Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 625: Santiago capulet iv

As for the reason why Leander is so loyal to the Emperor, it is because the Emperor aspiration is something that Leander agree with

Silas might balk at the idea of unification of the Human Continent using such a forceful way, but Leander clearly did not feel as such. 

He is unlike his father and believe truly in the world that the Emperor wanted to create. 

Because of loyalty and the trust that the Emperor have for him, he become even more famous. 

In war, he did not go overboard and in his conduct, he never went too far but he stands his ground

Educated in the studies of art of war and learning from his father since he is of a young age about the art of politics, made him men of sword and pen.

Then there is Wang Mu. 

While his characters in the thought of the people is that he likes to boast and his title itself is quite ridiculous as people called him Wang Mu the Smasher, to many people of the lower class, they idolize him

Wang Mu is from the Wang clan. He comes from a peasant family and if that is not enough, he also of Eastian descent

Most of the rulers of the Human Continent is Caelum and while there is a few Eastian ministers and officers, it is rarely seen. 

There is even a Brotherhood in The Vern Empire that promotes the idea of the Eastian to fight against the inequality of the Caelum born rulers had imposed upon them

As most of the ruling class of the entire continent could derive their lineage to the First Generation, most of which is Caelum born ruler, they rarely hired Eastian in their court, preferring to that of a Caelum noble.

Even if there is no Caelum born politicians they would rather employ those of the Anglais Raxons and Roth people rather than hiring Eastian whose ancestors come from another land 

The discriminations not obvious as it was subtle. For Light does not discriminate His creation.

But the discrimination is there. It is fortunate however that they live in the Human Continent where slavery is outlawed by the Church.

If its anywhere else, they might even be traded for silver and gold. Funnily enough, Eastian is one of the largest population of race in Vern.

While Caelum people is the minority of the Human Continent, most of Kings and Queens of the Human Continent would always try to trace their lineage to ancient Caelum Emperor and Kings to legitimize their position as the rightful ruler.

So, it come to the shock of everybody when one of the highest position in the Empire is given to an Eastian. 

The Emperor choose an Eastian person to be bestowed with the title of the Great General and prove to the world that he would not discriminate the people of his Empire.

Whoever has abilities, whoever has talent, the Emperor would use them

Eastian had not had a voice in the high places of any ruling governance that the appointment of a person of their kind, to be elevated so highly had made the Eastian dreams of a better world under the rule of the Empire.

To Santiago however, it was a masterful stroke from the Emperor. 

Vern is one of the territory of the Empire. The majority of people in Vern is Eastian.

This creates a contrast between the Imperial family and the royal family of Austen

In Vern there is Southern Tai that is ruled by the House of Austen. The Vassal King of Tai, Nigel Austen is a silent predator.

Santiago had met the man once. To him this is a wolf that pretend itself to be a sheep because there is a lion that is ruling

If there is no strong Imperials family at the helm, Santiago believes that the Austen family would make their moves. 

Nigel Austen is not to be trusted

Outside he appears to be generous and magnanimous while being distrustful and jealous on the inside.

This is his assessment of Nigel Austen 

This is a man that is suspicious, calculative, manipulative and a skilled practitioner of power politics.

He had chosen the right time to rebel against Vern Empire and he have the righteous cause on his side. 

What he could not have expected however was the Conquest War which change the trend of the world and gave Eden the hegemony of the world. 

House of Austen control the southern part of the former Vern. And the Austen had done a lot of effort to win the people living there to his side.

But action would always speak louder than words. In the Austen administration and higher level position in the Kingdom, there is no Eastian to be found.

But the Emperor bestowed the title of the Great General not only to Eastian but an Eastian of a peasant stock.

Santiago bet that Nigel Austen must be seething when he heard that news. It is a simple matter to elevate someone to such high position 

But Nigel had never done it. It had never even crossed his mind. But the Emperor did it. One simple act that could win all the hearts of the Eastian people in Vern

To any Eastian, even though they have never met the Emperor of Eden and probably would never travel so far to the Capital of the Empire to see the Emperor, this act alone had endeared him to the Eastian people.

And rarely people thought that the Emperor was just doing this to win over the Eastian people. 

It is known that the Emperor have an Eastian disciple and one of his advisor is the Prince Consort of the Northern Chu

Vern region is quite complicated in the makeup of forces that is present there.

The Northern Chu is an ally of the Emperor in the former territory of Vern but an ally could always turn into an enemy in front of benefits. 

The Emperor endear himself to the majority of the people of Eastian in Vern and gave them favorable terms, sometimes even suspending tax on some badly affected areas and drive in some investment from the Capital to the dilapidated town and cities in Vern bringing prosperity to the Eastian.

Actually there was no need to do such a thing for the prosperity of that area is actually related to the Vassal Kings. 

But Santiago recognized the method of the Emperor. It is simply to win the people. At times, the will of the people is a fragile thing and could easily be broken

And at other times, the will of the people is the strongest. There is a loss in doing such thing. To merchant such a loss is something that is unacceptable.

But to a ruler, especially a ruler of such a large Empire such loss is not only negligible, it is something that the Emperor would not even bat an eye on.

Because the benefits of this loss business would come in other form. 

That is the support of the people. 

The Eastian knows that the trading hub and the prosperity of certain Eastian cities and town is not related to the Vassal Kings. 

Even though the Emperor minimize the matter by saying that this is his way of showing benevolence to its subject kingdoms, it is actually the Emperor long term strategy.

From the moment that Emperor Arial the Conqueror laid down the map of the entire Human Continent on his throne room floor, the Conquest of the entire human Continent would never stop until each and every four corners of Human Continent is under the banner of the Empire

And even those two houses in the far north knows that this is the Emperor method to minimize the influence and loyalty of their people, they could not do anything.

If they rejected it, it gave the impression that the relationship between the vassal's kingdoms and the Empire is a rocky one.

And it might be a cause for the Emperor to wage war against them, to truly take over Vern and controls it directly. 

Of course, the Emperor could make up any cause he wants to. 

But such act would chill the heart of everyone and that would put the Empire reputation to the mud.

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