A Fallen Knight-Lost art of Necromancy

Chapter 71: Parallel World

The Reflection from the mirror came alive. Another person who looked exactly like Severus himself came alive. Although he was mirror image of Severus, but his expressions weren't same as his. Shock and disbelief was evident on Severus face whereas, malice and threat was evident in other ones's eyes. 

"Damn it! "

Severus immediately doged on the other side and did a bakflip but the shadow immediately turned around and grasped his collar.

A eerie smile was plastered on shadow's face as he spoke,"Where do you think you are going? Little bunny?"

'Bunny your ass'

Sevrus closed his eyes and started chanting a spell but even before he could complete it, the shadow immediately dragged him inside the mirror. It was just unbelievable.

Severus was dragged inside the mirror or perhaps in some different dimension.


Desella was flustered and in a state of extreme panic.

She didn't knew why but she felt something amiss and ominous coming toward them. There were several things which didn't made sense to her and that was the reason she asked Severus to not go inside but , when have that idiot listened to her.

She didn't know why but she felt a foreboding fear brewing in her heart. She felt an immense dark power from inside. Although she was aware that this chamber was blessed by god and several ancient amulets and runes were created for it's safe keeping but who knows what it actually had? What if this was all ploy? What if this was just a bait for everyone who tried to break in the chamber. The more Desella thought about it, the more sure she became of her own deduction. Why would the great empire like Rivera would take the chamber security so casually otherwise. Except of some runes and spells there was just an illusion barrier there. 

No matter from which state of mind she thought about it, she didn't felt that this system of security was good. To be honest shouldn't there be at least some guards  here for protection but she didn't see anybody in there neighbouring parameters. Although from the main exit to crown prince chamber, the security was top notch but this place was  isolated. Drained of living energy. It kind off feel like spooky and deadly.

"No, something ,something is wrong, very wrong."

Although Desella was unable to pinpoint what exactly was wrong but the fear she felt was extreme.

Desella pulled her head in extreme frustration and said,"But what exactly could be wrong?"

She recounted every detail in there way and suddenly something struck her. A scary deduction which she so much wished to be her wild deduction and to never come true, but if somehow this happens then it's doomed. 

Severus will be doomed.

"No....no, not in any case I can't allow it."

Desella made up her mind and went inside the chamber. Although she knew that with her powers there is a very light chance for her win and she might get destroyed in the way but she was determined for one thing, and that was to save Severus.

Inside the mirror.

Severus was welcomed in a dark forest. It was a scene of midnight but there were no stars, only a hazy moon was up there, in the sky. 

Severus felt a chill run down in his spine.

With conifers trees around him, he assumed it to be a hill. Severus was all alone, standing there in the middle of night. It felt like everything was dead. There were no howling of foxes ,or crickets buzz, whatever was left was just silence.

However, Severus felt extreme pressure from this silence. He tried increasing his vision and hyoing his senses but it didn't helped him much. To his horror he can't feel Noworry's presence inside him. It was the first time for Severus without Noworry's presence inside him,after his reincarnation. He felt something left out. As if his one organ was missing from his body but he didn't had much time to ponder on it since he was in enemy's den , or you could say enemi's hill, or may be in parallel world.

Well whatever you want to say.

'One need not be a chamber to be haunted. One need not be a house. The brain has corridors surpassing material place.'

This quote described the literal condition of Severus.

He wasn't afraid but uneasiness was wearing him down. This darkness was not like the night darkness but it was more like internal darkness that was engulfing.

Suddenly a poem tinkled inside his heart .

I leant upon a coppice gate,

When Frost was spectre-gray,

And Winter's dregs made desolate

The weakening eye of day.

The tangled bine-stems scored the sky

Like strings of broken lyres,

And all mankind that haunted nigh

Had sought their household fires.

The land's sharp features seemed to me

The Century's corpse outleant,

Its crypt the cloudy canopy,

The wind its death-lament.

The ancient pulse of germ and birth

Was shrunken hard and dry,

And every spirit upon earth

Seemed fervourless as I.

At once a voice arose among

The bleak twigs overhead,

In a full-hearted evensong

Of joy illimited.

An aged thrush, frail, gaunt and small,

With blast-beruffled plume,

Had chosen thus to fling his soul

Upon the growing gloom.

So little cause for carolings

Of such ecstatic sound

Was written on terrestrial things

Afar or nigh around,

That I could think there trembled through

His happy good-night air

Some blessed Hope, whereof he knew,

And I was unaware.

'Severus, the very end of the day. In fact, it's the very end of the year. The countryside is frozen into an icy, unwelcoming landscape. It's not quite Hoth, but it's close. Things go from dull and depressing to outright dismal. No life seems to stir. Anywhere. The little thing isn't in the best of shape. It's been beaten badly by the weather, and it seems as old and death-bound as the year itself. That doesn't stop it from belting its heart out, though. It's bound and determined to share every last ounce of joy in its soul. Why be joyful when the world is so crummy? Well, that's a good question,isn't it?'

'I don't know'

Little Severus spoke .

Scene blurred 


Severus head spinned, the pain was so much that it became unbearable.

Severus crouched on his knees holding his head. These memories,they were his nightmares. He never saw the person who was said this to him. He always heard this voice in his dream but not once he ever saw his face.

When Severus was small, he used to often dream about it. This dream became one of his biggest nightmares which haunted him for so long that he always felt exhausted.

Soon, it was the old king that used his magical powers to heal him. Although it sounds so far etched but this was the only genuine thing that king might have ever done for him.

He still remembered the day when King Saud that he would help her. He was so happy that he was overjoyed. It was one of the days of his life but alas happy things don't last long .

"Ayeeeee....my head hurts". After so long this is happening with me. It feels like an useless dream but it's pain was real.

After some time pain subsided a little for him. With enough will power he tried standing on his knees and soon he was standing on his feet. Although he was still feeling dizzy but he tried keeping his sanjty.

White mist surrounded him. Fogg,soon covered and the darkness was filled with mist .The mist was so strong that Severus was unable even recognise the forest.

This scene made him feel like he was in oblivion. Something was sucking his Power. May it was the mist that was sucking his powers but it was no doubt that Severus immediately felt weak. Combined with his heavy headache and weekness he felt extremely devoid of living spirit.




Desella barged inside the chamber.

A heavy blinding light overwhelmed her but she stood strong against it.

She frantically searched inside the chamber but she was clueless. Nothing made sense to her .

"What the fuckkkkk??? Is this the chamber of secrets of heavenly Rivera kingdom. The richest of richest, and the one who never bowed against someone. What a joke!!!!!! "

Desella showcased her disdain straight away. She berated and cursed the empire through and through.Not like there was anyone else there to listen to her curses bit still,she vented it all out.

This didn't helped her but at the least she did felt quite good after cursing the seven generations of King Marquis .




She circled around the room continuosly for an hour but didn't found anything unusual expect that Severus wasn't present there .

She clattered her teeth in annoyance. She felt extreme anger , annoyance and panick kick in her. 



Desella raged and in fit of anger she started throwing things but immediately halted in her steps .

She was stupefied .

As if she was a stoned ,she blinked and blinked but didn't responded. For two good minutes she was just stated at a point. Suddenly a tremors started running on her and she started shaking. The shaking soon becane intense, and suddenly she screamed. She screamed on top her lungs. It was just that she was a ghost that's  why no one head her but if someone may had heard it. They would have been scared out of their wits .

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