Apocalyptic Black Technology System

v4 Chapter 120 - invite

Chapter 120—Invitation

This is an empty space.

The nearest star is a little glimmer of light at the end of the starry sky in sight, only the light of battleships and explosions illuminates here.

And here, a lot of “space junk” is floating in space.

Those are the wreckage of two star-class battleships next to each other, slowly flying in space according to inertia, and the glory of the past is no longer in gloom.

On the other hand, the battle group of the Xinjing Fleet, led by the Rangers, has almost no losses.

This scene greatly exceeded Su Ran’s expectations.

Who destroyed the neighboring star-class battleship?

In this case, why is the message interrupted?

And Su Ran soon got the answer.

As the homeland jumped over and the communication reconnected, Lin Yuandong’s news almost found that the black unknown metal sphere arrived at the homeland at the same time.

Black Star civilization.

Su Ran’s face changed slightly, but he calmed down immediately.

This is nothing.

He had received relevant news before, and from the current situation, the situation should not have developed in the worst direction. After all, as soon as the Black Star civilization appeared, it was the two Star-class battleships next to the Star that destroyed it first. There was no attack on humans and the Beijing fleet.

Of course, there are reasons why the Black Star civilization itself is a hostile camp with the Proximity Star civilization, but Su Ran also looked at the battlefield record that Lin Yuandong sent him just now. This Black Star civilization spacecraft destroyed two Proximity Star-class warships. The picture, therefore, Su Ran is also very clear, as long as they want to destroy the Xinjing fleet is just a few blinks.

Not attacking means other possibilities.

Such as peace.

Su Ran took a deep breath.

Black Star Civilization did not let him wait too long, the message came from the front.

[We hope to talk to your leaders. 】

This is similar to the information that Lin Yuandong had received before.

Su Ran responded on the bridge of his homeland: “I am Su Ran, the commander-in-chief of the human Beijing fleet.”

Accompanying this response.

About one second later, Li Yilan said: “Our system has been compromised, Your Commander…”

“You don’t need to intercept, and you may not be able to intercept.” Su Ran shook his head gently.

Li Yilan bit her lip and no longer spoke.

Then, Su Ran noticed that a slight light flash began to appear on the virtual screen in front of him. In his positive direction, all kinds of optical instruments and equipment that were originally used for battlefield imaging began to operate on their own, emitting light and outline the environment. .

Su Ran watched everything disappearing around her.

The bridge and captain seats disappeared.

The surroundings became dark and deep stars.

And he is standing in the starry sky.

He looked up and saw the stars at the far end of the starry sky, the bright galaxy gleaming, but the surroundings were empty and quiet, as if returning to the true nature of the starry sky.

At this moment, Su Ran suddenly turned his head consciously.

A figure was slowly coming from behind him.

Su Ran looked at each other curiously.

He knew that person, who was a white star before the end of the world, who often played the role of prophet, god, leader.

“Madrid Juul?”

Su Ran read the name in his memory. He realized that it was a human projection made by Black Star Civilization, just like the life of spores chose Liu Tingting. Black Star Civilization also tried to choose an image that made people feel close and convincing. .

“Madrid” slowly smiled, and his old face and wrinkles gave him a lingering sense of birth: “I’m sorry, because we don’t have the substance, so we can only talk to you in this way.



Su Ran noticed this title, he remembered that he had already reported his name, and the other party still answered in this way, which obviously had more meaning in this name.

Su Ran shook his head slightly and said, “What do you want to do?”

“We are not malicious.” Madrid spoke slowly. “If you have been in contact with the swarm, you may have known us. Translated in human language, our name is Black Star.

“Black Star Civilization.”

Su Ran nodded slightly: “We did hear your name, but we can’t learn more from the only words in the insect record.”

Madrid smiled softly and said: “I think so too. We come from outside the galaxy and are a civilization born in Andromeda. We are not a superior in the biological field, but we have come a long way in the field of materials and material science and technology. “


It is far away from the solar system.

There are more than two hundred light-years from Earth, but it is also the largest galaxy closest to the Milky Way.

“Then why do you come here? Not far from endless light years, to a strange galaxy?”

“Because in Andromeda, we can’t survive anymore.” Madrid shook his head gently. “Gao Wei is blocking the way of civilization towards them. We used to be very close to that field, but we were defeated, just like the human fleet, we heard A long time ago, in the galaxy of the galaxy, the galactic overlord fell, and the lock of the high dimension was broken. This is probably the closest place we can reach. So we fled to the galaxy, we are For home and peace ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ We have established a new civilization group and hope to find a place of tranquility here.”

Su Ran frowned slightly.

What is the battle of the galaxy? Who is the Galactic Overlord? These are things that spore life has not mentioned, do they not know, or do they not say?

And the once human fleet…

Su Ran was silent for a while before saying: “But in my opinion, you have provoked another dispute.”

Madrid nodded gently: “This is something we didn’t expect. This piece of starry sky is still hiding high dimensions. They gathered new and rising slaves of ignorance civilization. They launched attacks on other civilizations, which left countless lives trapped in the water. Including the earth.

“Sorry, we never wanted to drag anyone into the battle group, including you.”

“What has happened, it is no longer important.” Su Ran said, “I accept your apology.

“So, tell me about your purpose. I think you should show up to help us. It should be more than just saying sorry to me, right?”

“No. Of course not.” Madrid smiled and said, “We are also a starry civilization, not so noble and great. We shot today, not only want to see the demise of the neighboring star civilization, but also do not want to see you lose too much.

“And our real thought is that we hope to invite you to join our alliance.

“Join our camp.”

This book is about to be completed, and the new book “I Can Magically Change Black Technology” has been uploaded. The new story is still the theme of eschatological black technology. I also hope that the brothers can come to the starting point to support, collect, vote, and thank you for herbal tea!

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