All-American Collection

Chapter 1376

Chapter 1376:

“Go, just leave it to me here.”



Seeing He Shui leaving and He Shui’s clone.

After the two walked out for a while, Suzuya’s hand began to form a seal, and with the launch of ninjutsu, an individual with the same touch as Suzuya appeared.

The clone technique, and the clone did not hesitate, and immediately followed.

After following for a while, after watching Crane Shui and the clone enter a temporary supply point, Suzume approached very carefully.

The conversation in the room was immediately heard.

“Ontology, is it really okay?

I am now different from when I started, my strength has roughly doubled. ”

“it should be no problem.

But are you sure that after communicating with Mr. Naihe, your strength can be improved so much? ”

“Compared to my verbal explanation, you will be able to understand it after you recover my memory on the main body.”


“Are you ready?”

“I-I’m ready.”

“Okay, then I’m going back.”

The moment the voice fell, the sound of the clone disappearing appeared in the stronghold.

But at the same time as the sound appeared.



Suzume heard a suppressed whimper, but after a while there was no movement.

Continue to wait for a while.

Suzu Mai, who couldn’t help being curious, secretly looked at the stronghold, but all she saw was He Shui, who was lying motionless on the ground.

She went in lightly, only to find out after she got closer.

He Shui had already passed out.

It was the first time she had seen such a bad expression.

And this bad expression looks like it’s broken, but it’s slightly different from the real one, and it feels like Heshui is very happy.

1958 Poison and Ninja

Temporary camping spot.

Suzuma, who was on the vigil, stopped abruptly as she added wood to the bonfire.

“It’s really incredible news that people’s strength is immediately improved. 』

While muttering to herself, Suzume looked at the tent where Nai He and the others were, but she wasn’t sure whether the news was true.

However, it stands to reason that there is no need for He Shui to lie.


Even if He Shui lied, who was this lie told to?

She didn’t believe that she would be discovered by He Shui.

Through this period of inquiries, she has learned that He Shui is just a shinobi, and the reason why she can master the physical clone technique is only because she has obtained the skill stone.

She didn’t think there was any problem with the skill stone either.

After all, Nai He is Qinguo’s man, and Qinguo is her master, Mizuno Ai’s friend, so it’s not surprising that the master sent a few skill stones to Qingguo, isn’t it?

“Would you like to find a chance to test it?

If true, the man himself is a very incredible baby.

But the rules of the master…”

Suzume couldn’t help but get into a tangle.

But after a brief moment of tangled, she had already made a decision.

“It’s just a clone anyway.

If the test results are true, I will report the news to the master, and I think the master will not really blame me.

If it’s fake, or the improvement is not satisfactory, then hide it and pretend that nothing happened, um, just do it. 』

Suzume continued to throw firewood towards the fire.

Now that Nai He and the others are already asleep, even if it is a temptation, they must find a suitable opportunity, and just take advantage of this time to think of a perfect plan.

Time passed quickly.

Late at night, around twelve o’clock, Suzume heard movement from the tent.

“Miss Suzanne, you’ve worked hard for the vigil.”

“It’s hard work. After all, night is the time when ninjas are active.”

“Having said that, it’s also important to maintain adequate rest. I’ll take over for you next, and you can go and rest for a while.”

“Thank you for your concern, but I’m not sleepy yet. I’ll definitely rest when I’m sleepy.”

“OK then.”

While speaking, Nai He was already sitting on the log beside Suzume.

Naihe looked at Suzume.

There is a big difference between the current girl and her memory.

While all aspects are simple, the impressive mantra is gone.

But there is no way.

Suzume’s living environment has changed, and it’s not a little bit, but a huge change. It’s normal for her to change.

At the same time, Suzume was also looking at Nai He next to her, and she knew that her chance was coming.

But since Nai He wanted to help him keep vigil, he didn’t need to be too anxious, so he should ask some things that he cares about and is interested in first.

“Mr. Naihe, I heard that you have been traveling around before. I have never traveled far. Can you tell me about your experience?”

“no problem.

However, I have been to many places, not only the various countries in the mainland, but also the demon world, and even the legendary heaven and demon world. I have also been there. Which place do you want to hear about first? ”

“Mr. Naihe, that’s amazing!”

Having said that.

But Suzume didn’t believe Nai He’s words in her heart.

Forget all the countries on the continent, the devil world is not completely impossible, but the legendary heaven and the devil world are all bragging.

But just blow it, you can basically tell which are the truth and which are the lies.

“Where do you want to hear?”

“Umm~ Then it’s about Lisas.

I heard that Lisas is a country with the most fertile land and the best living conditions of all countries. I want to know how big the gap is between Lisas and JAPAN. ”

“Okay, let’s talk to you about Lisas first…”


Along with Nai He’s narration, in addition to Lisas, Suzu Mai couldn’t help but ask some things about other countries, the demon world, and even the heaven and the demon world.

But the more she listened, the more she felt that what Nai He said was not false.

After all, if you just make up stories, even if you are the most powerful story master in the world, there will definitely be flaws in some things.

But this kind of flawless, just like seeing it with her own eyes, she even said some things that would never be known, all kinds of secret information and news, which made her interest completely hooked up. .

I would love to go see it for myself.

Especially those secrets that Nai He said, I really want to find out for myself.

Likewise, in her eyes, her image has undergone tremendous changes.

From the little white face at the beginning, to the tool people in the back, to some talents with special abilities, and finally now, they have become very knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and may also have special abilities themselves.

Just when Suzume was about to continue asking Naihe to learn more about things other than JAPAN, a white light in the sky shocked her, and she immediately recovered her senses.

I was so focused that I almost forgot the time.

But she also knew why she was attracted.

Since he was very young, he was sent to the ninja academy and accepted as an apprentice by his master. So far, he has never left the ninja academy.

If you want to leave, you must get the approval of the master and meet the standards of being a teacher.

But the problem is.

The master’s standard is too high.

Obviously, at his current level, he has reached the level of Jōnin, which is enough to confront some of the elders in the academy head-on.

It’s just that even if it’s so good, she still doesn’t meet the graduation standard of the master, which makes her feel that she may not be able to graduate in her life.

But now she sees a hope that she can graduate.

That is, as long as the man in front of him can really double his strength, he can definitely graduate from his master smoothly.

At that time, you can not only go out to perform tasks, but also visit some places you want to go.

“Mr Naihe.

I’m sorry, but I have to leave first. ”



Suzu Mai left with a blushing face.

After entering the forest on the side, Suzu Mai who stopped quickly formed a seal with her hands.

The clone technique was activated, and a clone appeared in front of him.

But this is not over yet. The avatar that was separated started to seal again. The appearance of the avatar changed quickly, and soon became a more mature and beautiful female ninja.

Clone plus transform.

No matter what you do, there is no problem.

After that, Suzume took it out, and gave a clone of an herbal medicine found in the middle of the night.

Watching the clone squeeze out the juice of the herb and drink it, the complexion also began to quickly turn red.

The program officially begins.

The clone’s arm was placed on Suzuma’s shoulder, and the two of them walked towards the temporary camp where Nai He and the others were.

Wait until you reach the camp.

Looking at Suzuki who appeared, although she already knew through perception that this was a play directed and acted by Suzuki, Naihe still prepared to play with her.

Actively greeted him.

“What’s going on here?”

“I found her in the forest just now, and after the inspection, I found that she was poisoned, but in her current state, it was too late to find herbs for detoxification.

Mr. Naihe, can I ask you to help her a little? “

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