A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 347: Meeting Olivia and Nailah

However, using that level of power caused his eyes to sting terribly when his mind was brought back to his body.

It was red while a thin line of blood streamed down from both of his eyes.

He wiped the thin streams of blood that came from his two eyes and stood to his feet, enduring the intense agonizing pain that had began to rack both of his eyes.

Then he abruptly closed his eyes which continued to badly sting him and sent a wisp of his perception into his mom's spatial ring.

As soon as he did so, everything in his mom's spatial ring appeared in his inner vision.

Then after seeing lot of different ranks of healing pills which were of course in mountain-sized heaps in the ring, he made the spatial ring eject one of them. Immediately he did so with a single thought from him, the pill shot out from the spatial ring into the air. Alex then caught the pill in the air using his powerful sense of hearing to perceive it vibration and ultimately determine it position.

When the pill became grasped in his hands, he quickly put it into his mouth and abruptly swallowed it down.

The instant the pill got into his stomach, it dissolved to produce Saint-rank healforce energy which spread throughout his entire body, healing him of all injuries that he had sustained.

The bleeding from his eyes stopped while the painful stinging sensation that he felt in his eyes rapidly grew weaker in intensity and then eventually vanished.

As soon as the intense, sharp-stinging pain that he felt in his eyes vanished, Alex's eyes snapped open to reveal a evil, murderous gaze in his eyes.

Still at that same spot that he stood, he began to think of many things using his mind's unparalleled ability to multi-task. He rapidly pondered about a hundred things in a few second.

After he was done with his multi-ponderance which only happened for a few seconds, the absent-minded gaze in his eyes which had appeared because of he was quickly thinking about hundreds of things, vanished in the next moment to reveal a deep thoughtful gaze in his eyes.

"I have to go meet Layla and Olivia and give them some protective treasures. I would also give my little sister, Nailah, some too. Those bastards, since they have given it their best to cause rifts between me and their families but their efforts resulted in futility, they could go for them next as they know that it would be difficult to do anything to me under the watchful eyes of my unfathomably powerful uncle." Alex said.

Then he brought out the Azure Beastsman treasure-palace out from his dad's spatial necklace and sent a wisp of his perception into it" Palace-spirit, please take me into the palace. I have a secret trip I wanna embark on"

"Okay" An anciently voice rang out in Alex's head.

Then Alex's body instantly teleported into a large hall in the palace.

Some seconds after Alex's figure materialized in the hall, the treasure-palace entered into another layer of space and shot at a great speed towards the Immovable Mountain Academy.

The Palace-spirit entity had been told where to go to by Alex who wanted to move secretly to see Olivia and give her some peerless-grade protective treasures. He didn't want his movement to be known to anybody, as he knew Drille's brother and sister would have spies monitoring his every movement.

A few moments later after traveling at a tremendous velocity, the treasure-palace appeared at the Immovable Mountain Academy.

'Which room would be hers?' He asked in a contemplating tone inwardly.

Then he looked into the air and asked "Palace-spirit, can you please go through the entire rooms? I haven't been here before and so can't know where Layla's room is"

"What?? That's a very clumsy way of doing that." The Palace-spirit whose corporeal form had appeared beside Alex, said in a disgusted tone.

"So, what do you think I should do? I don't want to reveal myself to anyone" Alex said.

"You don't need to. Remember, I am a powerful entity too. I can use the treasure-palace's numerous abilities to look for her." The Palace-spirit said confidently and proudly.

Then it activated an array in the palace which had suddenly appeared before the both of them in the air.

The instant the array was activated, a vast scanning power that would be imperceptible to the senses of the powerful instructors in the academy erupted from the array and spread out rapidly to cover the entire academy.

Then as the immense tide of imperceivable scanning power that discharged from the entire body of the miniaturized palace washed through the whole academy, a lot of things rapidly appeared in an enormous projection screen that had appeared in the air before Alex and the Palace-spirit.

Not long, the thousands of images that rapidly moved across the screen suddenly stopped at a particular place. And that was Olivia's room that it had stopped at.

The Palace-spirit looked at Alex and said "There are hundreds of ways of doing this than in that clumsy way that you mentioned."

Alex smirked and rolled his eyes at him.

"Well, you are a powerful being and you have the palace's numerous ability at your disposal. While I am just an initial-phase, Earth Adept-level cultivator and don't have much skills yet. Anyways, we shall discuss about this once again when I get to a higher cultivation realm. But for now, I have to meet with Olivia before she would go anywhere." He said.

The Palace-spirit nodded.

Then since it now had information of her room, the treasure-palace vanished from that layer of space that it floated in and directly materialized in Olivia's room.

Olivia at the moment was only in the room with Nailah who she was diligently instructing on cultivation.

Alex saw the both of them from the screen and smiled.

"Look at my beautiful adorables." He said.

Then he stated further "Palace-spirit, you can take me out"

"Okay" The voice of the Palace-spirit rang out from everywhere. It corporeal form which had earlier appeared beside Alex had turned insubstantial again.

Then in the next moment, Alex was ejected from the treasure-palace.

And as soon as he appeared in Olivia's room, Olivia and Nailah who were busy with what they doing, suddenly had great fright set into their hearts.

But when they saw who had appeared, they both became heavily surprised before they dashed towards him to happily and affectionately embrace him.

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