Zombie King Opens a Restaurant in Her Last Days

Chapter 5

In just one day, it seems that it has become another world.

People who love reading doomsday novels in the past are not calm, because they never thought that there would really be such a day to come back.

There was also an accident at the hospital, which caused no visit to school at all.

The teachers and students in the school suddenly became more afraid.

Even the instructors were dull.

In the afternoon, after the canteen was ready to eat, all the teachers and students in the school came to the canteen to eat. They were afraid to be timid and had to eat.

Of course, there are also a large number of people who are scared and afraid to go out at all. Together with the people in the bedroom, they are very guarded, and they are afraid that others will suddenly turn into zombies.

In the canteen, only the sound of beating was heard, and the sound of crying faintly.

Zhang Zhongmin looked very ugly. He was one of the instructors who came to the school this time. Before listening to Chen Meijia’s words, the instructors who turned into zombies were stopped in time, and the consequences were very serious.

The students also have people who come down to eat one after another, and not many people sit in the cafeteria. Not everyone has this courage.

I do n’t feel it when reading doomsday novels, but I feel the fear when I am there.

The students who finished the meal took the lunch box and washed it. Anyone who knew that someone walked halfway was fainted and collapsed.

“Ah!” Now the students obviously can’t bear a little stimulation, and when they see someone fainting, they scream in horror and hide far away.

Zhang Zhongmin hurried over.

As a result, the students who had just eaten in the cafeteria passed out one after another.

Chen Meijia, who finally had the courage to walk down with her lunch box, was pale. She stood there tremblingly, her feet seemingly rooted and could not move.

She is a person who likes to read novels of doomsday, and likes to watch the protagonist in the doomsday world. But when it was really time for the end, she was almost scared.

“What’s the matter? Quickly, everyone helped the fainted classmates up.” A large area of ​​fainting, this is obviously very abnormal.

“Don’t!” Chen Meijia screamed consciously: “Don’t approach them, they will become zombies!”

Zhang Zhongmin has a national face, because he is an active soldier and has dark skin for long-term training. His eyes looked very sharp at Chen Meijia who was scared to pale.

He remembered that the female student was sent to the bedroom by him. If it were not for her, he would not notice the instructor who turned into a zombie.

“What’s the matter? They will become zombies when they faint?” Zhang Zhongmin asked seriously.

Now the phone is completely out of reach. They do n’t know what ’s going on outside, they can only send people to inform the military area.

Chen Meijia said tremblingly: “The water source must be infected. So the students who ate the meal fainted, it should be infected …”

In fact, she is not very sure, but suddenly there is such a thought in her mind, because all the water in the doomsday novel is bound to be infected.

Water is needed for cooking. If the water source is infected, it means that everyone is eating the infected water source.

Chen Meijia is already hungry. If it were not for the snacks she brought when she was not getting off, she would never leave the bedroom.

Zhang Zhongmin immediately greeted the instructors to pick up the rope and tie up the fainted person first. Then, without the rope, the curtains in the classroom were removed and cut into cloth strips for use as the rope.

“Ah !!!” Zhang Zhongmin turned around and saw a boy with a knife wiped a girl who became a zombie and was tied to the playground.

“They are zombies, they have become zombies. They are no longer human, kill them. Why not kill them! If we don’t kill them, we will die, we must kill them !!”

The boy’s eyes were red, tears were falling, his face was pale, his hand holding a fruit knife shivered.

“What are you doing!” Zhang Zhongmin strode over, only breathing when he touched the blood on the knife.

The blood sticking to the knife was as dark as ink, and no bright red blood could be seen.

He turned his head to look at the zombie with his neck smeared, and he grinned to rush over. Black blood continued to overflow from the wound on the neck.

Zhang Zhongmin only felt that his brain was banging, is it really the end?

How can a normal human being be wiped off his neck and still not die? How could it be black blood? How could blood smell a bad smell?

“Wow …” The boy who had just picked up the courage and wiped the neck of the zombie already could not bear the pressure in his heart, and he burst into tears while sitting on the ground.

Zhang Zhongmin rolled his throat slightly, and looked at the zombie who was still grinning.

He walked silently to Chen Meijia’s side: “Zombie, how can we kill?”

Chen Meijia shivered, her lips tightly pressed: “In the novel, the head of the zombie must be cut off–“


Fu Cao’s small villa is very remote. She can hardly hear the clamor in the city, but there are also scattered self-built small villas around.

Now everyone likes to live in the city, and the cottage is almost empty.

The water source has already been infected, and communication has been disrupted. Fu Cao sat in the study, and the shelves were full of novels. She was holding a novel with relish.

There is no power outage and the weather has not become so weird yet, but everything is developing in the direction of previous life.

A few days later, Fu Cao went out slowly. She bought a battery car before, and now it comes in handy. Although she wanted to buy a car, but after thinking about it, she would not drive.

Driving on the road in a battery car, I quickly entered the city.

What Fu Cao did not expect was that she had become a city and attracted zombies from all directions.

In the world of doomsday novels, everyone is still very vigilant. Even if there was no response at first, these people became zombies, and later they all reacted, hiding in the house and daring to go out.

There are also bold, already started killing zombies.

It’s just that there are still many people who follow the water. It didn’t happen that the water source had been infected so quickly.


With a roar, Fu Ku frowned. I don’t understand why these zombies came to surround her.

The first-order zombies act slowly and have a lot of energy. However, the body’s defense is not strong. As long as the common people use it, it is easy to kill the first-order zombies.

Of course, be careful of the sharp nails of the zombies. If the skin is scratched by nails, it will also be infected.

Later generations of abilities are not afraid of being infected.

The mutator and the zombies are all infected with the virus. The person who became a zombie turned into a walking dead because he could not fuse the virus.

The person who became a power man successfully merged the virus and evolved into a new human being.

Therefore, as long as the person becomes a power person, there is no fear of being infected. Not afraid of being infected, just saying that the virus carried by zombies is not afraid, as for the infected water source, the abilities dare not touch it.

Trolleys, bicycles, and battery cars are everywhere on the road, parked in disorder. Some cars even hit the front of the roadside barrier.

Fu Cao also saw zombies in some cars because they were trapped in the car and could not come out.

The first-order zombies are relatively strong, and there is no way to brutally destroy the car. The zombies who followed behind were all left behind by Fu Cao because of their slow speed.

However, a lot of zombies came out swaying straight ahead.

Fu Cao stopped the car, reached out to use his mental power to catch in the void, a white van floated in midair, and the other hand also grabbed a commercial van into the void, throwing it back and forth.

The zombies were crushed to the ground by the car.

But what is strange about Fu Cao is that when she used mental power just now. The zombies stopped obviously.

Hearing the sound, the people hiding around the house looked through the window.

The obstacles in front of Fu Cao’s hand stretched out automatically, leaving Fu Cao an unimpeded path.

“Hey, what is this?”

“Powers! The powers written in the novel! The end of the world is coming, zombies appear, and powers are really there!”

“Help-save me, save us-“


Most people do n’t put a lot of food in their homes, especially those office workers, who basically solve three meals a day outside. A few days later, there is not much left for food at home.

In this way, they will be starved to death. There is a supermarket downstairs, but no one dares to go out to face the horrible zombie.

Of course, Fu Cao heard the voices for help, but she ignored it. The zombies now are the least threatening, and if they do not have the courage to come out now, they will not survive in the future.

Zombies will only become stronger and stronger, and they will become eligible to survive if they become stronger.

If it was a previous life, she probably has passed to save people. Now Fu Kui just wants to live a capricious life.

When they saw Fu Cao’s ruthless ride on the battery car, they didn’t look back. Some of them were desperate, some of them collapsed, and even more people resented it.

When they collapsed, there was a voice all around the living people’s minds.

“Now the zombies are slow, their strength is only a little stronger than that of adult men, and their skin defense ability is very poor. Just cut off the zombies’ heads. Be careful not to be bitten by the zombies. Nails. Once injured, it can easily become infected and become a zombie. Of course, there is another possibility to become a power. The chance of becoming a power is very small. “

The faces of the people hiding at home became pale, and the voice that came to my mind inexplicably, everyone agreed that it was the woman who had just left.

Some people have gone to find weapons and are ready to go out to find food. Some people are shivering and unwilling to go out to wait for rescue.

I also heard the sound and immediately knew how strong Fu Cao was. I feel resentful, why do I remedy them if I am so strong? Obviously have this ability, but turn a blind eye!

In D City University.

It was reported on September 1st that many students did not come. The number of teachers and students who arrived at the school on September 1st was about 5,000.

However, half of the corpses changed.

Now there are only more than two thousand people in the school, and there are only ten instructors left together with Zhang Zhongmin. No one knows whether the instructor sent before had no news, whether he died outside or successfully arrived at the military headquarters.

The security team also left only five people.

The school cafeteria, plus the restaurants in the school, and the things in the shop are all concentrated in the school cafeteria. But within a few days, the food decreased visually.

Zhang Zhongmin looked at the rest, and I’m afraid they couldn’t even pass it for a week.

The previous zombies were all cleaned up by them, and the bodies of the cleaned zombies were all piled up at the entrance of several gates. Want to cover up their smell with the smell of zombies.

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