A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 65: Departure.

You Xi Wang and his friends returned to the campsite. They sat down, heaving a sigh of relief. You Xi Wang used his Holo-phone and called his aunt. The call connected after a few rings, Chen Qianbei appeared in the hologram. She smiled affectionately and said, "Xiao Wang, how are you?"

You Xi Wang, however, replied in a solemn voice, "Aunt, I used a soul spell. I can barely hold on for five to ten minutes, dispatch Robert to take us all back home. I need to sleep for a few days to recover. Others will explain everything to you later. Don't tell anyone anything yet."

Chen Qianbei was a smart woman,, so she knew how grave the situation was for her nephew. She nodded and said, "You don't have to worry, ask the others to stay vigilant. It will take Robert sometime to reach you. I am sending Elder Naixin with him. She will look after you all."

"Okay, I need to make other arrangements aunt, see you soon." he let out a smile and disconnected the call. He made another call before his friends could ask anything. This call was made to Richard Blake, the kingpin of Sahasa Town.

"Hello, Brother Wang. How are you? Do you guys need help?" Richard Blake was aware of You Xi Wang and his friends fighting against the dark dwellers. So he was worried about it. 

The latter shook his head and said, "They are dealt with, but can you do me a favor?"

Richard replied instantly, "Anything within my power."

"Get your men to meet my group at the city limits and give us shelter till morning. I am injured and I need to rest. We have completed our training early thanks to all these scumbags." chuckled You Xi Wang. 

"Brother Wang, I will get this done personally." the Kingpin gave his word. and the call disconnected.

You Xi Wang knew his friends will pester him so he said, "I overused my soul energy and need to rest to recover. Don't worry, I am fine." his face was getting pale with every second. He continued, "Bro Allan, Fenny, and Yuki, you will take right, left, and center points in the arrow formation respectively, Neo you will have to carry me so you are the shaft and Senior sister Snow will be the tail. We meet with Richard's people. Fenny, take my Holo-phone, contact Robert in the morning." with this said, he sat down on the ground and Maya came near him and rubbed her head against his leg.

He stroked her for a while and said, "Be a good girl, Okay Maya?" his voice was low and his tone was soft as he leaned his back against a hollow wood tree, he glanced at his friends and beckoned Yuki to come close. She came near him and he said, "Good night, love." and pecked on her lips in front of everyone. 

Snow was shocked, and a blush appeared on her face as she averted her gaze, Neo let out a whistle in praise. Allan shook his head, while Fenny said, "Okay Yuki, you stop feeling the heat. Let's get out of this place." her words drew Yuki away from her dreamland. Her face turned red, and she mumbled under her breath, "Bully Xi Wang." They tidied up the campsite and departed towards the city limits. 

Just like You Xi Wang said, they moved in a formation. Yuki in front, Fenny and Allan as her wingmen on left and right, respectively, while Neo carried You Xi Wang on his back in the center, and behind him was Snow. Everyone had their spirit beasts running along with them. These little cubs were now much stronger than before. The reason being the spiritual energy they gained from the bond between their human partners. Maya was running in front of Yuki, she would growl whenever she found some beast in the area alerting the group. She would launch ice blades and icicles at the beasts too.

Snow asked Neo, "Hey, how can Maya act perfectly fine, if You Xi Wang is injured?"

Neo smiled, "Senior sister, Xiao Wang isn't injured he just used his soul energy too much when he used that soul spell to kill that guy back there. He is fine, but sleep is the best way to stop wasting energy. Also, it helps people recover soul energy."

Snow asked with a bewildered face, "You mean to say You Xi Wang's soul energy is depleted?"

Neo nodded, "Yes, why?"

Snow replied, "He is so young, yet he can already use soul skills."

Yuki frowned as she heard this chit chat. She did not trust this senior sister completely, yet, so Neo telling her about You Xi Wang's prowess was irksome to her. She called out, "Pick up the pace, we are just here. Xi Wang needs rest."

She interrupted the two in the back, and they ran through the forest even faster. After some time they arrived at the border and saw a group of people standing there. Allan moved forward and showed them the badge Richard gave them last time. 

The goons suddenly became orderly when they saw the badge because those inside the room that day described the scene vividly scaring them, and to be respectful to some extent but the badge Allan just presented them was for their leader's personal guests only, so they respectfully led the group back to the town.

When the group reached the Indi Inn they saw the innkeeper, Kirpan talking to Richard. They both turned their head and gazed at the group. Richard walked up to Allan and gave him a hug. He then asked nervously, "Brother Allan, is he really okay? We can get some medical help from the Council hall if need be."

Allan shook his head and said, "No need Kingpin, we just need to rest. Xiao Wang will take some time to recover. Also, don't worry, we are going back to Silica city tomorrow morning." 

Richard nodded with a solemn expression on his face. He then smiled and said, "If in future any of you come here. You better look for me. Now take him inside I will arrange a simple dinner for us all."

Yuki replied, "You have treated us with much hospitality, sir. We are grateful, and if you need help anytime, please call for us."

Richard chuckled, "Very well, little sister."

Allan coughed and said, "Little sister-in-law. Yuki here is You Xi Wang's girlfriend." 

Richard smiled even, "Little sister-in-law, it is then." he spoke up in a cheerful tone.

While the rest of the group was stunned because this was one of those unexpected times, Allan would try to lighten up the mood. The group settled in and they had dinner while You Xi Wang was given a potion as a food supplement. Yuki stayed in You Xi Wang's room and looked after him. she called Celes from her Holo-phone and take to her, but when Celes asked about You Xi Wang, she couldn't come up with anything and told her everything only when the little girl promised not to leak it. By the end of the narration, Celes was crying rivers, Yuki showed her You Xi Wang's face and consoled her, saying that he will be fine.

In the morning Robert arrived to pick them up and along with him came You Naixin. She checked them all and heaved a sigh of relief, "It has been hard on you, brats. Come, let's go home. We have some people to hunt before my grandson wakes up. Snow I am aware of your circumstances. So I suggest you come along with us."

The latter only nodded and followed her instructions. Robert took the cubs and put them all on the front seat. The cubs were looking around with excitement. They were only a few days old and everything was new to them. After bidding farewell to Richard, the group departed towards Silica City.

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