Apocalyptic Black Technology System

v4 Chapter 106 - Fire! Fire!

   Chapter 106 Fire! Fire!

  The Xinjing Fleet is like a black lightning, flying in front and back light, approaching the huge neighboring star-class battleship at high speed.

   The distance between the two sides is rapidly narrowing in less than half a minute.

  The tactics of the Xinjing Fleet have no concealment but are very effective. There are only two roads in front of the neighboring star-class warships, either being sunk by the Xinjing Fleet or leaving the battlefield.

   gave way to this round of attack of Xinjing Fleet.

   But in this anxiety, it was unable to withdraw and jump into the jump. Although it has been flying backwards, the speed of the Xinjing fleet has exceeded it, and the distance between the two is still getting closer.

The neighboring star-class battleship’s attack became more and more fierce. Tens of thousands of particle heavy artillery on its entire ship washed the shield of the Xinjing fleet like raindrops, and its strangely increased main gun has just completed its second time. Opening the fire greatly shakes and consumes the defense of the rhinoceros frigate at the forefront.

   A lotus flower composed of a lot of dodecahedron cone-shaped spaceships overlaps and “blooms” in space, and is also firing.

   Every second, tens of thousands of beam energy rays cross the airspace and hit the front shield of the Xinjing fleet.

  Dense light and rain smashed down in the sky, but it was silent in space. The surprise and beauty was more than the shock of the destruction of the blow itself.

  Among the seven shield ships directly in front of them, two shield ships at the center position have even taken the lead in disintegrating.

   The overload of the shield generator failed, and the light rain that had not stopped for a moment flooded the two shield ships and broke through.

   These two rhinoceros-like battleships were instantly bombarded with holes, and the huge hull rose with billowing smoke. They were thrown out of the battle group under the impact of inertia and were killed in space.

   The two-winged shield ship immediately continued to the top, maintaining the entire frontal defense.

   And now, the estimated limit of 76 seconds has passed 33 seconds.

  Su Ran is slightly raising his head, they are getting closer and closer to that star class battleship.

The bridge of the Homeland is located at the deepest level of the entire fortress battleship. It is hidden between many defense modules and basic modules like an underground fortification. Even if the shield is penetrated and the armor is penetrated, this will still be the last in the entire Homeland. It can be said that a place of occupation has the highest safety factor. On the other hand, there is no such thing as a porthole. You can observe the outside through these.

   But at this moment, Su Ran seemed to be able to feel that the huge neighboring star-class battleship was already in front of him.

  Yang electronic gun fired for the second time.

   This time, the Lotus battle array composed of Proximity’s dodecahedron conical spacecraft failed to block it, because before that, all the warships of the entire Xinjing fleet attacking the Proximity Star-class battleship were launching a round of collective fire.

  The vertical air strikes were connected in a line, directly clearing the frontal battlefield.

The battle array composed of two dodecahedron cone-shaped spaceships was shattered in the sky. Among the boiling flames and broken warship wreckage, the “bullet” of the Yang electron gun passed through it and hit the neighboring star straight. The outer shield of a class battleship.

  However, the effect of this blow is much worse than that expected by the Xinjing Fleet.

  According to the original estimate, this strike can at least intensify the shield consumption of the neighboring star-class warship. The next time it fires, it is very likely to completely destroy its shield.

   But this is not the case. The Proximity Star-class warships adjusted the shield strength and gravitational strength in a targeted manner and made great efforts to deflect and anti-divergent particle beams.

In this “Yang electron cannonball”, a large number of positrons did not succeed in the correct annihilation reaction with the target, so they impacted discretely, deflected the forward orbit, ran near the speed of light, and quickly disappeared into space .

  Compared with the impact of the shield of the adjacent star class battleship, it failed to even reach the estimated 50%.

   time is flying by seconds.

  Su Ran said: “Continue to fire, increase the power, 70%.”

  Li Yilan looked up at him and gritted his teeth slightly, but he still carried out the order immediately.

On the   homeland, the same is true.

  In the main yang electron gun launch module, the engineering staff is readjusting the output power of the yang electron gun according to the instructions from the bridge, re-igniting, separating the positrons, and preparing for the next attack.

In the space airspace directly above the Homestead, dozens of battleships were killed in full line. It was a Yuncheng-class battleship. They leaped out of the defense circle of the shield ship, dispersed to both sides, and opened fire on all sides. , Expelled from all directions to gather, more and more Proximity Star dodecahedron warships.

After a round of blows, the shields on these Yuncheng-class battleships flickered frequently, but they did not give up half a step. They were still strangling like a sharp knife into many neighboring star dodecahedron spacecrafts, killing and destroying, disturbing Their formation and rhythm.

Under the intensive attack, the shield of a Yuncheng-class battleship was directly annihilated, and a beam of energy beams bombarded its armor. As the number increased, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com After being penetrated, a huge penetrating hole appeared, and an open flame burned above the Yuncheng class battleship.

Its huge two-kilometer hull tilted slowly, but many of the naval guns on it were still violently firing, attacking the neighboring star dodecahedron cone-shaped spacecraft with all their strength, but more and more enemies, more and more Many, like a shark that smelled of blood, gathered in a crisscross pattern, surrounded it, and gnawed a little bit.


   This Yuncheng-class battleship exploded, and a large number of dodecahedron-shaped conical ships scattered like birds, once again rushing to the homestead that was advancing there.

However, before they actually approached the Homeland, another Yuncheng-class warship greeted them, daring to face a large number of Proximity Star Dodecahedron cone-shaped spaceship attack groups to launch a death charge, and block it. Keep their pace.

  In less than ten seconds, the Xinjing Fleet had already lost two Yuncheng-class battleships.

   And in this battlefield, the Homeland was flying all the way forward, and the loss of the Yuncheng-class battleships for the Xinjing Fleet was the disappearance of the speeding and obstacles at this moment.

  Home’s Yang electron gun fired for the third time.

In the bridge of the homestead, in front of Su Ran, in the simulated composition, a huge “shell” existing on the outer layer representing the shield of the adjacent star-class battleship is spreading a circle of ripples from the center of the attack to the outer layer With empty.

   They succeeded.

   Su Ran immediately ordered: “The main gun is charged with 70% power and fires for the fourth time!”

At this moment, a full fifty-one seconds have passed.





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