Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 40 - Buried slope

It was still the forest under the moonlight, and it was still Xiao Chen who led the way ahead. The team was bigger than before, but it was as silent as before. Unlike everyone who was full of fighting spirit and anger before, the current team calmly makes people feel cold.

When Xiao Chen looked back at the team, he saw Zhang Sicheng who was struggling. His strong body was full of exhaustion, and his straight waist was bent down. He was not walking alone, he was carrying Professor Lin forward.

The Northeastern man did not agree with Xiao Chen ’s proposal to bury the professor in the mountain anyway, and stubbornly tied him to his back with a safety rope and embarked on the way home.

Some mountain roads were already steep, and Zhang Sicheng was struggling. He almost fell over several times, but he still refused the help of Shi Hao and Li Tianrui, and climbed alone with his hands and feet.

Ye Zi ran to Xiao Chen and whispered, “Teacher Zhang can’t go back to school like this, or … **** it and replace him?”

Xiao Chen shook his head and said: “Don’t you mess up. He can’t pass the level in his heart now. Do you think he only carries Professor Lin? He is carrying a whole village of goblins.”

“He is a good person, just a mother-in-law.” Ye Zi sighed, “I am not as old as you, and as broad as your knowledge, but I know that we are all on the battlefield just now. We can’t look at the encounter on the battlefield with ordinary eyes. If you get there, you will get stuck in it and you will be crazy. “

Xiao Chen looked at Ye Zi with some surprise, but did not expect her to say such a thing.

“Do you know” Wu De “?” Ye Zi asked.

“I have seen in martial arts novels, probably people who talk about martial arts, must have morals, and can’t use their martial arts to bully people? Can’t you fight, you can’t be too mean?” Xiao Chen asked with some uncertainty.

Ye Zi smiled and said, “That is the benevolence of a woman. As you said, it doesn’t make any difference what we said in peacetime. So why do you put the word” wu “in front of the word” de “?”

“That’s what Sun Tzu said: ‘General, wisdom, faith, benevolence, courage, and strictness’?” Xiao Chen asked again.

“It’s approaching.” She looked a little disappointed in front of her, as if remembering something. “My family is also regarded as a martial arts family. My grandfather once told me that martial arts were born out of war, martial arts means fighting, and morality is a rule. The so-called martial arts martial arts is a code that warfighters should uphold. The most important thing is how to treat my relationship with the enemy. He told me that he would kill me, kill my people, and hurt us. It is called the enemy. The enemy of all my beings does not show mercy, treats others with courtesy, does not hold faith, does not show mercy, but destroys his body and his heart. Sympathy is never something that can be given to the enemy. “

“Their older generation came from the war years, unlike us.” Xiao Chen whispered, “I understand that goblins are our enemies, even those little goblins are also part of the enemy. Opportunities, they I will stab me with a knife without hesitation. But I still ca n’t forget the expression that they fell to the ground and stared at the sky. “

Ye Zi’s expression softened suddenly, and said sadly: “Senior, in fact, what I said in front of me is to comfort you. I haven’t passed that level in my heart.”

“Thank you. We have to survive, we can only lose a lot of things. We have been degraded for a long time in the greenhouse of modern civilization. Sometimes civilization and weakness are like two sides of a coin. After leaving the civilized world, we must Survival, how can you not pay a price? Not only to throw away, but also to retrieve some things. However, to throw away the things that melt into our bones, just like scraping bones to heal, the pain is unbearable. Retrieving something that has been lost for a long time, like fishing for moon in water, may not be able to get what you want. However, it is you who made me think about these things, you are amazing, thank you! “Xiao Chen gave Ye Zi a smile, but Ye Zi feels there are many things in this smile that she does not understand yet.

Xiao Chen beckoned to the back, “Everyone will work harder. Not far in front, there is an open space uphill, we can take a break.”

This uphill road is a little steep, and Zhang Sicheng is still reluctant to accept the help of others. However, he is almost reaching the limit. When he is about to reach the top, he suddenly slipped his hands and his feet were soft, and the people planted it. At this time, Xiao Chen had reached the top, and he watched him fall without any help. Shi Hao, who was walking behind him, was also led by him and fell down. Seeing that the two were rolling down the **** of nearly sixty degrees, a tragedy was about to occur.

At this time, dozens of silk threads flew from Xiao Chen’s side at a rapid speed. These silk threads carried Morey’s hands at one end, and at the other end they entangled the falling two people from all angles. Like a worm on a spider web. Morey was rushed forward with the weight of the lower end, Xiao Chen responded quickly and hugged him.

With the help of Xiao Chen, Ye Zi and Li Tianrui, Morey stabilized his body, and everyone worked hard together to slowly pull the two of them up.

Xiao Chen walked over, untied the rope around Zhang Sicheng’s waist, picked up Professor Lin’s body and put it on a clean open space, and then said seriously to Zhang Sicheng: “Mr Zhang, what you should do now is to take this Team up to prevent anyone from doing something like Professor Lin. Rather than just pursuing your own relief and peace. “


In the glade, several bonfires lit up several figures. Xiao Chen and Ye Zi were boiling water in a camping stove. A small pot was set up. The water was poured in the mountain stream on the road. The rescued hunter made a small round around the camp and collected some mushrooms and fruits, and handed them to Ye Zi very respectfully and carefully, indicating that she put it in the water to make a pot of mushroom and fruit soup. Morey sat next to the fire, curiously playing with a lighter. Shi Hao and Li Tianrui were armed with guns, sitting at the two corners of the temporary camp, watching the surroundings with vigilance, as a security task.

Zhang Sicheng sat on the ground, silently guarding Professor Lin’s body, not knowing what he was thinking. At this time, Zhao Rui walked past the fire and came to Zhang Sicheng.

He hesitated and looked at Zhang Sicheng, who bowed his head for a while, and said in a muffled voice: “Buy the teacher under that big tree.” Zhang Sicheng looked up at him, and then looked in the direction of his finger. On the side, there is a tall tree with a thick trunk and a large crown. The most strange thing is that its leaves show a deep purple under the fire.

Zhao Rui walked to the edge of the professor ’s body and took out a deep purple leaf from the pocket of his coat. “This is a new tree species that was finally discovered before the teacher was caught. This leaf … beautiful? The teacher really likes it , Said a few times, “This tree is really beautiful”, and also sketched this tree, ready to go back and give it a good name. “

“I can carry it, I want to take him home.” Zhang Sicheng whispered.

“That’s not our home at all. The home is long gone!” Zhao Rui seemed to be offended, and his voice was very loud. “The teacher has dedicated to the tree all his life. He buried the teacher under the tree he likes and let his There can be a comfort in the spirit of the sky, what’s wrong? I’m not pitying you, you guys, just be exhausted and die! “

He walked to the place where everyone piled up, pulled out a folding engineer shovel, and then went under the big tree to start digging up, shoveling native sounds harsh. Upon seeing this, Xiao Chen took a shovel and a pick, and handed the shovel to Zhang Sicheng, saying, “As a student, he should know his teacher better.”

With the joint efforts of everyone, Professor Lin was buried under the tree. Zhang Sicheng was persuaded. He finished the last handful of soil for Professor Lin and knelt in front of his tomb with three loud heads.

auzw.com Xiao Chen withdrew his dagger and infused spiritual energy slightly, the red flame covered the dagger. He seriously carved the “Professor Lin Youping’s Tomb” with the dagger on the trunk of the big tree. The trunk was burned with deep scorch marks wherever the dagger went.

However, just after he finished writing the word “tomb”, a flash of light flashed on the word “tomb”, and then slowly returned to plain.

“What’s going on? What the **** are you doing?” Everyone was surprised, but Zhao Rui was the first to jump out and question. However, Xiao Chen himself was baffled, and naturally could not answer this question.

Instead, Mori, who had been watching them, said to Zhao Rui: “You should be grateful to him. This is a simple magic circle that allows the deceased to return to the embrace of the earth quietly, avoiding the disturbance of animals and the decay of corpses.

Zhao Rui touched the word “Tomb” with a hand, feeling that there was a gentle resistance above the graveyard to stop his hand from moving forward, and he could not help but shrink back his hand.

“You mean, I drew a magic circle?” Xiao Chen leaned over to take a closer look. The word “tomb” was indeed different from the other words. It faintly felt that his own spiritual power was attached to it, and it kept running. .

“I can’t think of you as a master. Even without any other materials, you can engrave a magic circle with only a magic sword!” Moreirao looked surprised.

“I’m just lettering.” Xiao Chen felt even more puzzled.

“We call this type of text” magic text “naturally related to magic. According to legend, the gods associate this type of text with the magic power of the world. If you use strong spiritual power and special materials to write a specific type of magic text , It will form a variety of different magical effects. However, like you can use a sword to engrave an array … I have only heard it in the legend of the holy magicians. This requires extremely great spiritual power And a deep understanding of magic. Do n’t you know these things? Are you a wild mage? These things should be very clear to every magician with inheritance. “

Xiao Chen realized that his mental energy infused into the dagger was left in the glyph when writing. He remembered that when he wrote the tomb, he felt a little sad and increased his strength. He didn’t expect it to meet the requirements of the tomb.

He knew that there was something that could not be concealed from someone who really knew something like Morey, it was better to be more honest than to cover it up. He took Moreira to the corner of the camp, avoiding other people and saying: “I did just get in touch with magic, and the scroll was also accidentally obtained. There are many unclear things. I hope you can ask you for advice.”

“Just contacted with magic? How is it possible? Did you release that exploding scroll?” Morey’s turn was surprised this time.


“Just outside the fence?”


“No one else helps?”

“Only Zhang Sicheng shot the scroll with an arrow.”

Morey held his chin in one hand and looked at Xiao Chen repeatedly, as if to see the flowers on his face.

“Either you are a liar, or you are a wizard.” Morey said with a serious expression: “I am sensitive to mental energy. When you used the reels outside the camp that day, part of your mental energy escaped and let I felt something vaguely, and I could find the violent, grand and far-reaching mood hidden in it. This is not like the temperament of a beginner. I feel … you are like an ancient beast that has not yet fully awoken! “

Xiao Chen was also a little surprised to hear such a comment, and couldn’t help saying: “Why don’t I know that I am so powerful?”

Morey shook his head and said, “You think it’s so easy to destroy a camp with a scroll? Ordinary low-level magicians can’t do it at all! What’s more, you don’t use the reel originally portrayed on it. Magic? You just use the scroll as a carrier, absorb the energy of the fire system, and then simply and violently burst out. I have only seen such a domineering spiritual power in the big magician. “

That’s just the uncontrolled part, that kind of power can only be used for destruction, so it doesn’t belong to me yet. Xiao Chen thought.

Morey said again: “But after I came out of the camp, I never saw you use magic again. Whether it was saving people or digging pits, you couldn’t use magic to solve problems, and knew nothing about the magic text. Guess you are a wild mage with no inheritance. Maybe you have cultivated a strong spiritual power alone, but you do n’t use magic. You never thought you were a beginner with a very high spiritual power. “

“As you said, my mental strength has reached the level of high-level mages?”

“No, it’s far away. You lack understanding of magic and lack of control over mental power. Like a tiger, you can swallow a dead rabbit in two with its natural fangs and sharp mouth, but you have to catch the rabbit yourself. , You ca n’t catch it anymore. “

“But the tiger is a tiger after all, isn’t it?” Xiao Chen

Morey nodded with a smile, “Yes, as long as he grows up, he will become a tiger.”

Xiao Chen was a little excited. Listening to what Morey said, he seemed to have a very high starting point and good talent, and this Morey knew much better than the literary spirits in “The Sea of ​​Shadows”, he immediately made up his mind and asked Tao: “Can you teach me?”

“I am an alchemist making magic items and potions, but I should be able to give you some help based on magic, but I have a condition.”

“Please say.”

Morey took out the lighter and shot a flame, “I am very interested in your origins and want to see more of these things.”

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