All-American Collection

Chapter 1375

Chapter 1375:

The Ninja Academy is located in the deep mountains and forests, and there is no way to get there.

It’s just that Naihe also asked to bring crane water when Suzume led Naihe and the others to the ninja academy, which made her feel very strange.

And it doesn’t stop there.

The ninjas who guard the outermost area of the academy are said to be people with limited talent and strength.

But this man named He Shui was able to use the avatar technique, and he was a physical avatar technique. A ninja with this ability would not be assigned to the job of guarding the mountains and forests.

Then there is the reason why you don’t release the clone technique, but keep the clone alive?

To know.

The longer the clone technique lasts, the greater the amount of information when it is released. If the amount of information is too large, it will also have some adverse effects on the main body.

Actively approached Heshui.


“There’s no such thing as this between us.

And if I let the master know, I’ll ask others to be called adults, and I’m not allowed to peel off my skin. ”


He Shui still responded respectfully.

Suzume is the headmaster and the only disciple of the Ninja Academy who really speaks the truth. Even if she does not inherit the Ninja Academy in the future, she will definitely be an elder-level figure.

And she, because she was too useless, was just a low-level ninja on the outermost periphery.

But for He Shui’s performance, Suzume felt a little helpless in her heart.

She didn’t like the feeling of communication.

Before today, she had been active in the core area of Ninja Academy. Today is the first time she has come out, and it is also the first time she has received members from the periphery.

But neither she is ready to reluctantly Heshui.

“I’m curious, why didn’t you take your clone back?”

“I am the clone, and the one over there is the main body.”


Suzume was stunned by what Heshui said.

its not right!

The one who was talking to himself was a little inconvenient to act, and he was obviously injured, but the other one, acting as usual, was obviously fine.

That is to say, before using the clone technique, it must be in a perfect state.

The avatar created by the avatar technique will dissipate immediately once it is damaged, and now the avatar is injured, but the main body is intact.

This is simply impossible.

“what happened?”

“Actually… it’s actually because of Mr. Nai He, he has a way to prevent the clone from disappearing.”

“The way to stop the clone from disappearing!

Can you let me see, where is your injury and how is your injury? ”

“This… this…”

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s a little inconvenient.”

“Is the injury in a very secret location?”


“It’s all girls, there’s nothing good about it.”

“No, in fact… In fact, my injury was due to the in-depth communication with him.”

“Did you mean in-depth communication!”

“The truth of husband and wife.”



1957 Female Ninja Broken

Doppelganger, the truth of husband and wife, after hearing this, Suzume immediately became interested in Nai He.

His master established the ninja academy, and as the real ruler who controls the entire Iga, all ninjas in Iga must obey the master’s orders and abide by the rules set by the master.

Among these many rules, one of them is that it is not allowed to go to men.

And everyone can agree on this.

After all, in the profession of ninja, once the action is mixed with personal emotions, there is a certain probability that it will affect the action and even cause unnecessary losses.

For example.

The man you love has been caught, do you want to save him?

Going to rescue is sure to be miserable, and even if you do go, you are caught, and someone threatens you, what choice will you make?

It is even possible that the man you like is an enemy in itself, and they deliberately approach you because they want to take advantage of your feelings.

So feelings are unnecessary things.

But there is one thing that makes everyone feel very confused and even puzzled.

That is why it is necessary to keep oneself pure.

To know.

As a female ninja, especially an extremely beautiful female ninja, her body is an extremely powerful weapon.

If special training is carried out in this area, the success rate of the task can definitely be greatly improved.

Even those low-level ninjas who are beautiful but not very talented and powerful can be of great use. They can only do some low-level things like guarding the mountain gate, patrolling, and scout as they are now. Work.

It’s a pity that the master didn’t listen to this advice at all, and he hasn’t heard it for hundreds of years.

That is why.

From the moment I became a ninja, no, it should have been the moment I entered the ninja academy, I have been doomed to never have a relationship with the opposite sex.

Originally, Suzume had no intention of breaking the rules set by the master, but after listening to Heshui’s words, she couldn’t help but have a little thought.

But this little thought is not about feelings with Naihe. I just said that feelings are not a good thing for ninjas.

What she wanted was to try to communicate deeply.

Besides, it’s not the main body trying it out, it’s just letting a clone go. This shouldn’t be breaking the rules set by the master.

It’s just that Suzume, who thought so in her heart, was still a little hesitant.

This kind of exploiting behavior, what if the master is angry?

At that time, I am afraid that I will not break my legs and expel myself from the teacher’s door.

And just when Bell Girl was hesitating, when she was responding to Nai He and the others, the sky, which was already close to dusk, had gradually dimmed.

Although it is not far from the destination, rushing to the night may be nothing to the ninja.

But for others, especially Nai He, who doesn’t seem to have any strength, this rugged and dangerous mountain forest is not very friendly.

Suzume, who had stopped moving forward, offered a suggestion.

“Let’s camp and rest.”


“Then wait a minute, I’ll find some food for you.”

“No, we have preparations here,

Miss Suzanne, Heshui, you two should come over and have some food too. ”

Nai He, who agreed, sent an invitation by the way.

But Suzume just shook her head.

“thank you for your kindness.

I actually have something to eat for ninjas on me, so don’t bother to prepare my portion. ”

At the same time as the words fell, Suzume took out a small bag from her pocket and poured out small black pills one by one.

Naihe has seen this thing many times.

When she met Kanami Kanami just before, she often ate this thing to satisfy her hunger.

Just when Suzume picked up one and was about to eat it.

“Miss Suzu, I’m very interested in your food, can you give me a few?”



Lai Mizu stepped forward and took a few small pills from Suzume’s hand.

Looking at Miki Rizumi, she picked up one and put it in her mouth.

Suzume was surprised.

This thing is very nutritious, but the taste is not flattering. The girl in front of her didn’t even frown.

Surprised but surprised, Suzume didn’t continue to pay attention, and picked up a pill again.

“I want to try it too, can you give me a few?”


“Then I’m welcome.”

When the words fell, Aleida directly snatched the small bag from Suzume’s hand, raised her head, opened her mouth, held the bottom of the bag, and poured it all into her mouth.

next moment.

Aleida’s expression changed.

“Bah ah ah ~ what the **** is this, it’s too unpalatable!”


Looking at Aleida who spit all the pills on the ground, Suzume was speechless.

Of course.

It wasn’t just Suzume who was speechless.

Laishui Miki, who was on the side, looked at this scene and shook her head speechlessly.

Haven’t you tasted this stuff before?

And even if it is unpalatable, don’t spit it out, pretend to put it in your mouth, and send it directly to the storage space.

At the same time.

A fist hit Aleida on the head.

“Miss Suzu, since all your food was wasted by this girl, as compensation, let us prepare food for you.”

“Excuse me.”

Suzume did not continue to refuse.


When a group of people set up camp and fell asleep after eating, He Shui found Suzu Mai, who took the initiative to take up the night watch career.

“Miss Suzanne, I want to be one step ahead.”

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