Zombie King Opens a Restaurant in Her Last Days

Chapter 90

Professor Gu’s face was solemn.

‘Dingdong. ’The doorbell sounded outside the door. When Professor Gu opened the door, he saw the pale face standing at the door, and his eyes were horrified by Gu Ming.

Gu Ming swallowed and swallowed: “Teach, Professor. The antibody is all but gone!”

However, what surprised Gu Ming was that Professor Gu who got the news was not surprised or angry, but let him in.

Gu Ming walked in anxiously, and after closing the door, Professor Gu opened the monitor that closed the room No. 8 to Gu Ming. The picture is a picture of No. 8 lying on the bed, handcuffed and handcuffed.

Generally speaking, even if No. 8 developed antibodies to anesthetics, it would not be quietly leaving the underground research institute in such a short time.

However, a purple light flashed on No. 8’s fingertips, and the monitoring darkened instantly.

“This …” Gu Ming looked at Professor Gu in shock and swallowed. “Professor, this zombie. It was a premeditated plan!”

Professor Gu nodded: “Yes, number eight is smarter than we thought.”

At the beginning of the end, Professor Gu used the convenience of the laboratory to detain those who had mutated, so the casualties of the laboratory were not serious.

After that, he gave up everything he had previously studied and changed to study those who suddenly mutated into zombies. It was found that people who were bitten or scratched by zombies would be infected in a short time, so the research direction became viral antibodies.

Using zombies to extract flesh and crystal nuclei from the zombies to study, in an attempt to study out antibodies to the zombies virus.

When Professor Gu’s people went out to get supplies, they recorded the outside world, making Professor Gu more certain that antibodies to the zombies virus must be researched out, otherwise such a strong infection method, sooner or later, humans will be extinct.

The virus infection is too severe. A small cold or injury in humans can make people infected and become zombies, which is simply unpredictable.

The study of antibody agents is slow, but Professor Gu is not in a hurry. Although the speed is slow, but slowly, he also has clues. The zombies in the research institute are no longer enough for them to study, so they began to grab zombies outside for research.

When the eighth appeared in the underground laboratory half a year ago, a human infected by the zombies was brought back when the team of the underground laboratory went out to catch the zombies half a year ago.

He couldn’t stand it at the time, and he was about to die. Professor Gu can only try it with the immature antibody agent, but it was not successful, and No. 8 is still zombie.

But while studying antibody agents, Professor Gu found that after turning into zombies, the blood vessels and veins of these zombies are corroding, but after the corrosion and decay, they are slowly repairing.

Yes, it is repair, but the key to repair has a very strong relationship with the crystal nucleus in their brain. After the meridian is repaired, the meridian is connected to the crystal nucleus. The crystal nucleus has replaced their brain and heart.

After discovering this, Professor Gu began to use antibody agents on zombies while studying antibody agents.

Freshman—Professor Gu could n’t help but think of the word. Will the zombies actually be infected? One day it ’s not necessary to be an adult?

Among all the experimental bodies, No. 8 flesh was repaired the fastest, and soon there was no trace of ulceration on the body. Professor Gu from time to time injected antibody into his body to observe.

Although the antibody agent has been continuously improved, it has continued to fail. From the observation of injection to No. 8, Professor Gu feels that his general direction is correct.

But I just don’t understand what went wrong. Every time someone who came back with the infection was brought back for injection of antibody, it was still zombified.

“No. 8 took away all the antibody agents. Those antibody agents are immature for us, but for No. 8 … may be the key to his intelligence recovery.” Professor Gu took a deep breath.

Therefore, when No. 8 escaped, all antibody agents would be taken away.


The former glorious base has now become a Chaoyang base.

As the sky became dark, Fu Cao took out the stove and the liquefied gas pots and pans, and then took out the ingredients. After that, nothing happened to her.

After all, Song Jing, Qiu Yingying, Chen Meijia and Feng Han are all here.

Qiu Yingying went to look at Lin Yiyi, but Lin Yiyi was no different from ordinary zombies and did not know her. Let Qiu Yingying feel a little sad.

After eating, Fu Cao told Lu Xun, Liu Wei and others to flee.

Lu Xun took Shu Ming and Xiao Hei out, but thinking that Liu Wei and others were all abilities, Fu Cao let a group of zombies begin to surround Liu Wei.

Several cars landed in the open space, outside were trees and vines spawned by wood-based abilities, forming a safe zone, and a fire broke out in the middle of the open space.

“Base chief, where are we going now?”

Ordinary people stayed in the car, terrified, but now they dare not cry. Especially the pregnant woman, hiding pale in her man’s arms.

The man had long regretted it, but now he is helpless.

In fact, there are not many supplies on the road, because there are no supplies in the base. So after dark, these people were hungry and slaughtered a child on the road. They also happily picked up the blood and drank it with a bottle.

At the thought of that picture, the pregnant woman couldn’t help but want to vomit.

At this time, they started a fire and the roasted meat was overflowing, but everyone in the car had no appetite, only fear. Because they understand that this time it was the little child, and they will be them in the future.

Looking at the development here, Fu Cao did not shoot.

When she rescued Lin Xiaoya, she also asked Lin Xiaoya’s mother and daughter. She does like children, and she really wants to save them. But if others are not happy, Fu Cao will not interfere.

So what kind of ending will be suffered, Fu Ke naturally will not force to manage.

“How do I know?” Liu Wei ate a roasted meat, and said uncomfortably: “Wait and see, it’s better to be there. It’s better to be as far away from the base as possible.”

Other powers thought of the scene surrounded by dense zombies, and their backs were cold for a while.

“The base manager, that woman, is it too evil?” Someone rubbed his hand secretly and said nervously: “You said, she really let us go like this?”

Liu Wei looked at him ruthlessly: “So what do you want? Are we already out? If you want to go back, you can go back now.”

“No, no, I don’t.” The man said with a smile.

A child, a group of abilities can’t eat enough. But Liu Wei did not allow them to start fighting against ordinary people. After all, they did not know how long it would take to find a place to settle down.

If they don’t find a place, they must also try not to provoke wrongdoing on their way.

They are all used to eating and drinking, and Liu Wei does not let them eat, and he feels a little unhappy. But Liu Wei was also right. Although he was dissatisfied in his heart, he still resisted.

He looked at the people in the car haggardly, swallowing slobber constantly, pondering in his heart and waiting for a foothold, then he took pleasure.

“Don’t talk.” Liu Wei’s face sullen.

For a moment, I closed my mouth and raised my ears to listen.

“What sound?” Someone’s eyes widened, and in the darkness, a faint light could be seen coming from all directions.

“Lying trough! It’s a zombie!” After brushing, all the powers stood up, after all, the trees and vines outside might not be able to block the zombie.

“How come there are so many zombies?”

“It must be the woman of the evil gate! She never thought of letting us go!”

“Base chief, what now?”

“Shut up, be quieter. Put out the fire, get on the bus, and watch the changes. Put the communicator on, and listen to me for a while.” Liu Wei said and rushed into a car.

The rest of the people got into the car one after another and peeled off. Rao was hindered by the vines outside, and it would be clearer than just now.

I do n’t know how many zombies there are. I do n’t know if I can drive out if I open the vines. I can only silently pray that these zombies will leave quickly.

Liu Wei sat in the driver’s seat and looked outcastly.

Coincidentally, or the ghost of that woman?

Thinking that before they roasted meat, would the zombie be brought out because of the smell of the meat? Liu Wei hopes to be the latter, after all, if it is a zombie brought by meaty incense, there will not be many.

Their chances of escaping will be greatly improved. If it is the ghost of that woman, they have almost no chance of escaping.

“Damn.” Liu Wei lowered his curse, his breath became cautious, staring at the situation outside.

All around was very quiet, only the dense voice of zombies walking.

As soon as they got on the bus, the pregnant woman smelled the aroma of the barbecue, which was even more intense. If I want to vomit, I will endure it all the time, and my stomach will ache one by one.

I couldn’t help it, and wowed out.

But there was nothing in the stomach, and the spit was just the sour water that came out.

The voice of vomit came from the communicator, and Liu Wei’s face was even more ugly, and he said indifferently: “Throw it out, just to attract the zombie.”

Hearing Liu Wei’s command, the pregnant woman in the car came straight forward.

“What are you going to do? What? Let go, let go of her!” The man screamed and hugged his wife, but was quickly set aside.

“Ah-no, let me go, my husband, my husband saves me–“

“No-” The pregnant woman’s husband was split, but he couldn’t stop it.

“Noisy, whoever screamed, all threw it down.” Liu Wei said with impunity, after all, if they yelled, even if they escaped, they would attract the zombie .

It is not safe to find a place to stand, these people are more dangerous to roar.

“Ah-” There was a miserable cry from the pregnant woman outside, and soon there was no sound.

Lu Xun looked at the pregnant woman who had fainted and picked her up aside. These zombies did not mean to hurt Lu Xun and Shu Ming at all.

“Huh, you’re lucky that you have been aborted before being scared.” No one can help this pregnant woman now. If you have a miscarriage, it is estimated that you will have two deaths if you see such a big belly.

Lu Xun certainly cannot help her.

Fortunately, this pregnant woman was stimulated to do this, and nothing happened.

The zombies surrounded Liu Wei and Lu Xun held Shu Ming and waited on the side: “Little fellow, how long can you say they can last?”

The zombies had already scratched the vines, and Lu Xun helped to open a small mouth around the vines.

Shu Ming looked at Lu Xun.

“Ah, I forgot. You can’t talk, but why can’t you talk?” Lu Xun is very strange. The child’s tongue is normal, but he can’t talk?

Shu Ming lowered his head, he looked at the place surrounded by zombies.

Xiaohei stood behind them, and his **** eyes looked inside excitedly. The zombie carries a violent factor, even if it is the little black who is deeply affected by Fu Cao, it is actually aggressive.

Except for Lanzhi, after all, although Lanzhi is a zombie, he has not lost the memory of mankind, and he can restrain himself well.

“Base chief … Listen to this voice, there are a lot of zombies outside. We, let’s just rush out.”

The sound of zombies scratching outside, the roar from time to time, like a life-changing sign, made people terrified.

Those ordinary people, even if they are afraid, dare not speak out.

Suddenly, while they were not being treated, the pregnant man rushed out.

Lu Xun was surprised to see someone rushing into the zombie group: “Yeah, what’s the situation?”

The man rushed out with the determination to die, and as he rushed out, a hole was opened, and the zombie rushed over.

“Damn! Remove the trees, we rush out!” Liu Wei shouted.

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