Zombie King Opens a Restaurant in Her Last Days

Chapter 25

The corner of Fu Cao’s mouth slightly bent.

“What do you think?”

Lin Yiyi smiled bitterly, she was really stunned before asking such stupid questions. Take a deep breath: “Thank you, but no, I want to accompany the children.”

“I will not abandon them.” She knew the taste of being abandoned, not to mention the time when it was so terrifying. She couldn’t believe what would happen to the children if even she abandoned the children?

“Teacher, let’s go.” Qiu Tiao pinched his clothes and tears, but bit his lips tightly and said stubbornly, “Teacher, let’s go.”

Qiuya took a head, and suddenly a cry came from the classroom.

“Teacher, let’s go, leave us alone. If we stay, we will all die.”

“Teacher, let’s go. You are a good person, we all thank you. But we don’t want you to die.”

Children in elementary school already know a lot.

Especially those experienced during this time have made them mature a lot at a young age. In the conversation between Fu Cao and Lin Yiyi, they have clearly understood what is going on.

If the teacher continues to stay for them, not only will they starve to death, the teacher will also.

One by one, the children cried in a whisper, and Lin Yiyi, who was crying, was in pain. Tears also slipped down his cheeks.

She covered her mouth and took a few deep breaths: “No, the teacher won’t go, the teacher is with you …”

With that said, Lin Yiyi walked to the children without looking back.

Although everyone let her go, but she was very scared. So when Lin Yiyi firmly said not to go, a group of children surrounded Lin Yiyi tightly.

More than a hundred children surrounded Lin Yiyi, this picture is really touching.

“Don’t cry, you can’t go away after crying.” Fu Cao looked at the sky, she needed to take the children quietly and leave with the darkness.

The children walked slowly. From here to D City University, they had to walk at least a few hours.

“I won’t leave, I won’t abandon the children.” Lin Yiyi, who was surrounded by the children in the dark, smiled: “But, thank you anyway, thank you for taking me away.”

The implication is to thank Fu Cao for her kindness, but she does not intend to leave.

Fu Cao raised her eyebrows gently, but didn’t expect that she would rather die and stay with this group of children. Fu Cao was particularly fond of children, but didn’t know how to approach them.

“What if I say take them away?”

As soon as Fu Cao said it, Lin Yiyi almost thought she had heard it wrong. Looking blankly at Fu Cao: “You mean, take the children and leave together?”

“Yes.” In the dark, even if Fu Cao nodded, Lin Yiyi could not see it. So Fu Cao responded directly.

Lin Yiyi could not believe it, but also doubted: “There are too many children, and we can’t take them out at all. The zombies outside are terrifying. I’m scared, afraid that the children will be bitten.

She had thought about taking the children out before, but there were so many zombies outside. It would take a lot of effort for her to go out alone to find food.

Not to mention bringing the children.

Fu Cao suddenly thought that there would be no zombies if he took the children on the street. Obviously, it is incredible that Lin Yiyi has not been out.

What should I do if I doubt her by then?

With mental energy out, Fu Cao immediately smiled: “I have a car. You wait for me here, I drive the car over, and then you come down.”

“But remember to be quiet.” Fu Cao urged him to leave.

After she finished speaking, she left without giving Lin Yiyi a chance to react. When Lin Yiyi wanted to speak, there was no one at the door. She almost suspected that she had just dreamed in daylight.

How is it possible that someone is willing to take the children away!

“Autumn, am I dreaming?” The person in the arms of Lin Yiyi was Qiu Dong, who couldn’t help but ask the child in his arms.

“No, teacher. We didn’t have a dream. There was a nice-sounding sister who said she was going to take us away.” Qiu Tong hadn’t answered yet, and the little child couldn’t wait.

The classroom was very cold, the children were all squeezed together tightly, the doors and windows closed tightly, so that the classroom became hot.

Fu Cao quickly came to the large supermarket on the next street, which was far away for Lin Yiyi. But Fu Cao came here quickly.

She still quickly searched and cleaned things in the supermarket that humans could hardly collect, and she moved the shelves together into the space.

Lin Yiyi has been hungry for a long time, and the children are not necessarily full, so Fu Cao packed a lot of food with several backs. Only then went to the warehouse behind the supermarket.

There was a huge transport van in the warehouse, and the little children were able to sit down squeezed.

Found the car key, opened the door, and ran out as soon as the truck was smoking.

If anyone can notice, Fu Cao’s feet are not placed on the throttle at all, but the steering wheel is controlled by both hands.

Fu Cao can’t drive, but it is very convenient to drive the car with mental force.

Driving the truck, the truck is the kind of closed compartment, Fu Cao threw a lot of cotton quilt in it.

The classroom is crowded and crowded, so it’s warm because of the crowd, and it will definitely be cold when you step out.

When he arrived at Sunshine Elementary School, Fu Cao got out of the car and opened the door of the car, put all the food backpacks in it, and then lifted the down jacket worn by the children.

When footsteps came, Lin Yiyi still held the stick tightly in her hand, afraid that Fu Ke might have come over.

Fu Cao came over and saw Lin Yiyi nervously holding the stick. Fortunately, this time I did not knock it down directly: “It’s cold outside, let the children put on their coats first.”

Hearing Fu Cao’s voice, Lin Yiyi finally breathed a sigh of relief: “Did you drive the car over? But are you really able to sit down with so many people? Do you have to leave several times?”

“No, just one time.” Fu Cao said to Lin Yiyi big and small clothes: “Let them wear them.”

“Okay, okay, thank you. Thank you really.” Lin Yiyi said excitedly, she quickly took the clothes and distributed it to the children to let everyone wear it.

Fu Cao’s hand was caught by a small cold hand.

She froze slightly, looking down at her little boy looking up at her.

The little boy grinned: “Thank you sister.”

This little boy has a wave of powers. Fu Ke, who upgraded to eleventh level, clearly felt the fluctuation of the wood power, but it seems that the little boy didn’t know about it.

“No thanks.” Fu Cao’s answer seemed a bit stiff. She squatted down and picked up a down jacket wrapped around the little boy’s body: “Well dressed, it’s cold outside.”

The pink down jacket of the female doll, wrapped in this pink-carved little boy, seemed not at all abrupt.

“Thank you sister.” The little boy smiled.

Looking at the child’s innocent smile, Fu Cao’s ears flushed slightly.

“Everyone is all right? When you’re done, follow me down, pay attention, don’t make a sound.” Fu Cao stood up and said.

“Wait, it’s okay.” Lin Yiyi said eagerly, and then told everyone: “Everyone is holding hands, we go down together, they are all quiet, can’t you make a voice know? Seize your little friends, don’t leave behind . “

Fu Cao wanted to say that she could see if someone was left behind.

But after thinking about it, I didn’t say it. Let Lin Yiyi organize the children to go up from the fifth floor.

These children are really clever. They are more clever than many of the children she has seen in her previous life. Obviously the same is the end of the world, but those children may not be obedient because they have parents around.

A non-falling man got into the car, where Fu Ke was paved with cotton wool, and the children warmed up quickly after squeezing them up.

Lin Yiyi could have been sitting in front, but he was not worried about these children, so he followed him.

“Some of the backpacks in the corner are for food. Hold it.” Fu Cao said and closed the door. The carriage fell into a darker darkness than outside.

When Fu Cao drove to the exclusive hotel, it was still late, and the children in the carriage fell asleep slowly. They slept close to each other, and there was a sweet smile in the corner of their mouths.

Lin Yiyi also fell asleep.

Fu Cao parked the car at the door and rolled in from the window on the second floor. With her mental powers out, the zombie could never come over.

At six in the morning.

Sixteen teams of three teams set off. As a group of three teams, Qiu Yinlan was naturally in the team, but just walked to the gate of Dongdaemun, Zhang Zhongmin saw Fu Cao standing at the gate.

He hurried over and looked at Fu Cao up and down: “Are you all right?”

Fu Cao smiled: “What can I do?”

“…” Obviously caring about her, but she was blocked by a word. Zhang Zhongmin was more embarrassed, looking at her two pear vortexes, only to feel that her spicy eyes were not cute at all.

Seeing Zhang Zhongmin’s black face was even darker, Fu Cao was particularly happy.

Anyway, since the last time Zhang Zhongmin refused to eat Dongpo meat, she took note of him. Then he stepped aside and opened the door of the passing car.

It was at this time that Zhang Zhongmin saw the large freight car with closed compartments and raised his eyebrows.

Lin Yiyi jumped from the car, and then hugged out the radish heads one by one.

Zhang Zhongmin looked at Fu Cai with surprise: “You disappeared for so long yesterday, are you going to save the survivors?” But looked at it … except that Lin Yiyi, who just came down, was an adult woman.

Afterwards, it was all radish heads.

Qiu Yinlan saw one of the children, how could he be so familiar?

Before she could think of it, Qiuya saw Qiu Yinlan, and her tears burst into tears. She just stood on the ground and couldn’t wait to pounce: “Mom!”

Qiu Yinlan heard her mother’s words, and her eyes widened in shock, looking at the little carrot head rushing over her thigh.

No wonder they are familiar, it turned out to be the son of the original owner!

But … she remembers that Qiuya should not have been sent to the D City base at this time, and that it would have to be delayed for a while. Then I saw the woman talking to Zhang Zhongmin.

The woman’s breath is very strong, but there is no such woman in the things about the original owner.

She didn’t know the woman, neither did the original owner. So, what the **** is going on?

“Mom?” After crying for a while holding his thighs, Qiu Qi raised her head to look at Qiu Yinlan, who was unresponsive, and stared at her dimly in tears.

Xu, the leader of a team of three teams, knew about Qiu Yinlan’s amnesia.

Can’t help pulling La Qiu Yinlan’s sleeve, watching the child cry like this. He was distressed, so this reminded Qiu Yinlan, even if he didn’t remember it. But feelings are always there?

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