Zombie King Opens a Restaurant in Her Last Days

Chapter 41

This is the first time Fu Cao has been so lively here.

In the past, even if Brother Long came from one of their dormitory rooms, they had never been so lively. Fu Cao sat sideways with a smile, and still liked this atmosphere.

“Team Feng, why are you targeting Du Weiwei?” Probably, I found a like-minded person. Chen Meijia felt that Feng Han looked more closely with her eyes.

“Squad leader Xiao asked her to come and help, but she would not pretend to be physically uncomfortable. She said she was uncomfortable. I thought she was really uncomfortable.” She felt uncomfortable.

“If it were not for you to say that she was suffering from a lazy illness, I saw her expression unnatural, and I was really cheated by her. Can I not be angry?” I made her comfortable and comfortable. After spending one night at the observation point, she must be very comfortable when she comes out tomorrow. “

Lin Yiyi stunned: “Because of her sentence? Do you hate her?”

“That sentence is not enough?” Feng Han asked back.

Lin Yiyi didn’t know what to say all at once, and saw her holding her ignorant look. Obviously they are all elementary school teachers, but they are more like students than university students. All of the exclusive restaurants suddenly laughed.

Fu Cao couldn’t help smiling.

I do n’t know if Brother Long knows, will he be upset? Fu Cao touched his nose.

However, this has nothing to do with her. Fu Cao thought for a while, she did nothing. Sure enough, Du Weiwei is an annoying person, otherwise not so many people hate her.

“Fu Cao, why don’t you eat melon seeds?” Lin Yiyi looked at Fu Cao.

“…” No, she retracted the sentence. It is not good to have more people in an exclusive restaurant. Look, the problem is coming again.

“I eat a lot at noon, so I’m still panicking now.” Fu Cao smiled.

Suddenly, a group of people looked at Fu Cao’s eyes strangely.

It’s good for everyone to eat seven or eight full, and it’s a luxury to be full. Fu Cao actually said that she had eaten! !

707 looked at Fu Cao, and he had some doubts.

She reached out and wanted to touch the pinna to start the scan, but her hand was just raised. Fu Cao looked at it all at once, and 707’s hand was slightly stiff, and then naturally put the hair in his ear behind his ear.

She has always believed in her sixth sense, and she feels Fu Ke is dangerous. Then this person’s strength must not be under her. Although 707 does not feel that a person in time and space can exceed their time and space authority.

That’s right, 707 is from the Space and Time Administration.

There are many departments of the Space and Time Administration, and 707 only knows that her job is to help the particularly resentful people change their lives.

To say that it is a change is actually to come back on behalf of others. 707 didn’t understand the people who were resentful at all, because she thought they would be satisfied for someone who lived a different life for them.

Of course, Qiu Yinlan is different. Qiu Yinlan’s resentment was not because of what she suffered, but because of her son.

707 looked at Qiuya, Fu Cao gave him a Rubik’s Cube, and the child sat side by side and played the Rubik’s Cube seriously.

It is said that serious men are the most handsome, serious women are the most attractive, and serious children are the most lovely.

The group of women did not leave until dinner time in the afternoon, but before leaving, the seeds were cleaned up before leaving. Fu Cao is quite satisfied.

“Mom, hug!” Holding Qio’s hand, Qiuya and her two walked at the end. The child pulled 707 and said coquettishly.

707 obediently hugged him up, who knew that the child was lying in 707’s ear, quietly Mimi whispered: “Doesn’t mom like Sister Fu?”

His hand still tightly pinched the imitation given by Fu Cao to him.

“No.” 707 is a little strange, and doesn’t understand why Qiu Dong said she doesn’t like Fu Cao.

Qiu Tiao frowned, and whispered, “Mother, Sister Fu is very good. Qiu Tai likes Sister Fu very much.” He leaned on 707’s shoulders.

“Mother, don’t hate Sister Fu, will you?”

“…” Is it certain that she doesn’t like Fu Ke?

Suddenly, 707 thought. Before, she thought that Fu Cao had to say Qiu Tong’s ability, so she was killed in an instant. But she consciously hid well, did Qiu Ting feel that time?

It should be, otherwise Qiuya will not say such a thing.

707 rubbed the child’s head, a little sighed in his heart, really a sensitive child.


707 walked and stopped. She suddenly wanted to ask, but she didn’t know what she should ask. Holding Qiuya’s hand slightly tight, he nodded: “Mom won’t hate Sister Fu.”

The child is so sensitive, how could Lin Zhibin be deceived? And … Qiuya really didn’t find that she was Qiu Yinlan?

Somewhat distressed in my heart.

Space and Time Administration.

001 stood in front of the conference table with his hands on the conference table.

“The glory of the Space and Time Administration needs to be recovered by our own hands. Now there is a heterogeneity in the space and time of the number 707, which has super strength and should not appear in that space and time. At least it should not appear in that time period . “

“So, we need to eradicate this alien. 707 has been fully integrated into that time and space, and will not leave in a short time. She will assist the aliens over there. So, who is willing to take on this task?”

As soon as the voice fell, the entire conference room was quiet. Everyone looked left and right and then watched.

001 looked so blue, and looked at the people in the conference room coldly. Plus 001 had only five people in total, and the number was pitiful.

Today’s Space-Time Administration has long lost its former glory and is now in a state of disappointment. Only the person who has n’t come back in various time and space missions all year round does not know.

001 slightly ticked the corner of his mouth, and he straightened up: “No one wants?”

Looking at 001, he was clearly in a very bad mood, even though he seemed to be laughing, he was as cold as a viper. 009 said: “001, it is not that we have no one willing to go, but now the headquarters is only operated by five of us. In the case of a shortage of people, five people have been exhausted.”

After a pause, he continued: “If you are leaving a person to deal with the hour and space. Here is very easy to mess up.”

013 wiped the sweat from his forehead, and nodded in agreement: “Yes, yeah, and our team is not very familiar with the task, in case the situation in the small world is not good.”

To put it simply, knowing the special danger of 707 hours, 001 sneered.

However, there are indeed shortages in the number of space-time authorities. 009 is not bad. The workload of the five people is already very large. After all, they have more than 500 people who perform tasks all the year round.

They must also monitor these five hundred missions.

“Then what do you say about this matter?” 001 sat on the chair calmly, the aura was not as terrifying as before, and several people were relieved.

096 blinked: “Do n’t we have a gold mission? Should we call 666 back and let him go? I remember that the hour and space of 707 is the end of the world, and 666 should have done a handful of tasks in the end world . “

666 likes to experience different lives, and has never ended from the beginning of the task. Generally it is to jump directly from this world to the next world.

The other missioners generally return to the rest space of the Space and Time Administration for a period of time before leaving, but he directly enters the next world.

“Is this action too big?” 001 said with some uncertainty: “Will it attract the attention of the Anti-Space-Time Administration Alliance?”

After all, they have been staring at the Space and Time Administration and those who perform their tasks.

Five hundred, they could not stare closely at each. But like 666, 001 does not believe they will not stare at 666.

081 listened, and said indifferently: “What’s the matter? The Anti-Space-Time Administration has been staring at 666 for so many years. Even if the Space-Time Administration has been losing ground, 666 is also in the mission world. A lot of losses. “

He said with a smile and said: “It’s the best to attract their attention. Let’s talk to 666 this time. When encountering the kind of people who get in the way, just eradicate them, don’t go around in circles.”

001’s fingers continually tapped on the table. For a long time, the tapped fingers did not lift up.

He raised his eyes: “Okay, recall 666.”


The rain was unexpected.

Since the end of the day, I have never seen rain on this day. Suddenly heavy rain washed away for several days and nights, and the people who were exposed to the rain fainted and got a fever without exception.

This fever is quite similar to ordinary high fever, because people with fever have repeated high and low fever cycles, and there is no way to lower the fever.

For a while, the people in the base of City D were overwhelmed with cloudiness. They dared not go out in the rainy days. People who went to the cafeteria to move food also passed out.

A series of people who had fainted and had a fever had already made people uneasy. Unexpectedly, on the third day of rain, Zhang Zhongmin also passed out.

When Zhang Zhongmin collapsed, there were many people around him. The news suddenly spread to everyone’s ears like wings.

For a while, everyone felt panicked as if there were no more pillars.

The ‘click’ door was opened.

Du Weiwei’s attitude towards Xiao Bin’s irrelevance before shimmering in his eyes: “I heard that Zhang Zhongmin collapsed and got a fever?”

Xiao Bin, who walked in wearily, was stunned, not knowing how he should react.

It has been a month since Du Weiwei observed the 24 disappearances at the observation point last time. This month Du Weiwei treated him with a nose, nose, or eye.

He can only sit in the corner of the wall wearing a thick cotton jacket every night because Du Weiwei will not let him go to bed.

Every time he talked, Du Weiwei ignored him. Even if he had admitted wrong. This month, Xiao Bin was exhausted physically and mentally, and did not know how to coax Du Weiwei.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came back today, Du Weiwei spoke.

Xiao Bin was flattered.

Just listening to what Du Weiwei asked, Xiao Bin pursed his lips and nodded slightly: “Because of the rain, he fainted because of the fever. Although those people have continued fever and have not turned into zombies, everyone is afraid and nobody wants to The cafeteria brought food. “

Therefore, Zhang Zhongmin went out with an umbrella. He drove the truck over, and the rear compartment of the truck was covered with a rain shed. .

When it rained at the time, everyone was still training here, so they were trapped inside the building.

Du Weiwei didn’t like to stay with everyone, so Xiao Bin accompanied her in the former teacher’s office alone.

More than half of the food was moved in trucks, which solved the problem of food and clothing for everyone for a few days. After all, everyone’s own food is in the bedroom, and there is no way to get it now.

If the rain continues, the food in the truck will not be enough.

After Zhang Zhongmin moved the food to the teaching building and arranged it, he immediately fell down.

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