Are You Addicted?

v2 Chapter 94 - Fly a helicopter

It was another sleepless night. In the early morning, Gu Weiting was about to wash, and a loud sound of footsteps came over.

You don’t have to turn your head, and you know who is coming.

I didn’t expect Gu Hai to be so sullen that he came here now.

“What did you say to Factor?”

Gu Weiting hated Gu Hai’s tone of questioning him face to face. Even though he was so old that he was paralyzed in bed, his son should not talk to him in this tone.

“Just tell him, I don’t agree with you two.” Gu Weiting’s tone was stiff.

Gu Haimu had a chill in his bones, “Why?”

“Reason?” Gu Weiting moistened his face and said lightly, “You asked him to give me a grandson, and I immediately accepted him.”

Gu Hai’s clenched fist shook uncontrollably. After a long stretch, he finally burst out.

“From tomorrow on, I will collect surrogacy mothers, and strive to create one hundred and eighty for you within one year! Then I will completely disappear from your eyelids and save you from seeing!”

For nine years, Gu Weiting thought that Gu Hai had passed the age of yelling at him, but he found that human maturity was not about age, but about events. The reason why he is calm and open-minded over the years is not because he is mature, but because he has not found the motivation to continue his extremes.

Once this momentum is in place, he will immediately tear off the hypocrisy mask and continue to fight with him, even at the expense of hurt, regardless of his father’s identity, regardless of his good intentions over the years.

After realizing this, Gu Weiting’s words were even more ruthless.

“Don’t worry, don’t say one hundred and eighty, just create one, I will not look at you again.

Gu Hai’s eyes showed deep despair, not because Gu Weiting didn’t understand, but because his son’s happiness was low in his father’s eyes.

“He gave up my youth for eight years, paid the price of losing his loved ones, and what did you give up for me? Forsake the woman you have lost for more than ten years? It took a period that made me sick. Marriage? If you think that you have given me a life and supporting me for more than ten years is selfless love, then I can give it back to you intensified. I also let you try to be ignored for more than ten years, throw a nanny, throw a The taste of stacking money! “

“In your eyes, I’m not a person with flesh and blood and a complete personality, just your personal belongings. When you are young and strong, you can give up your family for your dreams, but I can’t choose what I want Important career; you can leave your children out in order to marry a beautiful woman when you have a successful career, but I cannot be with someone I like … “

“In your eyes, it makes sense to do anything, and what I do is absurd.”

“To put it bluntly, you are morally abducting me under the guise of my father! You are using my father’s rights to do whatever I want! I have been beaten and scolded and I confess, who makes me your son? Who gives you the gift What about my life? “

“But what does Bai Luo owe you? Why did he run to the battlefield in order to stabilize your position? Why did he keep that honor in order to maintain your reputation? He is someone else’s kind! He didn’t I have eaten a bite from your Gu Weiting family! He hasn’t touched your Gu Weiting’s bit of light! If he wants me to gu Hai betray his relatives, he only needs one word, and I will immediately follow him! “

“Why is your heart so difficult to pry?”

After making these remarks, Gu Haitou left without returning, like a farewell ceremony, sad and desolate.

Gu Weiting’s heart suddenly opened a big gap.

He drove to the cemetery and presented a bunch of flowers respectfully to his ex-wife’s tombstone.

Flowers set off that young and tender cheek. After a long stare, the heart finally calmed down.

The hustle and bustle of the outside world is gone, all that remains are those fond memories of more than twenty years ago.

Gu Hai’s birth was an unexpected event. Gu Weiting remembers that when he first saw the child, he did not have a clear concept of father and son, but felt that the burden on his shoulders was heavy.

Unexpectedly, after more than 20 years, he has reached the point where he regards his son as his life.

“Am I doing something wrong?”

Gu Weiting asked quietly.

The heroine of Beroin landed slowly in the vast prairie of Tibet, and when he got out of the cabin, the air immediately changed. I came here again after a lapse of nine years. Time seemed to flow backwards, blue sky and clear water, and beautiful scenery, as if I had found the state of mind that I was not afraid of difficulties and wading mountains and rivers.

Looking around, there is a small village not far away, and the houses are sparsely scattered. The herders drove the sheep to dissipate in the smoke of smoke. Bai Luoyin picked up the water bottle and mumbled and sipped a few sips of water, and a strange voice suddenly heard near his ear.

Bai Luoyin turned his head and was startled. All sheep were behind him. A teenager with a rough face stood in the sheep and looked at him timidly.

Beloin thought he was blocking the sheep, and he took a few steps to the side. As a result, the boy approached him, and the sheep swarmed up in groups.

“Are you okay?” Beloin spoke first.

The boy smiled shyly, pointed at the helicopter next to him, and asked with a clear voice, “Is that yours?”

Beloin nodded.

“Wow!” The boy’s face showed simple admiration and envy.

Beloin smiled, “Do you want to go up and sit?”

The boy nodded violently.

“Come with me!”

As a result, when he arrived at the door of the cabin, the boy was stunned, and his face was cautious. Maybe it was found that the plane was much larger than he thought, maybe he was worried that the plane would fall, anyway he was scared.

“It’s okay, very stable.” Bai Luoying patted the teenager’s shoulder.

Encouraged by Beroin, the boy finally climbed the aircraft on a stump and sat in the co-pilot seat, looking nervous. Beroin started the aircraft skillfully, and the fuselage vibrated for a while, then began to rise slowly.


After flying less than five meters high, the teenager began to roar, and it lasted for more than twenty seconds, and the ears of white **** were numb. It is indeed a baby born on the plateau, with a bright voice and a large lung capacity.

Gradually, the boy stopped shouting and lay down in front of the window, looking down curiously, his flock had become a point.

“Aren’t you afraid that your sheep will be stolen by others?” Asked Bai Luoyin.

The teenager shook his head. “No one can steal, only a wolf can steal.”

After flying for a while, Bai Luoyin slowly landed the plane. The teenager apparently hadn’t sat enough. He didn’t want to go out in the cabin.

“Otherwise I’ll send you the plane,” said Beloin.

The teenager was startled, “Send me?”

“Well.” Beloin was serious. “I’ll send the plane to you. How about you give me the sheep?”

Unexpectedly, such a cheap deal, the teenager shook his head without thinking.

“No change.”

Beloin wondered, “Why? My plane is more valuable than your sheep. You can sell it. It is enough for you to buy thousands of sheep.”

The teenager still shook his head, “Can’t sell.”

Bai Luoyin laughed aloud, “You are honest.”

“I don’t have ducks,” said the teenager.

Beloine laughed again, and his ribs were almost folded.

The young man laughed, and exaggerated Bai Luoyin, “You look so beautiful.”

“Go!” Beloin put his hand on the teenager’s shoulder. “Let’s go and get the sheep.”

No one could have imagined that Beloin drove a sheep on a prairie helicopter.

The helicopter was flying at a low altitude, and the flock was running in front of him. The teenager’s applause sounded like an irritable hymn, which made Bai Luoyin help to follow.

In the evening, Bai Luoyin followed the teenager to the local herder’s house.

The conditions are very difficult, and it is difficult to swallow food. Fortunately, for many years, white **** has been camped out, and any harsh environment can quickly adapt.

Before going to bed at night, Beloin put his arm under his head and turned to look at the teenager next to him.

“What are you going to do tomorrow?”

The excitement that could not be concealed in the boy’s tone, “Flock the sheep! Take the plane! Hehe …”

Beloin was curious, “What do you do every day?”

“Flock the sheep!” The boy said without thinking.

“Apart from herding sheep?”

The teenager thought about it, “Eat, sleep, go to the toilet.”

Didn’t say … Beroin asked again, “Don’t you go to school?”

Speaking of this, the teenager seemed very proud.

“My dad said that only children who ca n’t keep sheep well go to school. I have never been to school.”

Bai Luoyin at first expressed a considerable incomprehension to this concept, but then suddenly realized that this is the wise man! Rather than letting the child go outside to withstand the wind and rain, it is left to be eroded by the society, but it is better to walk between heaven and earth from the beginning, and live pure and happy forever.

The next day, Belorin drove the sheep again to fly the sheep, and the release lasted for three days.

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