Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 626: Santiago capulet v

After the Conquest War ended, the focus of the Empire officials and the Imperial family is to restore the reputation of the Empire

In a way, it is to launder the image of the Empire to a virtuous one. The stronger one is, the more respectable they have to become. 

There is no need for the Empire to haggle stuff with the other lesser kingdoms and it is better to exercise influence over these kingdoms in a subtler way 

War after all is taxing. 

At times it is profitable. But war also burns a lot of gold from the supplies to the weapons, all of it requires gold.

So, the policy of the Empire to the former territory of Vern is to slowly integrate those people to the Empire, focusing on winning the hearts of the people there so that they would lean on to the Empire instead of trying to forcefully conquers them

And there is no reason for the Empire to attack those two kingdom that occupied Vern. 

Of course, if at that time those two kingdoms refuse the aid of the Empire, the Empire might not have even need tow age war to destabilizes those two regimes. 

Knowing the Emperor, Santiago believes if at that time, those two vassal Kings refuse the aid that he had generously given, the propaganda department of the Empire would spread the word to the Eastian people that the Emperor had actually wanted to lift up the Eastian people in Vern but the two Vassal Kings rejected such generous aid.

The Empire would incite racial conflict and might even uses the Blood brotherhood to fan the flame. 

Santiago knows a lot of people praise the Emperor for his battle strategy, his strength and prowess that seems impossible for normal human to achieve that some soldiers even said that the Emperor once hunted a dragon.

But not many knows that he is also a master statesman and quite adept in playing politics, balancing the powers that be in the Empire

It takes a special man to subdue Lord Oliver and command the loyalty of Lord Silas. 

Then there is James.

James is famously known as the Peaceful General. 

He is descended from House of Rothall. The reason why he is called the Peaceful General is because he always employs mercy when he won his battle.

He also prefers peaceful manner of ending a conflict, and is also the mediator between the twelve generals. 

He is very good at negotiating g and also is trusted by the other twelve generals. 

In his battle he would always spare his enemy unless the enemy had done some heinous crime to the soldiers and people of the Empire. 

This reputation of him of always sparing the soldiers also have a positive effect in the rate of him taking down cities and villages 

Most people that fought against him, when the tides of the battle turn against them, they would surrender for they believe that James would spare them.

It won the common people heart as nobody wanted their sons and fathers to die in a battle they did not sign up for.

This is also the reason why James could easily replenish his soldiers and even set up supplies depot deep in enemy territory.

Most people that surrender to him is willing. And as such their loyalty while not high could be trusted. 

And it is of course more reassuring to fight on the winning side. 

Because most people surrender to him willingly, he could even quickly set up provisional regime to rule the area and uses the talents that surrendered to him

This is one of the things that made Santiago envies him. Santiago reputation made people unwilling to surrender and unwilling to work under him.

The same could be said for Giovanni who had a worse reputation than him. 

To the officials they felt that they would stain their reputation if they were to work under such a general

And the nobles who very much pay attention to their reputation would also not endorse such a person.

Even though the meaning of what nobles is under the Empire had slightly changed, most of the noble families that still existed still maintain certain degree of prestige and dignity.

They very much still care about what people think about their house

Yet they did not have such adverse feeling toward James.

In the later stages of the Conquest War, those who fought with James usually surrenders the moment they learn that it is the Great General James that would be fighting against them

By that time, the conclusion of the war could already be seen. 

It is the reason why King of Southern Tai and King of Northern Chu quickly send an envoy to the Imperial Palace and become a vassal of the Empire.

Only Zettel surrender was ignored as the Emperor truly wanted to raze that kingdom to the ground to avenge his wife. 

The reason why James had a great reputation and why those under him and the people that surrender to him become loyal toward him is because James protect the people. 

Of course, it would be naïve to think that this is not a tactic. 

James is a peaceful person but it does not mean he is an idiot and a soft persimmon.

A soft man would not be given the title of a Great General 

The Twelve Generals are the sword of the Empire; how could such a sword simply be some peaceful man? 

But his disposition is peaceful and it is true that he prefers peaceful means of winning. But this itself did not mean he is some kind of pacifistic fool

He uses his reputation of a peaceful general as a weapon. But this weapon is not use to kill but to win hearts of the people

He exercises benevolence and is deeply influence with the Three Teachings and the Analects. 

In a world of war full of blood and death, full of cruelty, such figure would draw the attention of those people who did not want to fight a pointless war. 

His rival is Alberth the Resting General from House Brond from Arrandy

Alberth Brond is known to have decided the outcome of a battle from a thousand leagues. He could order his subordinate a region away like he was there in the battlefield himself.

This reputation of a genius strategist that could plan a military battle just by hearing the situation, how could such figure is not idolized by those military officials?

Because of this talent that is almost godly, Alberth is highly regarded by the Emperor. He himself rarely fought personally, content to leave the fighting to his subordinate. 

There were only a few times where he would participate the battle and that is only to raise the morale of his soldiers.

It is said that Alberth is not exactly the ideal warrior. 

He was not as tall as some of the Twelve Generals. He is also not tough in appearance and he is thin unlike some general who have raging muscles on their body.

He did not seem to emanate bloodlust like some of the generals or inspire valiance upon his soldiers. 

He looks more like some weak scholars in the court.

He even wears a mask to hide his face. The reason is because his face is very feminine looking and the enemies could not feel fear from looking at his face. 

And it is not only feminine, it is said that his face is also very beautiful. That is rarely something you hear when one spoke of the twelve generals.

You would hear pleasant looking, affable, and even handsome. But beautiful? One could hardly hear any soldier refers to their general as beautiful.

But that is how soldiers sometimes said about Alberth. That he is a beautiful man and feminine looking.

His face is smooth and flawless and it is because of that he wears a mask. But even with all of that, he had such a great reputation and a flawless victory record

These two people, even though their strategies killed more people than him, they were not condemned and look upon by the people of the Empire with hate and disdain like Santiago and Giovanni.


Because while these two general kills people, they did not torture helpless people. War is war. 

Enemies kills enemies. That is something everyone could understand. Even before the Conquest War, battles were fought

And while it is tragic people understood it. It doesn't mean they like it but at least, war, they understand it.

But what Santiago and Giovanni had done, boiling people, burning people alive, stripping them of their skin, crucified them and starving them, these are more the act of the devil

Those two general Alberth and James however, in the eyes of the people of the Capital is elegant, doing what is necessary but not because they enjoy it.

James is called benevolent. That is his reputation. He is benevolent and merciful. Kind and easy to get along with

But the world did not know that James used the evil reputation of Santiago to once win a victory. Thinking about that day still makes him grit his teeth

At that time, his army is about to come into a city. This city is not some big city. But it stands on the region that connect it to the large city in Zettel

He wanted it so he could secure his supply lines. And James also wanted it to attack another city in the distance. 

James heard that he wanted it too. 

Most of the times, James would choose the diplomatic option and choose to concede. After all, usually it did not matter who get which cities because in the end they are furthering the Empire might.

But at that time, it is nearly the end of the war. 

Even though the capital of Zettel had not yet fallen, most of the twelve general had seen the trend of the world. It trended toward the Empire. 

To the Twelve Generals even though they were just in the beginning phase of the invasion of Zettel, they already believe that Zettel would not have any methods dealing with the army of the Empire

And the reward that would be given to them depended on the contribution they did for the Empire. 

James is benevolent but that did not mean he had no material pursuit. Every one of the Twelve Great General all are rich people because of the war. 

Some people even called them War Nobility, people who have become nobles because of the war. 

It is because of that James competed with him

Because it is only a matter of time before the Emperor decide to revoke back the military power given to them

His tactic was simple but ingenious. 

James spread the word to the people of the city that Santiago the Mad General would come to the city and slaughter every man, woman and child that he could find

But on the south, there is the Great General James.

If they surrender to Great General James before the arrival of mad General, they would be protected.

This is how James put a stain in his name. 

The city surrender to the Great General James and James won the admiration of the people in the Capital because he brought down a city without even spilling one drop of blood

Yet, the rumors that Santiago would slaughter every living being in that city brought chills to the heart of the people.

When the war ended, the civil officials looked at Giovanni and Santiago like a dangerous dog that has to be put down.

It is fine during the Conquest War for the dog to hunt. But the world is peaceful and the two generals is the stain of the Empire. 

It is because he learns from that experience and the reminder from the Emperor that he understood what he should do in this land

He must not slaughter people and exercise fear like he did during the Conquest War 

There is no need for that. 

It is even counterproductive.

Because these people of this land will not bend under fear. They follow people they admire, people that is worthy of their respect.

They don't even mind dying for this belief

The situation of the Human Continent and this land is different. And because they are different it should be treated differently

He had a talk with the Emperor. The talk was brief but he was made aware of something. 

The Emperor simply talk about the new era that would come if they were to win this war.

And the ship to carry the world to the new era does not need a madman and a butcher. 

Either they change the world sees them, or there will be no ship to carry them to the new era

The Emperor might not speak directly but Santiago understood the underlying meaning of the Emperor.

'Santiago' the call startles him a bit as someone enters his tent.


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