

“Factor, is the fierce son here?”

Bai Luoyin’s casual expression, “Isn’t the fierce son with you all day?”

“Fill me less!” Especially fine, “You must be so neatly dressed so late, there must be someone in the family, let me in.”

Beloin was helpless. “He won’t let you in, or else he’ll feel better in two days. Will you come over again?”

As I was talking, the phone rang again, and Bai Luoyin was so upset! Didn’t it make sense? Why did you call again? As soon as the phone was answered, Beroin had not had time to speak, especially before speaking.

“Factor, just let me in, because I’m your old friend.”

“Who is your fellow?” Bai Luoyin angered at the phone.

In particular, I took the opportunity to say aloud to my mobile phone: “If you don’t let me in, I’ll dump out all those things that year. When you slept without clothes, you …

Bloyne would kick in especially.

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