Alien God System

Chapter 29 - Geocentric Ice Lotus

Wow, wow…

Yang Feng stretched out his hand and pulled twice in the lake. Although the water was cold, it did not freeze.

Raising his brows, Yang Feng looked at the staff in his hand again, revealing a strange color immediately.

The chill that this staff just released, even his full-level mage can instantly freeze, there is no reason why the lake can’t be frozen. Unless there is energy contending with the cold of the wand under the lake water to restrict it, it can achieve such a balance.

But what is under the water of the lake, it seems that I still can’t see why it came.

Yang Feng touched his chin and thought carefully, remembering that he had watched it on TV before. Archaeologists inspected the tombs of the emperors. Generally, the tombs are divided into two tombs, true and false, to prevent the tombs from digging.

Could this staff be a fake tomb, used to confuse people, and the real tomb underneath?

Thinking of this, Yang Feng’s eyes were certain, and he planted into the lake with a plop, swimming towards the bottom of the lake.

Although he used to only do simple freestyle swimming and never dived, who made him a full-level mage with high blood volume?

He didn’t believe that his blood would be drowned in this stagnant water.

Sure enough, the facts were exactly what he thought, after he had plunged more than ten meters down the water, he didn’t feel any suffocation and the heaviness of water pressure.

Only his health bar was dropping at a rate of 10 points per second.

But what does it matter, he has a thick blood.

With a blood volume of one million, at this speed, you can’t die no matter how much it drops.

So he continued to dive and dashed bravely.


Suddenly, Yang Feng stagnated, as if he was hitting some transparent wall and was blocked.


At this time, the system sounded: Players, please pay attention, there is barrier protection in front, you need to break it to move forward. “


Yang Feng rolled his eyes, and his brows were even more delighted.

Exactly as he had guessed, this is really a trick of a real tomb, a hidden treasure hole made artificially. Otherwise, where did the enchantment come from under the water for no reason?

The corner of his mouth curled up, Yang Feng raised a fist casually, and slammed it down against the transparent wall.


There was a loud noise, and it burst into shock, causing the entire lake to vibrate constantly, like a tsunami, with rough waves.

After all, this was a punch of a full-level mage. Even if Yang Feng only flattened A, it was enough to destroy the world and cut through any obstacles. The invisible barrier was even more glass-like, and it shattered in an instant and turned into powder.

Yang Feng was overjoyed, and he was about to go downstream, but suddenly, a scorching air burst out from bottom to top. In an instant, the entire ice lake evaporates instantly, turning into steam, and clouds and mists are engulfed.

The Bailong’s Ice Cave Mansion also spewed hot flames from the entrance of the cave, and it turned into a flame cave in an instant.

The two quasi strangers outside the cave didn’t realize what was going on. They were shocked by the sudden scene, and hurried to the distance, and did not forget to take away the seriously injured Ximen Zun.

When the two monsters ran out of three miles and came to the safe world, they looked back at the green jungle that was just now, and in the blink of an eye it became the scene of the flame mountain, and they were shocked.

What do you think the master did in that cave? How could this happen? Could it be that Master Bailong set up a trap in the cave? Is he okay? “

Yes, will he be okay? “

The two quasi-guess glanced at each other, then squinted at the rescued Ximenzun on their backs, and a long, unkind green light suddenly appeared in their eyes.

Ximenzun, who was still worried about Yang Feng’s safety in the cave, immediately shuddered and shivered when he saw the eyes of these two beasts.

He knew in his heart that the reason why these two dared not to do anything against him was because they were frightened by Yang Feng’s lust. If Yang Feng really had a shortcoming in it, then he would definitely be dead.

At this moment, Yang Feng’s life and death are related to his safety.

Simon Zun also kept praying in his heart, Brother Yang Feng, you must not have any trouble, otherwise the hero I did not die in the hands of Bai Long, but died in the mouth of these two little monsters would be too aggrieved.

And Yang Feng in the cave had no idea what was happening outside.

He just felt that at the moment that the barrier was broken, a scorching fire instantly drowned him. His body was suddenly empty because of the lack of water, and then suddenly fell downward.

Then he touched the ground and smashed under the extremely hot water.

After he recovered and stood up, he realized that at this time, the clothes on his body had completely disappeared, and it seemed that he had been burned to ashes. The place was actually a sea of ​​magma fire.

However, he didn’t feel the heat, but the blood volume was dropping by 20 points per second.

I go, my full-level mage can live in magma! “

Yang Feng looked around, couldn’t help but smile, Xindao I deserved to be at full level, and his blood was thick and it was not easy to die.


Suddenly, a cold wind blew, and Yang Feng shuddered. He felt cold. The cold and heat were mixed, and he couldn’t help but swing, and said in surprise: There is still cold wind in this magma? It’s so weird, where did it come from? “

Looking in the direction of the wind, I saw a cold white lotus floating quietly in the air in a cave surrounded by magma not far away.

But around it, there are ice sculptures, frozen with all kinds of creatures, there are humans in golden clothes, ferocious monsters, and some unknown species.

Yang Feng’s eyes must be certain, and Yoyo stepped forward to take a look, sighing in his heart.

Presumably these people, no matter what race, are the powerhouses in this world, otherwise it would be impossible for them to run into this magma without any problems with such a hot aura.

However, they even withstood the scorching magma, but they were all frozen in front of this ice lotus. How powerful should this ice lotus be?

Thinking of this, Yang Feng almost burst into laughter, and this time he found the baby.

So without thinking about it, he went directly to get the ice lotus.


Suddenly, a cold light flashed, and a cold wind suddenly blew out of the ice lotus. Before Yang Feng could realize what was going on, just like everyone else here, he instantly turned into an ice sculpture.

But soon, but after hearing a click sound, the ice sculpture cracked again with a touch of the ground.

Yang Feng moved his body for a moment, shrugged his shoulders, and sneered at the ice lotus: Don’t compare me with these rubbish, I’m at a full level, can you freeze it so easily? Hehe! “

As soon as the voice fell, Yang Feng took the ice lotus in his hand, and the ice lotus also blew a cold wind and froze Yang Feng into ice, seeming to be doing a stubborn resistance.

It’s a pity that Yang Feng has thick skin and thick flesh. Once it freezes Yang Feng, Yang Feng collapses once.

In the end, after Bing Lian had frozen him 234 times, it seemed that he had no strength, so he compromised and stopped showing off. Like an angry little daughter-in-law, she wilted down, as if she was saying, “If you are good, I’ll take it, let’s go!”


At this time, the system sounded again: Congratulations to the players, get the treasure of heaven and earth, the ice lotus in the center of the earth! “

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