A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 66: Shocking The Opposition.

You Xi Wang was being escorted home as his friends asked Richard to help them get their bikes delivered back home. They were all traveling in Maglev cars. You Xi Wang was riding a sports car model with You Naixin. This vehicle was faster than the one his friends were riding. Robert was responsible for their safety. 

Maya sat in You Xi Wang's lap. When Robert tried to take her away so she could stay with her siblings, she growled at him expressing her denial. You Naixin interfered and had her sit down in You Xi Wang's lap. You Naixin was more worried about the situation she will face when You Zhichi and the rest of the family find out about this.


A lavish construct of metal and glass stood tall among many buildings in the Croma City. This structure had an asterisk-like shape, another noteworthy feature was that this building comprised Azureel and Ambersten. These two metals were said to be invincible in Metropia. This was the office of the Mirai Group. The Building was called Mirai e no Kaidan. Which meant staircase to the future in the Japanese language.

The top floor of this building was designed with a single purpose, lavishness. In Metropia there were no poor people, perks of being a united world. This whole floor was used by the CEO of the Mirai Group, Edward Colt. The walls of this floor were made of Diacrylic. A substance hard enough to stop a grade two spirit ammunition, which would be equal to ballistic cruiser missiles from the earth.


People here accumulated credits. The credits were accumulated by doing their respective tasks. When The Council of Metropia was established, the leaders of that era were very much disturbed by the fact of rich and poor. So, after careful thinking, they implemented these policies. Some people rejoiced at it, while some mourned the fact that suddenly their patriarchy ended. In the beginning, these policies had loopholes and people exploited them but with iron-hand rules and regulations, The Council rectified them, creating a progressively evolving systematic society. The only difference was that for any or every job you want to do, you will first have to gain a license of proficiency in that area, and then only will you get credits to your designated account.

Now everyone was treated the same. The better the job completion quality you have, the better credits rewarded. Even after so much change in society, there remain places where powerful people bend the rules of this system. 

Emily, for instance, was found by Chen Limao wandering in the streets. She was an orphan after her family passed away in an attack by the dark dwellers. Metropia had a lot of departments to look into things like this, yet they can not be omnipotent right after all the people working in these departments were all humans.


On the top floor of Mirai e no Kaidan, Edward Colt was holding a meeting. The issue was the loss the company faced in the last two weeks. They lost a big tender and losing a prominent tender really came as a surprise. Although being a large company this did not affect them much, but their primary business was after all computers. The tender they lost was from Metro-Guardians, an organization that could be called the army of Metropia. It was overlooked by The Council of Metropia itself. 

Inside the conference room of this floor laid a 26 seater, oval-shaped glass table, 12 chairs at the side, and 2 chairs at the ends. The big chair at one of the table ends was designated to the CEO, Edward Colt, while the seats got smaller as they progressed towards the other and of the table.

Right now in this room, all the chairs had one shareholder and executive of the company seated comfortably, only Edward Colt was missing. The people were all chatting with each other in a leisurely manner. Suddenly, the door opened and a middle-aged man with blonde hair and green eyes walked in. His gaze was reeking of deceit and cruelty but all the people present stood up as he arrived. This man was none other than Edward Colt. 

Despite being a scum that this man was, he was good at business. He had led The Mirai Group from a small scale company to a global giant. Profit was the only thing that capitalists cared about, and he gave them profit. He nodded to them with a poker face and sat down in his chair. 

Edward spoke, "Please be seated, ladies and gentlemen."

Only then did everyone took a seat. This was the dominance Edward had created for himself throughout the years. The Mirai Group was his domain, He was not afraid of anyone here. 

Edward asked the people on the table, "I guess with your level of intellect, it is apparent why you all have been called here today. I want to know why we missed the contract?"

A man n his fifties replied, "I asked around, Mr. Chairman, I heard some company invented a new motherboard. It has been tested to be better than any other motherboard chassis in the market at this moment. I tried to ask which company was it but turns out The Council has issued a gag order and we know what that means."

Edward frowned, "Anyone else. Did you guys find out anything?"

All of them spoke one by one, but the conclusion was the same. For safety reasons, if a company is to deal with any of the Council organizations their information will be kept a secret. That product will also be reserved for that very organization only. Obviously, they will receive the due payment of the product, which will be the same as the market price. 

Edward leaned back in his chair and gazed out of the floor to ceiling window on his left. He kept looking for quite a while and then exhaled heavily.

He turned to his executives and said, "Well, now there are two things which we cannot do anything about. First one, our products will now be up for scrutiny of the whole planet in a week." although they were prepared to hear this. It still came to them like a punch in the gut.

"Second thing, which is very much inevitable, the market value of our company will drop. If the company which replaced us willingly announces to the world, then we can do some damage control, but if they remain hidden, then we are in for at least a 25% drop till we replace them. You guys said that their product was at least 10 years ahead of the market, then I think even if we put all our focus on acquiring the contract two years later, our chances will still be very low." his words highlighted the graveness of the situation they were in.

In Metropia, the market value represented the same as the share value or the stock price did on the earth. This drop in the value will cost them a huge loss. If they knew that all this was done by a company that has lost its owner recently, then they might jump off this building. And so the meeting ended with The Mirai Group getting ready for damage control and research preparations. 

Edward sat back and while glancing out of the window he mumbled to himself, "Who are you?"


It was early in the evening when You Naixin drove her car inside the You Family mansion. Chen Qianbei was waiting for her in the parking lot as she received a call from You Naixin earlier. You Naixin got off her car and said, "Xiao Bei, do all the explaining to others. Also, this brat is asleep, but his body has been absorbing spiritual energy on its own. Throughout the journey, he was emitting a slight golden glow. I think it is better if fewer people get to know about this."

Chen Qianbei nodded and said, "It is as you say, aunty." although the You family was united still the precaution was better than cure. They both entered the house carrying You Xi Wang in their arms. They made sure nobody saw them. Maya followed them all the way while looking around like a child in wonderland.

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