Apocalyptic Black Technology System

v4 Chapter 121 - alliance

   Chapter 121: The League

   Faced with this sudden invitation, Su Ran was not too surprised.

   He only silently looked at the existence in front of him with the appearance of human beings, as if thinking.

   Opposite him, “Madrid” is also silent, he is waiting for Su Ran to give an answer.

The starry sky around    seems to be a real starry sky world.

   Looking up is the Milky Way, and looking down is also the Milky Way. When you stand in space, you will find that the so-called magnificent space only looks magnificent and magnificent when viewed from a distance.

  Su Ran didn’t let the other party wait for too long, he slowly responded: “From the current situation, I don’t seem to have the opportunity to refuse.

   “The choice is always in your hands.”

“Madrid” smiled and said: “We don’t have any threats. Our enemies are only Gao Wei and their eagles. You are not, neither human nor we will not fire at you. If you reject us today, we can only deal with it. Express regret; if you promise us, then our entire Black Star civilization will be honored.”

  Su Ran was silent.

The “person” standing in front of him seems to be quite sincere. After these words, there are no traps, no inducements, and no obvious hostility. It seems that it is really a generous civilization, inviting others to join them, and they Work together to win a bigger future.

   For a long time, Su Ran asked: “What makes you feel honored? Is it because I am the heir?”

  Su Ran didn’t know what heir meant, but he asked so.

Madrid does not seem to be aware of the small trap in Su Ran’s remarks. Without thinking for a long time, he still responded with a smile: “It can be said that with the strength of the current human civilization, it is impossible for us to send out invitations, just like As I said, we are peace-loving people, but in the same way, we are also a starry sky civilization. We will not do meaningless things.

   “Humans were once the most splendid existence in this starry sky, but then gradually declined under various changes.

   “From the galactic overlord to the wandering fleet, when we came to the galaxy, we even thought there would be no humans here.

   “But Gao Wei is still affecting this starry sky.

   “And human beings still exist.

   “So, you are right.

   “Heir. We saw your power. So we want to draw you into our camp.”

   “Maybe in the past, we did not have that qualification, but now, maybe you will need a strong ally.”

   Su Ran’s heart shook slightly.

   Galaxy Overlord… Wandering Fleet…

   has today’s successor.


   That small piece of wristwatch that supported him and the entire human race on earth to today.

   Sure enough.

   There are no golden fingers.

   It was not a gift from the omnipotent and omnipotent God in the universe, but from human beings themselves.

   So how did it get into his own hands?

  Su Ran did not know that there may be many, many coincidences that eventually led him to become the lucky one, but this is not only lucky, but also extremely heavy responsibility.

No civilization can go on with an individual. He really wants to go far. What he needs is the help of the entire human civilization. Even if the technology and technology are readily available, it still needs the help of countless people and the succession. Turning these technologies into true strong civilizations, flashing in the forest of stars.

   Now, this is not important anymore.

   Because Su Ran has come here.

   Su Ran raised his head and noticed that the opposite Madrid was only looking at him with a smile on his face. It was not like a virtual character, but as if he were a living person.

  Su Ran said: “I need time.”

“There will be time,” Madrid said slowly. “The Proximity civilization has been destroyed. The other forces behind them are not looking here. Except for me, I think no one has found an heir here. We will help you stop them. The flames of war have been ignited in every corner of Orion, but please believe that the solar system is still outside the battlefield.

   “Therefore, you will have a lot of time.

   “We, here to give you a guarantee.”

  Su Ran stared at him for a while, then smiled and said, “Well, we are willing to join your alliance.”

   Su Ran knows that when he accepts asylum now, there will be a future in the future, and they will in turn fight for the protection of other civilizations.

   But now humans need time.

  As long as there is time, everything will become possible.

   Therefore, in Su Ran’s view, this transaction is quite cost-effective.

And Madrid also smiled. He looked at Su Ran in front of him and said slowly: “Next, we will all retreat, creating the illusion that this place has been completely destroyed by us. In a short time, no one will find you. The people who found you are far away from here.

   “Hopefully, in the future, we can be active on the same battlefield.”

  Su Ran said: “I hope so.”

   Madrid bowed slightly.

   Immediately, his figure faded away, disappeared in front of Su Ran like a cloud of smoke, and then, with his disappearance, the surrounding environment, the starry sky gradually faded.

Su Ran opened his eyes and found that he was still sitting on the Captain’s Seat of the Homeland. Everything just now was like a dream. Li Yilan looked at him worriedly~www.mtlnovel.com~Obviously, the Black Star civilization has just isolated him Communicate with the outside world.

  Su Ran smiled at her, and Li Yilan settled down.

   Then, she said nervously, “His Commander, the spaceship of Black Star Civilization flew away!”

   With the end of the dialogue with Su Ran, the black sphere immediately turned into a black lightning, blinking and disappearing into deep space.

  Su Ran looked at this scene and blinked slightly.

   It seems that the Black Star civilization is by far the most friendly.

   However, Su Ran did not know how much of what the other party said was true and false, and whether he had other goals in mind.

   However, their commitment should be true, and the opportunity has really arrived.

  Humans will gain time.

   “Don’t worry about them.”

   Facing the people who seemed nervous on the bridge, Su Ran only smiled slightly, stood up in everyone’s somewhat blank eyes, and turned his head to look at the starry sky.

  The Xinjing Fleet suffered heavy losses, but there are still more than twenty warships standing here, traversing the starry sky, and the dark navy armor flashing silently. Although broken, it will be a new life in destruction.

   The dispute over the earth is over.

The end of    is also closed by today.

   The next chapter will be the next chapter.

   And that chapter is about the sea of ​​stars.

  Su Ran raised his arm.

   “The Xinjing Fleet.

   “Return to ——

   “Let’s go home!”





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