Apocalyptic Black Technology System

v4 Chapter 107 - Global concentration

Chapter 107 Global Concentration

Sixty-second seconds.

The fourth launch of the Xinjing Fleet’s home, the Yang Electronic Gun, hit the target.

This blow failed to complete the total destruction, and a large part of the neighboring star-class battleship was extinguished. Nearly seven faces of the brilliant dodecahedron extinguished in an instant.

It seems that the spotlight on the stage is damaged, and the dazzling light on the battlefield is momentarily missing.

Next, this neighboring star-class battleship “turned around” without hesitation, and under the dense attack, paid a heavy price to jump into the jump channel and disappeared into the battlefield.

In fact, just before the fourth attack of the Xinjing Fleet, it once wanted to jump away, but was dragged into the battle situation.

Despite this, Su Ran still sent a Yuncheng-class battleship to chase up.

He temporarily has no time to deal with this semi-scrapped Proximity Star-class battleship, and of course a Yuncheng-class battleship cannot handle it. The thin dead camel is bigger than a horse, and the remaining power of this Proximity Star-class battleship is still in the same On top of a Yuncheng-class battleship, and more troops cannot be dispatched temporarily, let a Yuncheng-class battleship be embellished from a distance, so as not to lose the target.

Although he was unable to complete the destruction, for the battle situation on the scene, Su Ran’s goal has been achieved.

Proximity Star, a star-class battleship, is enough to withdraw from the battlefield.

In space, under the “crowds” of numerous dodecahedron-shaped spaceships, the battleship group of the Beijing Fleet headed by the Homeland is slowly turning again.

Su Ran’s gaze also followed the giant behemoth that was submerged in darkness.

That is their real goal.

Proximity Star’s home.

At the same moment.


The news of the return of the Xinjing Fleet and the defeat of the neighboring star-class warships have spread all over the world in a short period of time, and almost everyone in the hiding place of the survivors already knows this matter.

The survivors who had been hiding for a long time were finally able to get out of their dark and small hiding places. They stood in the ruined city, watching the clear sky and hugging each other, tears in their eyes, fortunate for the rest of their lives after the disaster, I am also excited about the arrival of the Beijing Fleet and look forward to the infinite possibilities in the future.

China, Australia, Korea, Britain…

People are everywhere.

These places that once seemed to have been completely ruined and turned into no-man’s land are all hidden by survivors. They usually hid quietly, and until this moment they ran out excitedly to celebrate each other, even if the city had already been ruined, their homes were Destroyed and unable to stop their excitement and excitement at this moment.

However, this excitement did not last long.

A military drone is flying over these places and the crowd.

What they bring is from the official “broadcast”.

When the global network is paralyzed, the transmission and interaction of information becomes difficult. Especially at this stage, the military wants to transmit information and can only rely on this method to transmit and inform.

And this message sounds no problem.

——The minds of governments and survivors of various countries are trying to summon the survivors in their own territory and set a place for them, hoping that no matter where they are, they can concentrate in the shortest time and arrive first In fact, the government and survivors are even willing to pay some “rewards”.

The reason for this does not seem to be any problem. The various agencies and forces just want to gather the remaining people. On the one hand, it is convenient for overall management; on the other hand, it is also convenient for these survivors to survive.

Incentives are in place, and a large number of survivors begin to flock to the designated concentration points delineated by their country or survivor forces.


These reasons for concentrating people are only one of them.

At this moment, among the Rangers flying quietly around the geosynchronous orbit, Lin Yuandong is connecting the world and launching a network conference.

The number of people present was far less than before the war. Lin Yuandong looked at the few figures in the virtual reality conference hall and sighed slightly.

Of course, he also knows that there are still some people who cannot appear here because of insufficient equipment support.

And just now, he has spoken to the people present that the threat from the starry sky, and in order to guard against the possible retaliatory attacks of more powerful alien civilizations, countries have begun to call for survivors of the local community with extreme tension By.

Once an emergency occurs, Lin Yuandong will pick up these people to ensure the survival rate of human beings to the greatest extent.

This is the purpose of calling the survivors so nervously.

The representative of the South African Union of Survivors, Jerome, frowned, saying: “In such a short period of time, we can’t convene too many people at all and let people scattered all over the place gather at the location we have designated…”

Lin Yuandong nodded slightly: “I understand, but the incident happened suddenly, and we didn’t expect this to happen. Therefore, all we can do is to take away as many people as we can. .

“Of course, that was when the worst happened.

“And Proxima civilization, we must destroy them.”

The members at the meeting looked at each other and nodded slowly.

The representative of the Russian Federation Shen Sheng said: “Yes, the Proximity Star civilization is on the side, and they are the first to attack us. It is already an endless situation. If the Beijing fleet can completely wipe them out this time, for For us, it is not only psychological comfort, I think, it can also make us all sleep well.”

Everyone heard it and nodded.

Since this time, UU has read books www.uukanshu. Com Proximity Star civilization has done everything on earth, everyone sees it, no one will choose to retreat or make concessions at this moment, this is not only because of the hatred of the home country, but also because it is inevitable, they and Proximity civilization There is almost no possibility of shaking hands with each other, and so are other civilizations.

This time, the Battle with Proximity Stars has taught everyone a lesson. The communication between civilizations may not be how you show kindness. That is not important. What really determines the relationship between civilizations and civilizations is strength.

Without strength, no matter how good you are, you can only be trampled to death by powerful civilizations.

Because the strong do not need to care about the attitude of the weak towards them, there is no difference between friendly and unfriendly in nature, only the strong and the weak make the difference.

Therefore, at this moment, everyone at the meeting expressed their support for the current situation.

Along with the Russian Federation’s position, other representatives and leaders also spoke one after another.

Finally, Albert asked: “So, what is the situation of the Xinjing Fleet now?”

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