Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 41 - Words of Heart

“This is magic.” Xiao Chen held a small light spot on his hand, which was as large as a fingernail, and its brightness was very high, like a small light bulb. But this light spot is very unstable, not so much as a spot, but rather like a mass of sand or a small group of fireflies. It sways and trembles, causing the light and shadow of the entire room to change constantly.

“It’s like a small universe.” Luo Ling said seriously.

“I have lived most of my life, and I never expected to see such a scene. It was like suddenly jumping into a movie.” Guo Qian sighed.

“When Morey showed me this simple luminescence technique, I also felt very bizarre.” Xiao Chen agreed.

“It’s nothing. When you get to my age, and have seen all kinds of ghosts and ghosts in the society, you will understand that more strange things are happening around us every day.” Guo Qian raised his eyebrows and said.

“Uncle, you are angry again, I always feel that you are younger than me.” Luo Ling teased.

Guo Qian smiled, reaching out to touch the spot. But he was quickly blocked by his hand, “Principal, don’t touch it, I still can’t control it, maybe it’s dangerous.”

“Sorry, we did research and saw something new. It was tickling in my heart, and my hands were out of control. Just like a thief who saw a bag, he wanted to dig his hands.”

Xiao Chen slowly closed his palms and wanted to extinguish the light spot, but unexpectedly, just halfway through, the small light spot suddenly shined brightly, the brightness of the light was increased several times at once, and then banged into A light smoke.

A few people did not prepare, and all of them burst into tears.

Xiao Chen covered his eyes and said, “I’m really sorry. This is the problem of Morey’s mental strength. It is strong enough, but too unstable. To release the magic properly, it requires much more practice than others.”

“Anyway, this is a great thing. With this little light spot, at least you will be on the path of the magician.” Guo Qian wiped the corners of his eyes with a handkerchief and walked to the office sofa to sit down.

Luo Ling walked to the office window, opened the curtains, and the afternoon sun shone in. It seemed to suddenly pull people from the illusion back to reality. Xiao Chen gazed at his palm for a while and determined that there were no more changes, so he sat down with Luo Ling opposite Guo Qian.

“At present, this matter needs to be kept secret from others.” Guo Qian said after thinking for a while.

“what do you mean?”

“This is a very attractive force. However, we don’t know anything about its nature and dangers. If you learn it by mistakes, then study it carefully. For other people, their main energy must still be Focus on building our home in a different world. You know, most of them are young children, and every boy has a heroic dream in his heart. “

“Some girls, too.” Luo Ling said with a smile.

Guo Qian pointed his finger at Luo Ling and smiled, “You, you, from your childhood, I saw that you are an impossibly impossible impulse.” He looked at Xiao Chen again and continued: “Anyway, I do n’t want those young people to think about how to get this kind of power all day and ignore the matter at hand. We can now say that it ’s a blueprint, trembling, not slack. Not to mention we do n’t understand The essence of magic, and what kind of mutation people will have after gaining this power. Among them, there are great potential risks. “

“Your concerns are very reasonable.” Xiao Chen agreed.

“You should study the” Shadow of the Sea “. Those who have seen you release magic, I will ask them to keep this secret for a while, at least not to spread it on a large scale. This matter must be done gradually.”

“I understand.”

“I hope you understand this power well, and we will try our best to support you with various resources. After all, you have mastered it so quickly, indicating that this power is universal in this world. Maybe one day, our enemy Will control this power to appear in front of us. If we can’t know ourselves and ourselves, we will fall into passiveness. “

“You are right, I always feel that we are in great danger. What happened to me this time has made me more determined.”

Guo Qian took out a cigarette and rubbed it in his hand: “People who don’t have far-sightedness must be worried. If everyone around you thinks like you. It’s a pity that some people have started The current calm is considered normal. Is it naive or naive, or is it the ostrich mentality? “

“Some people really don’t know life and death, and even opposed Wang Jiyuan’s plan that all people should be soldiers, and they don’t want to think about it, so many people’s guards can’t even see the school fence.” Luo Ling said.

“A handful of people, don’t care too much.” But Guo Qian didn’t seem to want to say more about this topic. He lit a cigarette himself, and said with some sly smile, “Smoke something less, not Please, young people ca n’t get addicted to smoking here, it ’s an unsaved torture. “

auzw.com When Guo Qian smoked, the whole room fell into a calm, Luo Ling could not bear the second-hand smoke, walked to the window and leaned against the window edge. Xiao Chen buried himself in the sofa and smelled a faint smell of smoke, as if he felt the breath of the past world.

After finishing smoking, Guo Qian carefully removed the filter from the cigarette butt. Put it in a small cigarette case on the table.

“Are you?”

“People in the industry group said that it is forbidden to waste one stitch and one thread. The garbage in modern society is also the wealth of this world. So try to ask us to recycle anything that may be useful. Although I do n’t know what the small things can do, this is also considered Start with me. “

“I know what I can do. But I saw you secretly sniffing the filter to be addicted.” Luo Ling did not hesitate to expose Guo Qian.

“Shao Hu said.” Guo Qian said to him from left to right: “Well, this time the goblin attack that Xiao Chen encountered was both a bad thing and a good thing. We have to make a goblin threat theory, and we need to publicize and scare those guys. By the way, the national training proposed by the military group, the manufacture of crossbow arrows planned by the industrial group, and the diplomatic group’s proposal to hire local guards are pushed forward. “

Seeing that both of them nodded, Guo Qian asked Xiao Chen again: “What do you think of this Morey? Will there be any complicated background?”

Xiao Chen did not answer immediately. He knew that Principal Guo asked a difficult question, one cannot understand it simply by getting along. At least he did n’t have this ability, he had to tell the truth without emotion: “He said that he was an alchemist who was looking for alchemy materials in the surrounding mountains and was not kidnapped by goblins. He turned out to be a man named Moncayo In the city, I learned alchemy with my teacher. Because of my birth background, I was excluded by the noble classmates and I left the school after finishing my studies. He hopes to find a resource-rich town and open an alchemy workshop. I think he should be useful to us , And brought him back after saving him. However, our details have not been revealed to him too much. “

“Is it possible that he mixed into our school for some purpose?” Luo Ling’s eyes seemed to be through Xiao Chen’s body, making Xiao Chen’s answer very stressful: “I think it is very unlikely. He He was really caught by the goblin, and he was almost tied to the pillar and broke his stomach. If it was not for us to rush in in time, he must have died in the hand of the goblin. It should have been an accident when he met us. “

“I heard that he has a strange silver wire that can be used as a weapon. How did you know that he didn’t have other backers at that time? Maybe you didn’t shoot, and the script became him. He saved Li Tianrui and others and sold the school a good one. Then mixed in. “Luo Ling changed his mind and analyzed.

“This …” Luo Ling’s brain hole made Xiao Chen speechless. He thought for a while and said: “I always feel that there are too many variables to do so, it might be better to come to the camp directly and surrender to us.”

Luo Ling still had to argue, but Guo Qian stopped her hand.

“Okay, this kind of guessing is useless, the spies can be used for me, and our people may also be developed into spies. The key now is, what does he think of us?”

“He saw at a glance that we were not from this continent. I said that we came from a far away place, and he did not follow up. However, I think it is difficult for this person to be tested by the set of magic like the villagers, The rhetoric that caused the accidental fall confuses the past. After all, he is an expert in magic. Now I know that my magic level is very low, and there is no inheritance. However, he is very interested in our technology and keenly discovered our technology products. Essentially different from the civilization of this world. While walking with us, he held my watch and torch for a long time and finally told me that this is a great power that is completely different from alchemy. “

“Oh, an alchemist who is interested in science, then do you understand, what is alchemy?” Guo Qian wondered, “I know that alchemy on earth is a kind of near superstition. In this world? ? “

“Morey said that alchemy is a branch of magic that specializes in the creation of various items with magical effects. Alchemists mostly have a low level of direct use of magic, but they can often make substitutes for advanced magic. He gave me Having seen some of his potions and gadgets, it ’s really useful, helping us avoid many dangers in the forest. I think alchemy is a bit like our mixture of chemistry, biology, medicine, and materials science. “

“Very valuable technology.”

“Yes, his knowledge of magic alone is very valuable. That day in the goblin camp, he judged from the goblin’s sacrifice ceremony that they were calling some kind of soul.”


“Well, it seems to be something like a ghost.” Those strange and terrifying scenes remind Xiao Chen now, and there are still some chills. “Gnomes pay attention to ancestor worship and also worship various totems. Ancestors and totem beasts will take the form of soul Called over. Morey said that the bloodline of pure-blooded humans is very much liked by these souls, so the goblins would go out everywhere and tie people to sacrifice. However, why did the goblins suddenly appear in this forest and then held He did n’t know the blood sacrifice ceremony. “

“Well! Without him, we may not even understand the reason for the attack. In this case, we will find a way to let him stay and cooperate with us.” Guo Qian stood on the armrest of the sofa, ” He wants to read our books and shows him our books, he wants to learn our things, he learns our things. At the same time, our people also learn from him alchemy, learn about the world. He is the real world Intellectuals. Very valuable to us. “

“Is this really okay? Such a smart person, as long as we read a little bit of our books and have a little in-depth communication with our people, our origins will be exposed.” Luo Ling saw Guo Qianyue said more and more excited, could not bear Live splashed a little cold water.

Guo Qian asked with a smile: “How about exposing the history? Can it really be concealed?”

“Yeah, exposing the origin will not make us more dangerous. Our danger lies in our own weak strength, not whether others know where we come from. It is very important to absorb the strength of local people in a timely manner. Not to mention we are very skeptical, The ancestors of these people are all Earthmen. “He admired the resoluteness of President Guo in his heart. Luo Ling’s suspicion was smaller than him.

“Also, if our people were arrested for a torture. I wouldn’t expect them to die,” Luo Ling sighed.

Guo Qiandao said: “For smart people, frankness may be the best way to get along, rather than let him fall into speculation and mistrust. It is better to take the initiative to make things clear. I look forward to the day he joins.”

Xiao Chen said happily: “If you say that, I will rest assured. In my opinion, he has been fascinated.”

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