Are You Addicted?

v4 Chapter 11 - It turned out to be so

After having dinner, Bai Luoyin said to Yang Meng, “If you don’t want to go back tonight, just stay with me.”

Yang Meng remembered the text message and said quickly: “No, I’ll go back and live, maybe I can pick it out with him while I’m drinking.”

“When you speak, pay attention to your tone. Don’t hurt your temper because of this. Maybe he is a rare person who treats you so nicely to you. Don’t always think about it.”

“I hope so!”

I parked at the entrance to the neighborhood of the special house. It was more than eight o’clock. The restaurant business was busy. Yang Meng was surprised when he saw the special car parked at the door of the restaurant, especially when he came to eat in such a place?

“You are so handsome, you see, I have no choice but to invite you for a meal. You chose such a small restaurant, and both of us were unhappy.”

Especially the slightly drunk eyes glanced at the opposite, and the corner of his mouth raised a vague smile.

“You two help me. I should have asked you to be so polite. I always refused to play like a big name. The restaurant is not upscale, it’s because of its characteristics. This Tianjin cuisine is good. I often come here to eat . “

The opposite man groaned. “How’s that little police officer doing to you?”

Mention Yang Meng, especially the rare tenderness appeared in the eyes.

“He! He’s stupid all day, and he’s doing fine.”

The woman also interjected, “You are so good to your buddies! If I knew him, I knew you had worked hard, just to make him moisturize, and I would have been touched.”

In particular, the fingers of the dining table stopped suddenly, and the eyes of the two people facing them also changed.

“You must not let him know.”

The woman also said, “In fact, I don’t think it’s okay. He knows that he will be moved!”

“I’m still saying that, just treat that as if it didn’t happen. It doesn’t matter in the future, and we rarely meet.”

The man tilted his wife and said, “Your elder ladies know that they are not touched. They are a man. They have strong self-esteem, can they have an idea with you?”

The woman glared, “Who do you call an old woman?”

“Good enough, I won’t tell you, I’ll go out and take a call first.”

Yang Meng stepped out of the car and just had to call in particular, and suddenly found a familiar figure coming out of the restaurant. Yang Meng couldn’t forget this product in his life. He had colluded with his daughter-in-law at first and tossed him out of the police station. He never even dared to return home. He was so stupid that he let you see you again!

The man finished the call and turned his head into the door.

Yang Meng also followed in.

The man went around the hall and headed for the box, Yang Meng followed calmly. Suddenly, the man stopped in front of a room, and it happened that he came out especially now. Yang Meng just wanted to say something special, but the man spoke first, and said something special.


Especially faintly replied, “Go to the bathroom.”

The man was rather embarrassed. “This broken restaurant doesn’t even have a separate toilet in the box.”

Seeing that he was walking towards this side in particular, Yang Meng hurried to the dark staircase entrance and stepped up two quarters. When especially came out of the bathroom and walked towards the box again, the man was still standing at the door and waited. The two walked in with a smile.

Yang Meng’s head exploded and his brain splashed all over the floor.

Instantly understand everything.

Yang Meng strode towards the box and kicked the door open. The man was pouring wine in particular, and the woman was smiling with joy, and the atmosphere inside was really harmonious.

Especially when I saw Yang Meng, he froze.

“You … why are you here?”

Yang Meng picked up a stool and hit him.

“Especially I care about your uncle! I’m not so sad that Yang Meng has to rely on you to spend so much time helping me. Do you know how hard my dad took the police station to get the job done? It’s a bad show! I have to kill you today, my grass! “

The two people next to me were particularly enthusiastic for the first time. They had a few contacts. They also paid attention to his news on weekdays. In the impression, they were very bad-tempered and often rude to reporters. Why was he held by such a weak chicken? After suffering so many times, I was not angry at all, and always laughed.

“Okay, you’re happy to fight, just hit me. After that, continue to work with me.”

The woman next to me couldn’t stand it anymore, complaining about Yang Meng while dissuading him, “You’re true, isn’t he doing it for you? What kind of profit can the police station make? Look, you’re following him now and the car is driving , The brand name is also put on. Everything is for you, you will not be happy in the end! “

“You two get out first!” Especially roared.

The man dragged the woman and hurriedly left the box.

Breathing heavily, Yang tore off the clothes one by one and put them on the body. He gritted his teeth and said, “All of you, all of you, I won’t drive the cars outside, so please take care of yourself!”

After that, shirtless shorts ran out of the restaurant.

November night in Beijing, it was already a cold wind, Yang Meng was wearing a pair of shorts to stop the car on the street, and taxis passed by him. No one was willing to pull him. Finally, a kind-hearted uncle invited Yang Meng to his rental motorcycle.

As soon as the motorcycle was started, air leaked everywhere, and Yang Meng touched it with his hand, only to find that the carport was covered with scotch tape, and the dim lights outside were faintly visible. Yang Meng was so impressed that he drove from driving a famous car and wearing a famous brand of small gold collar to his clothes without covering his body.

The old man in front spoke.

“Boy, got caught?”

Yang Meng’s bones were all painful. When he heard the words of the old man, his head became hot. Look down at your own look, and then look at the pedestrians wrapped in coats, hurrying, and two bitter tears slipped into their eyes.

“Be careful next time.”


“Where are you, boy?”

Yang Meng sucked his nose and turned his brain dullly. It seemed that he had no choice but to go to beloin. Who makes him happiest? Do not go to scourge scourge how imbalanced my heart!

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