Apocalyptic Black Technology System

v4 Chapter 109 - "Laser Scalpel"

   Chapter 109 “Laser Scalpel”

   It was a scene.

  In the sky, a group of migratory locusts gathered together as a circling black tide, and in the ocean, a torrent of water surged to surround the worm nest under the Atlantic Ocean in public.

   And in other parts of the world, there are still a large number of war bugs gathering here.

However, it is now different from the previous time when the swarms occupied the world. The number of swarms has been reduced after the continuous wars and the directional sweeping of Proxima, especially the ground and air warfare. To an outrageous point.

  Under the deep sea, there are still a lot of war bugs lurking in the ocean. Now the group is responding to the call of the queen of swarms.

  Meng Yibai stood on the top of the worm nest in the deep sea, watching the thousands of war insects coming together, and also felt emotion.

   The arrival of Proxima Star may be a good thing for her.

  Because the Proximity Star civilization helped her in a certain sense to exhaust the remaining power of the worm swarms on the earth, especially those self-governing princes of the Swarm were completely erased from the planet by Proximity Star civilization.

  That is to say, at this moment, no one can compete with Meng Yibai for control of the swarm.

   It is said that the Xinjing Fleet has already rushed to the Sanhexing System and Proximity Star Civilization.

This thought passed through Meng Yibai’s mind. She was a little worried, but she understood that she could not do anything, even impossible to help. Although the insect swarm is also a starry sky civilization, the insects and Meng Yibai on the earth are now. The power in her hands is far from a starry sky civilization. On such a battlefield, she can’t help Su Ran and the Beijing Fleet at all.

   This made Meng Yibai slightly sad.

   But soon she looked up again.

  Several warheads swam from the front, kneeling respectfully in front of the queen of swarms.

   “You stay here and continue to gather the swarm for me. I’m leaving.”

  Meng Yi gave an order and immediately rose from his position.

   In the sea water, she can use the dark energy to mobilize the flow of water like four or two pounds. As long as she masters the methods and laws, her movement in the sea water is even more convenient than in land and air.

  Of course, thanks to the swarm for giving her such a body, so that she can survive under such deep sea.

   She quickly rose from here, stepped on a wailer who was slowly approaching in the distance, and entered it.

  The four Huo Qiao guards were already inside. Meng Yibai came in, and they separated, and the guards were beside her.

  The Howler slowly accelerated towards the far end of the ocean.

   In the battlefield of the starry sky, Meng Yibai can’t do anything, but on the earth, she still has a lot of things to do.

   Calling for swarms is part of it.

   And Meng Yibai did not forget that the swarm was hiding under the Pacific Ocean, and there was a huge space installation hidden in it.

  No one can stop her from recycling it now.



at the same time.

  Triple star system.

   A charming flash is shining in space.

   Above the magnificent planetary fortress, heavy armor rises layer by layer, a terrifying caliber heavy artillery from the muzzle of the black hole in the middle and deep, countless particles flying in space.

  On the surface of this behemoth, two “vortexes” are emerging, sinking, revealing two embedded heavy muzzles.

  The Xinjing Fleet is being repelled again.

Under the frontline armor of the homeland, a warrior was rushing through the corridor, and at that moment, he turned his head to feel, and saw the shield image of a rhinoceros shield ship in front of the homeland. Breathing was extinguished, was penetrated by hundreds of particles, the whole battleship burned blazing flames, broke in the middle, flew all the way back, smashed on the outer shield of the homestead, and the battleship broke twice and three times. In the blast, a lot of debris flew along the sky.

   The wreckage was flying, and the flames pulled out a beautiful line of fire in space like life.

   The pupils of the warrior were all illuminated by the flames.

   There was no sound of this destruction, and the huge fortress battleship Homestead did not even shake.

  And the homeland is rolling through these space debris and moving forward.

  Twelve rhinoceros shields made of steel defenses are collapsing.

  Four Rhino shield ships in the frontal direction have been destroyed, plus the loss of several other directions, their remaining Rhino shield ships are only three and are all in overload operation.

   These three shield ships are slowly advancing from the rear, and they must continue to stand in front of the crossfire zone of the entire fleet and Proxima civilization.

  However, the Xinjing Fleet is no longer able to move forward half a step.

   The firepower of Proximity Planetary Fortress is too strong, especially after the shield ship is damaged, the fleet has to re-disperse its position to avoid the attack from the enemy ship.

  ’S huge volume not only gives it a bloated volume, but also allows it to have more forts and more energy support.

   The war of attrition is meaningless.

  Home’s Yang electron main gun had little effect in such a battle. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   Proximity Star civilization is regaining the rhythm of the battlefield.

  The Xinjing fleet is being forced to stretch backwards again to evade the increasingly intensive blows.

On the Proximity Planetary Fortress, the two newly opened “muzzles” are accumulating energy. The feedback and analysis of the technical part came to Li Yilan at this time. She looked at it and picked the important part. : “This should be two main guns with continuous output, a laser scalpel in space!”

   Su Ran looked at the energy storage parameters of the two huge muzzles in the holographic simulation picture about to reach the threshold.

   These two “laser scalpels” are about to fire.

   Su Ran took a deep breath and immediately issued a command to disperse the fleet.

In space, the Xinjing Fleet, which was just still in the regiment, had to be dispersed once again. The situation of the warship group was completely disbanded, and the Yuncheng-class warships and the deflecting warships were completely reduced to zero. , Flying around in space, even the Homeland distance was pulled back to make way for the other two “laser scalpels”.

  In the center of the battlefield, only the spore life-activated warship, which had long been distorted, was still moving forward steadily.

   The massive pellets of Proximity Star’s planetary fortress bombarded its body, smashing its “flesh and flesh” time and time again, twisting it, but it was still able to keep moving forward steadily.

   And at this moment, the muzzle of the two “laser scalpels” in Proxima Planetary Fortress began to become bright.

  Two dazzling laser beams traverse the starry sky at the next moment, and one of them is directly pointing to the activated battleship of spore life!



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