A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 348: Alex's promise to Nailah

"Big brother" Nailah said excitedly as she dashed towards Alex to embrace him.

While Olivia walked towards Alex and waited for her turn to embrace him.

But seeing that Nailah hadn't released her embracing grasp on Alex, she said "Nailah, mind releasing your hold on him. I want to hug Alex, he's my husband you know."

It was now that Nailah released Alex from her embrace to allow Olivia hug him.

Olivia then walked closer to Alex with a smile in her face and then put her arms around his back to embrace him.

"Alex, I have missed you. I have been thinking of going to visit you with Nailah if you didn't show up here." Olivia said in a soft whisper into Alex's ear.

"I know. That's why I came here. To see my peerlessly gorgeous angels." Alex said with a smile.

Olivia smiled.

Then she kissed Alex on the lips for a few seconds before detaching her lips from his and released him from her embrace.

"Big brother" Nailah called out.

"Yes, little sister" Alex replied with a smile in his face.

"You have been gone for too long. Hope you brought something for me from your adventure?" Nailah asked playfully.

"Sure, sis. You are someone I always have in my heart. So I would definitely try to bring things for you from every of my adventurous journey." Alex replied and winked at her.

Nailah smiled.

"Brother, since when you have been gone, I haven't slacked in my radiantforce energy cultivation for a day. I diligently cultivated and even harder than usual. I want you to be happy with me, and I always want to do my best to impress you. And when I reach an high stage in my cultivation, I would be able to go with you for some exciting adventures that you would embark on. Besides, I want to help you fight those crazy bad guys. The burden on your shoulder is too much. I want to share some of it with you. Also, when I grow stronger and more mature, I would like to help you manage your organization" Nailah said in an adorable manner and gave a smile at Alex who nodded his head and returned her smile. 

"That's very considerate and lovely of you, little sis. That's why I would always have you in my heart, my one and only angel" Alex said lovingly and then gently pinched her delicate cheeks.

Then he continued "When I first appeared in here, the first thing I took notice of was your cultivation base. Little sis, your cultivation growth is really fast that I feel so jealous. You are already at the peak-phase condensation stage. Just imagine that shocking cultivation speed. But I know that apart from having the gift to absorb enormous amount of radiantforce energy which you have been naturally attuned to from birth, your hard work and dedication also played a great role in you quickly reaching this cultivation level. I know you must have really put in a lot of effort just to make me happy. But you know what, I am more than happy. I am way impressed with you, sweet little sis. And because of this, as a reward for your hard work and commitment to cultivation, I promise to take you very soon on an adventure where you would be able to possess your own treasures, wealth of sapphirstones and artifacts."

When Nailah heard this, her eyes shone with great shock.

"Really big brother?" She asked with a mind that had begun to reel due to tremendous excitement.

"Sure. Your big brother doesn't renege on his words. A promise is a promise, and I would do my absolute best to fulfill it, no matter the condition" Alex replied.

Nailah dashed towards Alex again to embrace him.

"Thank you big brother" She said.

Alex rolled his eyes at her.

"If you ever say thank you to me again, I would cancel whatever promise I would make to you in future" Alex said in a false serious tone.

Nailah nodded her head.

"I know brother. I just want to show how grateful and delighted I am" She said with a smile in her face. She however knew that her big brother, Alex, would never do that to her. She knew it was only a false threat.

"Alright" Alex said and affectionately ruffled her hair.

Then when Nailah released him from her embrace, Alex produced a spatial ring from his dad's spatial necklace which he gave to her.

This was one of his spoils of battles at the Sky Trident city; the city where he went to with Layla for receival of the Emperor of Dominion and Love Empress's legacy.

Nailah who immediately accepted the spatial ring from Alex abruptly looked into it just to see a great amount of stuffs that caused her to be amazed.

She wanted to say thank you again when she held it back in her mouth.

Alex saw her puffed mouth and laughed.

"Why don't you take your time to check out the treasures in the spatial ring" He said.

"Okay, big bro" Nailah said and walked away to a corner of the large room that she was in to go through the large amounts of information that were recorded into the various types of treasures that were each present in different forms and in immense amounts in the spatial ring that Alex gave to her.

Some seconds after Nailah left to do what she had in mind, Olivia approached Alex with a smile in her face.

"You bastard, you just left without telling me anything. Why are you so uncaring? You didn't even give a damn about how I would feel if I didn't see you and didn't know where you went to" Olivia said angrily.

"I am sorry, Olivia. I thought I would come back in time before you would realize that I was gone. But I had no idea that we would be delayed in there, at the legacy ground because of the unique way Layla had to cultivate the expert's realm-energy. I am really sorry. And I promise it wouldn't happen next time. If I ever have anywhere to go to again, I would notify all of you." Alex said.

"Hmm. Okay." Olivia said and nodded her head.

Then she continued by asking "When would you and I go on an adventure? It has been a great while we both went on adventure. I miss those days"

"We would go together sometime in the future" Alex said.

"Why not soonest? Why sometime in the future?" Olivia asked in a perplexed tone.

"The thing is, I want to go to a faraway state to see some good friends and my other girlfriend, Elena. I have been gone for too long. I don't want them to think that something terrible had happened to me on my way here. I have a feeling that they are immensely worried about me now" Alex said.

Olivia looked at Alex with an indescribable gaze in her eyes when she heard 'girlfriend'.

"You unfaithful bastard. Well, it doesn't matter. I don't have a problem with you having as many girlfriends as you want as long as you make me happy and don't deny me the love I want. Or I would set out to behead all those witches you call your girlfriends. Mark my words." Olivia seriously threatened. But her threat were empty. They wouldn't be backed by an action. She wouldn't do anything that would make Alex sad or angry at her. 

Alex only laughed when he heard what she said.

Then he came closer to Olivia and unexpectedly curled his strong arms around her thin waist. And as soon as he did this, he pulled her towards him that their faces were only an inch from touching each other. But their warm exhales softly brushed each other's faces.

While Olivia who Alex's gaze seemed to penetrate into her soul and brighten it up, tried to release herself from the strong curl of his powerful arms around her waist. But her effort was futile and so, she gave up. Then she looked at him in the eyes that seemed to illuminate the dark regions of her soul and fill it vast, endless stretch with a beautiful feeling that she perfectly understood what it was.

Alex who continually stared into Olivia's eyes with a towering and undying flame of love present in the vast and boundless, pitch-black expanse of his eyes, said in a soft and affectionate tone "I know you would never do that. Besides, my love for you would never deplete or reduce. It's undying and even grows by leaps every seconds of the day. Olivia, I want you to know and understand that the kind of love I have for you is immortal. If everything in this world would turn to vapor and vanish away, only my love for you would remain. It's everlasting"

Olivia gazed sweetly at him and then kissed him on the lip.

"Don't think your sweet words got to me you unfaithful bastard. Anyways, I know you love me and would never deny me of your love. And even if you eventually do that, I would continue to love you, up till the end of time. Nothing, not even gods or devils are capable of making the love I have for you become inexistent." She said and then embraced him, resting her head on his shoulder and started to happily take in the fragrant smell coming from his body. While Alex who also inhaled the fragrant smell exuding from Olivia's body kissed her long and delicate, snow-white slender neck in many places. And with his arms around her back, he gently rubbed them and caressed them.

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