Apocalyptic Black Technology System

v4 Chapter 110 - Belated information

Chapter 110 Late Information

Two laser beams are becoming bright in space.

It was like two beams of light, gliding in space, but in fact, it was a continuous beam of particles composed of high-speed particles.

With the coaxial rotation of Proxima Planetary Fortress and the rotation of its gun body, the two particle beam rays cut the battlefield like two huge laser knives that span thousands of kilometers across the battlefield.

A Yuncheng-class battleship was hit, and the shield was violently rubbed against it. In the stalemate more than twenty seconds later, it was immediately penetrated and torn, passing by in the middle.

The two-kilometer-scale Yuncheng-class battleship was torn on the spot and then exploded in space.

Fortunately, before this, Su Ran had ordered the center to disperse the entire Xinjing Fleet, which made Proximity’s attack failed to destroy the spaceship of the Xinjing Fleet like grass.

But the spore life activated warship is not so lucky.

Its speed is not fast. After many regenerations, the twisted hull is not so much a battleship, it is a huge space flesh. Whether it is maneuverable or aggressive, it is far inferior to the regular spaceship of the Beijing fleet.

Therefore, facing this “knife”.

There is almost no way to activate spore life.

But cutting also requires a process.

In the homeland, Su Ran witnessed this process with his own eyes.

The particle beam of light is like a blunt knife chopped into rotten meat, cutting down the center of the spore life activated warship, and the spore life living warship responded quickly, filled with a lot of material, trying to fight against it, consume, But this “laser scalpel” was only blocked to a certain extent, but it was still stable and powerful, and it could be cut down a little bit unstoppably.

Proximity’s weapon system is backed by the entire planetary fortress, energy and competition losses, neither the Beijing fleet nor the spore life, no one can compete with each other on this point.

Therefore, in only eleven seconds, the huge spore life flesh was torn apart.

It looks like a piece of beef is cut in half.

The directional continuous output beam of particles beamed slightly in mid-air, and immediately dimmed completely.

But amazingly, after the living spore life ship was cut, the two parts became more spherical, and huge tentacles grew out, flapping and dancing in mid-air, and their original slow speed was instead increased. , Speeding up towards the planetary fortress centered on Proximity Star civilization!

The two “laser scalpel” attacks have ended, and the duration of more than ten seconds is already quite long for them. The ultimate goal of this “laser scalpel” is actually the spore life activated warship, but this The result of the scene seemed to exceed the expectations of the Proximity Star civilization. A large number of heavy artillery turned the muzzle, intensively shot to this side, and bombarded in space. It seemed that it was about to destroy these two undead things in space.

Su Ran readjusted the Xinjing Fleet for the first time and launched another attack from the front to Proximity Star Civilization.

The Yang electron gun recharged and fired.

In space, the spore life’s activated warship galloped all the way, its speed accelerated, and it rushed all the way to the neighboring planetary fortress.

The Xinjing Fleet is re-arranging, and the artillery is firing in unison, firing on the entire line of Proxima Planetary Fortress.

At the same time, Su Ran was looking up in the slight light.

The spore life activated warship is facing the endless particle heavy artillery of Proximity Planetary Fortress in space, crashing into the shield of Proximity Planetary Fortress at high speed.

At the same moment.


Deep in the Pacific.

The howling who broke the water was slowly stopping in front of a huge deep water facility.

That was the huge “eggshell” left by the swarm when it landed on the earth, but it was almost never used later.

Proximity’s dodecahedron-shaped conical spacecraft also bombed here, and the overall structure of this “egg shell” has also been damaged in many places.

Looking at the bottom of the sea, this is like a huge remains of a wreckage of ancient civilization.

However, it can still be used.

After being attacked by Proximity Star here, Meng Yibai has been repairing it through small warfare bugs and even cell-level warfare bugs inside the swarm, and at that time, the key target of Proximity Star Fleet was not here. , Especially after they killed the princes of the swarm in an all-round way, Meng Yibai did not use it again, but instead achieved a stop loss effect to some extent.

Until today Meng Yibai came here.

The advantages of the swarm’s biological system are reflected in such a life planet, as long as there are enough resources, they can be repaired without much effort, and they can complete part of the repair in a silent way.

However, there are still non-living traces in the technology of the swarm, so the degree of repair will not be too strong, and it is not the same as the spore life spaceship that is advancing on the space battlefield at the moment.

With the arrival of Meng Yibai, this huge “eggshell” buried deep in the deep sea is recovering like a waking monster.

On its structure, the subtle light illuminates layer by layer.

Deep in the dark ocean, a band of light appeared to illuminate most of this huge structure.

Meng Yibai is here to start and prepare to repair it.

The battle situation has not been completely clear, and no matter what the outcome of the battle situation is, the strength in your hand is the strength.

In this battle, Meng Yibai has grown a lot and learned a lot, and all she can do is to gather insects and strengthen their power.

This can not only protect the swarm itself, but also protect humans.

In the future war bugs, Meng Yibai hopes that he can also stand among them and become the help of human beings and the Xinjing fleet.

Meng Yibai walked in the sea like a swimming fish, UU reads www.uukanshu.com to enter this huge “egg shell”, there are a lot of fluorescent microorganisms floating around slowly, like a wizard Cruising beside Meng Yibai, shaking and swaying her clustered toward the depths.

These are the tiny units of the swarm, they feel the arrival of the queen of the swarm, spontaneous, pilgrimage-like gathering, lingering around him, more and more, more and more, and spontaneously shine , Leaping and cheering.

This makes Meng Yibai in it like a fairy walking in the ocean.

She is heading towards the deepest main control area. Tentacle-like pipes were cruising from the side. She slowly reached out and held the pipes with her arms. Then, each other lit up.

Information is interacting.

She took these pipes and went deeper.

But at a certain moment, she suddenly stopped.

Because during this idle time, this “eggshell” received a message from deep space!

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