Alien God System

Chapter 28 - Black Ice Staff

Lord Bailong was also killed by that human monster! “

The two quasi strangers watched all this and couldn’t help screaming in horror.

Simon Zun glanced forward at the huge corpse, then smiled with relief.

Yang Feng leisurely came to the two quasi-guai who had been frightened and muttered: Hello, you two, do you have any plans in the future? “

Don’t kill us, please! “

They staggered, and the two quasi-guess heard Yang Feng’s voice close at hand. They were so frightened that they quickly squatted and fell to the ground with a knock.

Two three-foot-long bodies kept knocking their heads at a seven-foot figure like garlic, crying.

Yang Feng shook his head non-committal, without even looking at them, and said lightly: Make a choice, surrender or die? “

what? what did you say? “

I mean, we lack two great wolfhounds in front of our house. You two, do you want to be a janitor for me? “

Uh… You let us two top monsters that are about to break through the monsters and treat you as watchdogs? “

The corners of the mouth twitched, and the two quasi strangers were stunned.

Seeing them hesitated, Yang Feng immediately sneered and said: If you don’t want to, don’t worry, if there is no watchdog, I will bring some dog meat back to the tooth service! “

Let’s do it and see the master. As long as you don’t kill us, we will be your two faithful dogs from now on, barking! “The two quasi strangers shuddered by Yang Feng’s fright, and hurriedly nodded, even sticking out their tongues like dogs and learning how to bark.

If this scene is seen by other monsters, you must despise them.

After all, monsters are smart, especially those monsters that are going to evolve into monsters, they are no different from humans.

To be the watchdog of mankind, the ancestor of the monster race knew that he definitely had to be mad at them.

But now the situation is stronger than people, and they are helpless.

Seeing that they agreed, Yang Feng touched their chins with joy, just like a dog.

From now on, he Yang Feng is a person with pets, just like he used to receive spiritual pets in the game. And in the future, he will collect more powerful spirit pets and fight side by side with him.

Thinking of him going out in the future, surrounded by a group of high-ranking beasts, majestic and majestic, everyone sees him going to worship, his heart can’t help but bloom.

Then, he looked at the white dragon’s cave, thinking that there are so many treasures in the night tiger’s cave, the white dragon’s cave must not be bad, and he asked: Do you know what’s in this cave? “

Enlighten Master, this is Master Bailong’s cave. The monsters in the Night Demon Forest have never dared to take a step further, even if we do. So we don’t know what baby is in it, but it must be a good baby! “

Oh? You don’t know, why are you so sure? “

Raising his brows, Yang Feng glanced at them strangely.

The two quasi strangers smiled flatteringly, and continued: Master, you don’t know. Lord Bailong and Yehu are the masters of this entire night monster forest, and they like treasures the most. Over the years, I must have collected a lot. Especially the Lord White Dragon, since he discovered this cave twenty years ago, he has been retreating inside, and no monsters are allowed to approach. With such emphasis, there must be something good in it! “

That’s right, there is no silver in this place, and I have to go and see! “

Nodded faintly, Yang Feng pointed to Ximen Zun not far away and said: You two, protect my brother, wait for me to come out. If something happened to my brother after I came out, or the two of you slipped away, hum! “

Dare not dare, the task given by the master is guaranteed to be completed! “

The head shook like a rattle, and the two quasi strangers were shaking with fright.

Yang Feng nodded in satisfaction and walked to the dark cave.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the cave, Yang Feng already felt the gurgling air, surging out one after another. After he entered the cave, he discovered that it was really a thousand-year-old mysterious ice cave.

The entire cave is covered by ice and snow, and even if the sun is fiery outside, it can’t suppress the cold inside.

After a few breaths, Yang Feng looked around to see if there was a large number of treasures like Yehu Cave, but there was no trace.


Suddenly, in the depths of the cave, an extremely cold wind blew out suddenly, like a knife cut, which made Yang Feng feel the pain in his skin and couldn’t help but shiver.

You know, he is a two-hundred-level mage great god, invulnerable to swords, guns, and fire.

Even the 20th-level monster Bailong, with its huge tail swept down, would not feel pain. The flames and ice are in the bones, and he will not feel the burning and cold.

However, it was just a cold wind, which made him shiver. It can be seen that there are indeed terrible things in it, so that it can hurt him.

Thinking of this, Yang Feng smiled and continued to move forward. The more dangerous things are, the more precious, and the snow inside is getting bigger and bigger.


Suddenly, another gust of cold wind blew at extreme speed, but this time was different from the last time. The cold wind just swiped in front of Yang Feng, and Yang Feng instantly turned into an ice sculpture, unable to move instantly.

If this were to be an ordinary person, he would have already died here, but to Yang Feng, it was not a threat.


As soon as his body moved, the ice broke, Yang Feng moved his hands and feet twice, and muttered: It’s so cold. When I came to this world, I felt cold for the first time. There must be something good inside! “

There was a flash of light in his eyes, Yang Feng moved forward again, the cold inside kept blowing out, but he couldn’t stop him.

When he reached the deepest point, he saw that there was a whole icy lake, in the middle of the lake stood a crystal-clear staff, exuding a gurgling air.

The cold wind just came from this staff.

Yang Feng looked happy and jumped straight into the ice lake, swimming towards the center of the lake. Even if the ice lake is colder, he doesn’t care.

The magic resistance of the two-hundred-level great gods was enough to make him resist any unconscious infringement of this nature.

Of course, if these energies fall into the hands of people of his level and are deliberately used, he will not necessarily be able to withstand it, and may even endanger his life.

So he must hold this power firmly in his own hands to be safe.

When he came to the middle of the lake and picked up the staff with one hand, the cold wind in the cave stopped immediately.

Sure enough, this force that made oneself feel cold came from this staff.


At this time, the system voice sounded: Congratulations to the player, got a 12th-level magic weapon and a black ice staff. Even if you are not a mage, you can freely use the 12th-level magic skills, the cold wind roar, can instantly bring a lot of cold damage to the enemy, and reduce the opponent’s magic resistance by 15%. When using ice magic, the wizard can save 20% of the mana and increase the damage by 10%! “

I’ll go, the staff with magic skills, good stuff, it can cast spells even without blue. “

Yang Feng couldn’t help but brighten up, Yang Feng was ecstatic, but soon his face sank again: It’s just that this thing is no more than a 12th-level magical weapon, can emit such a powerful force, even I will feel cold? has a problem! “

Yang Feng knew that the magic weapons used by the warlocks and the soldiers’ soldiers were divided into twelve ranks, and each rank was divided into elementary, intermediate, advanced and top rank.

According to his conversion in the game, level 12 is equivalent to the third-rank top magic weapon, so no matter how well refined the third-rank magic weapon is, it is really not a top-level equipment, it can’t have too much power, at least it will not harm him.

Is it possible that something more powerful is hidden under this ice lake? “

Thinking about this, Yang Feng leaned over and looked under the ice lake carefully, but couldn’t see anything…

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