Are You Addicted?

v2 Chapter 93 - Take a break

“No target was found.”

After more than two hours of satellite navigation and positioning, the commander’s officer fell on the seat like a pool of mud, and his eyes were infected with a plague, and his eyes were not flexible.

Gu Hai’s heart fell into the abyss instantly.

Liu Chong stood beside him with an anxious expression. “How can I not find the target? Did he fly to the Bermuda Delta?”

The next second, the collar was lifted.

“No more bullshit, believe it or not, I’ll let you be assigned there now?”

“Don’t introduce it!” Liu Chong took it seriously, “I don’t want to be taken away by aliens.”

Gu Haiyin dragged Liu Chong out of his face, “Go, fly with me and look for it.”

So, Gu Hai, riding a helicopter driven by Liu Chong, began to look for the shadow of white **** in the vast night sky.

On the way, Liu Chong couldn’t help but glanced at Gu Hai and asked, “Why didn’t the head Bai leave and say hello?”

Gu Haiyin answered with a face, “What’s up with you?”

“I don’t know if you say it.” Liu Chong’s expression was clear on his chest.

Gu Hai slanted him, “What do you know?”

“You must have done something sorry for the leader Bai, and it turned out to be found.”

“You still have to fly a plane!” Gu Hai was very upset. “Things that really matter to you are really not for you.”

“My head is a bit slow, but I can see that Chief Bai likes you very much. Since he joined the army, I rarely see him laugh, but in the six months after you come, he smiles at us from time to time. I I feel that Chairman Bai is a very persistent person and will not easily like a person. Once he likes it, it is difficult to shake it. “

Although Liu Chong’s remarks are simple, they are Gu Hai’s key points.

After being silent for a while, seeing Gu Hai did not refute his words, Liu Chong continued: “So I don’t think you need to go to him with great care. Since he has decided to be with you, he will definitely come back to you. “

Gu Hai understands this, too. He didn’t think he would get anything wrong when he asked for heroin. He wanted to comfort him as soon as possible. He didn’t want to make Bai Luoyin always sad when he was sad. As long as he thought that Bai Luoyin was hiding somewhere in a lonely and lonely place, Gu Hai felt so distressed.

The search was unsuccessful overnight, and in the early morning, Gu Hai returned to the army.

It was true that Bai Luoyin did not return. It was only after Zhou Lingyun’s inquiry that Bai Luoyin and him had taken three days off.

Three days … Where can he go?

Since he was blacked by Bai Luoyin and Gu Hai for the last time, Gu Yang has suffered a lot of vitality. After working hard for several months, he finally returned to the level before the injury. In the past few days, Gu Yang is thinking about where to take a vacation. , Take good care of your body.

As soon as the coffee was brewed, the phone rang.


Gu Yang clipped the phone to her ear and filtered the coffee grounds.

It took a long time to say, “Is the factor with you?”

Gu Yang heard Gu Hai’s voice, and the action immediately paused, picking up the phone and walking to the balcony.

“You just asked if Beroin was with me?” Gu Yang confirmed.

Gu Haimu said.

“What? He’s not going to pass you? Run away from home?”

“Toot …”

The moment Gu Yang put down his mobile phone was quite uncomfortable. The first time someone hung up in front of him.

Go back and pour the filtered coffee into the cup, and touch it with a sip, and it tastes richer than usual.

In the afternoon, Gu Yang arrived in Beijing by plane.

Pushing open the door of Gu Hai’s office, there was nothing wrong, and he sat opposite him impartially. Regarding Gu Yang’s visit, she was surprised at first, and soon returned to her normal expression.

“I haven’t seen you in a long time.” Zhe waved his hands handsomely.

Gu Yang’s cold eyes glanced at him, and the corners of his eyes were taunting.

“Gu Hai treats you well! It’s only been a few days before you put on an anti-passionate attitude?”

He looked arrogantly, “Average, better than you.”

Gu Yang sat down, put his hands on the rut shoulders, and looked at him intently. After a long time, a hint of unknown smile appeared.

“The better you are here, the happier I am.” This is Gu Yang’s sincere words.

She smiled indifferently, then asked Gu Yang, “Bai Luoyin is missing, do you know?”

“Know, I’m here for this.”

“Then you don’t hurry to find it? Maybe you found it, it’s yours.”

Gu Yang’s fingers slipped on Zhu Jun’s face, “Don’t tell me, this is the opportunity you created for me? I’m easily moved …”

“You think too much.” It’s cold-chuckling-holding Gu Yang’s wrist with a smile. “The opportunity was given by your uncle. You still take two boxes of melatonin to see your uncle! I think your uncle’s recent pressure It’s also very big. Sometimes I admire Beroin very much, and it’s really courageous to pick you up and take care of your family. “

Gu Yang’s eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes wandering along with the wrong expression.

“My uncle found out the truth?”

She sighed, “When the old man heard that they were going to get married, he immediately blew his hair.”

Not to mention Gu Weiting, that is, Gu Yang was blown up when he heard these two words.

“Married? Who will marry?”

She grinned, “I said I married him, do you believe it?”

Gu Yang’s heart had just boiled, and all of a sudden it was cold. He thought that Bai Luoyin had left because of a rut. No matter what, the boy really came to this soy sauce. What’s more exciting for Gu Yang is the word “marry” in the tone of an outsider.

It’s only three months for Nima! Didn’t show up for three months, and developed to the point of getting married?

Just thinking, Yan Damei pushed in the door.

Gu Yang glanced at her, the latter was about to speak, and after a closer look, it was not Gu Hai, so she swallowed the words next to her mouth.

“You show me!” Yan Yajing pulled the rut hard.

He replied enthusiastically, “Humour!”

“What the **** is I? You come out, come out …”

The trance was really dragged out by Yan Yajing.

Gu Yang actually smelled a bit of flirtatiousness from their confrontation. What’s the name of Nima? I ca n’t bear to put you here because I want you to be a rival, not to help you destroy them! !! !!

The helicopter driven by Beroin drove all the way south, but he unknowingly drove to Hong Kong.

If Gu Yang could get the news in advance, maybe Bai Luoyin’s helicopter had been intercepted. Unfortunately, the fool did not estimate this, and went to see the joke.

In the end, the joke was not regarded as a missed opportunity.

Beloin drove so aimlessly and unconsciously. He cut off all communication signals between the plane and the ground. Since he decided, he had no intention of letting others find him.

Suddenly I wanted to indulge, and realized how ecstatic the taste of selfishness was.

For nine years, he needs to find a station to rest.

Find a place, don’t think about those so-called responsibilities, don’t worry about penalties for disciplinary violations, you can play unscrupulously, no longer worry about having a pair of eyes staring at yourself in the dark …

How did he change from a frivolous boy who did not fear anyone’s eyes to a veteran who bears heavy burdens? How did he change from a wandering gifted man of thin money to a mediocre person who pursued fame and fortune? How did he change from a filial piety first to a betrayal of betrayal? …

All this change is just to defend a relationship.

Bai Luoyin searched for the way to rescue Gu Hai at first, and flew all the way south. Finally, he drove to the open space where he landed. The little donkey was still lying there. I didn’t know how many people had been kicked and trampled on. He was already covered in mud. Bai Luoyin picked up the little donkey and patted the soil on it, faintly showing the original style.

Beloin picked up his son again.

Set off again, this time, all the way west.

The family has been boiling for a long time. Everyone is looking for Beroin, the army leaders are looking, the soldiers are looking, the Beroin family is looking, and Gu Hai’s family is looking …

Gu Weiting has never slept in a sense of stability since Bai Luoyin’s departure, and every night he closes his eyes, it is Bai Luoyin’s desperate face. At first he would suggest that Beroin was doing this to force him into submission, just to make him end up as a thousand men pointed out. But then, this idea became more and more untenable, and he began to worry strongly about white heroin.

He remembered that five years ago, Beloin went to the army to see him, and stood in front of him and whispered.

“Uncle, can you let me stay in the tunnel for a while? Just a moment.”

On the night of that day, Gu Weiting’s ears always cried whiningly during the day.

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