Zombie King Opens a Restaurant in Her Last Days

Chapter 19

After a while, Fu Cao found it, stewed noodles with cabbage and pork belly.

Pork belly, there are many in the space, just use it casually. The pigs I bought before are more and more now, but she has only killed two so far.

Of course, there are more animals than pigs, but there is a lot of space. Seeing more and more small animals breed, the space for them to plan is also getting bigger and bigger.

There are also in the cabbage space. The fans searched in the supermarket last time. There are fresh in the mushroom space. At that time, they were also collected in the supermarket. I looked at the spices and they were all complete.

When I was in the exclusive restaurant, I made a special big iron pot, which is just right now.

Millet pumpkin porridge is boiled in the low stove on the ground, and the fried dishes are fried on the stove.

At the time of the exclusive restaurant plan, four stoves were planned, two short ones, which can be used for cooking porridge, and two high ones, for cooking.

But Fu Cao thinks that four stoves are not enough for her …

Take out a stainless steel cauldron and place it next to the low stove boiled with millet porridge, burning white water.

The huge iron pan is just hot above the stove. Wash the mushrooms and cabbage while the pan is hot. Cut the mushrooms in half, tear the cabbage in small pieces, and slice the onion, **** and garlic. Pork belly is also cut into large slices.

Remove the oil from the pan, add the onion, ginger, garlic and pepper after the oil is hot.

After sauteing, add pork belly and stir-fry. After the meat slices change color, put in old soy sauce and a little white sugar. After almost, Fu Cao will be poured into a stainless steel pot that has been burnt.

The large stainless steel pan instantly took up a quarter of the place with sliced ​​meat.

Place the shiitake mushrooms, and boil for two minutes. Put the prepared vermicelli. When the vermicelli is almost cooked, throw the cabbage into small pieces.

The pieces of meat were cooked, the vermicelli became transparent, and the cabbage was just dead. The water in the pot has almost burned, no more or less just fit.

After looking at it, at least it looks pretty good.

She made dozens of times the small portion of the book. She didn’t know if it was good or not. But … Fu Cao raised an eyebrow. She said she was guaranteed to be full, not to be delicious!

After washing the big iron pan without washing, just poured water, and then took out 2,850 eggs from the space.

The school was originally 2,832 people (Lu Xun was left behind when calculating the number of people), plus 16 class monitors, and Chen Ju’s mother and daughter, that is 2,850.

“…” The big iron pan couldn’t fit …

But it was still early, Fu Cao only took out two iron pans to cook the eggs, and divided them into several times to cook.

One in the school trained more seriously than one, and those who dug crystal nuclei at several gates did not dislike the stench of zombies. Looking at the dug out of the crystal nuclei, one by two is like seeing a mother.

The sky gradually darkened, and everyone wiped the black lacquered things clean with a rag, and then used the school tricycle to give Fu Caola the past.

I have smelled a variety of aromas, and now everyone is waiting for dinner.

The lunch boxes that I have n’t used for a long time are all in my hands, but for the sake of safety, Zhang Zhongmin does not allow everyone to go out and eat in exclusive restaurants.

Therefore, the densely packed people stood on the dim playground, and the weather gradually became colder, and no one complained.

Zhang Zhongmin and Liu Guoan and Lu Xun sent 1,000 crystal nuclei to them. In fact, there were 1,800 in total, and the rest were put away separately.

“Do you count?” The tricycle pulled to the door of the exclusive hotel. Fu Cao’s eyes suddenly smiled when he saw the brilliant crystal nuclei. However, he suddenly rolled his eyes when he heard Zhang Zhongmin’s words.

“Don’t count, do they even have to eat after I count?” Fu Cao took a few snakeskin bags from upstairs and told them to put all the nuclei together.

Is there a thousand pieces? She knows at a glance. Do I need to count?

Not only did she know that there were not many, there were many, but she also knew that there were 800 of them there!

Three or two times, put all the crystal cores aside, and Fu Cao greeted them to bring the cabbage and pork belly stew vermicelli and millet pumpkin porridge to the tricycle, and the eggs were also packed in snake skin bags and placed on the tricycle.

The millet pumpkin porridge is particularly sticky and emits a strong fragrance. Liu Guoan’s eyes looked at the large stainless steel pot of pumpkin porridge. Although the lid was covered, it could not resist the temptation of the fragrance.

When asked about the taste of Chinese cabbage stewed noodles with pork belly, the saliva almost fell off.

“No shame, just walk around.” Zhang Zhongmin’s face was black and he shouted suddenly. I just feel really shameful. If you want to eat, you can restrain yourself!

“Fu Cao, I think this may not be enough?” Zhang Zhongmin didn’t want Fu Cao to give him much, but he really felt that this thing should not be enough.

“You go back to divide first, and cook instant noodles if you aren’t full.” Fu Ke looked at the stainless steel cauldron above: “But you have to wash the pan for me after eating.”

“…” Zhang Zhongmin, who was already short of water, widened his eyes, but thought that Fu Cao would also need a lot of water to cook … he sighed and nodded: “Got it.”

As soon as they left, Fu Cao took out a large stainless steel cauldron and boiled most of the boiling water. After boiling, the fire was turned off. Then took out a few boxes of instant noodles from the space.

Then she took all the crystal nuclei into the space and looked at the shiny crystal nuclei. Although they were only first-order crystal nuclei, she was very satisfied.

With a cute pear vortex on the corner of the mouth, an unknown song hummed in the mouth, all the instant noodles were opened into the pot, and then the spices were also opened bag by bag …

After stirring with a long spoon, Zhang Zhongmin and they returned.

“Come? Instant noodles are ready, take it away!” Fu Cao looked at it very well. The pot was very clean. : “It should be almost the same as instant noodles. You will come to eat later.”

What she said is that you are Zhang Zhongmin who is responsible for sharing the rice, Lu Xun who is responsible for the dishes, and Liu Guoan who is responsible for the eggs. I used to look at it mentally, and Liu Guoan salivated while dividing.

But he didn’t swallow it in the end, he went out in full, and finally left three, one of them three talents.

When eating, everyone pours into their mouths. It is estimated that this instant noodle will pass away, and there will be no leftovers.

Zhang Zhongmin looked at Fu Cao in surprise, then nodded: “Okay.”

“Are you too tired?” Lu Xun couldn’t help worrying. After all, this was a meal for more than two thousand people. Although it has been made as simple as possible, it is also very tiring.

Fu Cao waved his hand: “I will prepare it for you, and you will come over after you have divided it.”

Liu Guoan smiled silly: “Thank you, Fu Cao.”

Fu Cao turned out the fried noodles, and then made the sauce and cooked the noodles. This is very simple and fast. After a while, Fu Cao made three bowls of fried noodles, and then fried an egg for each of them.

After thinking about it, I cut a large plate of braised pig ears on the table.

The pig ears have been cold for so long, but the braised vegetables are more flavorful after cooling.

When Zhang Zhongmin brought the landing to search for Liu Guoan and the three people came over, they smelled the delicious fried noodles. Fu Cao had just brought it out less than a minute before they came back.

The time card is accurate.

Of course, what was brought back was a clean stainless steel cauldron.

It was washed by Qiu Yingying and was very clean. So Zhang Zhongmin secretly stuffed his own white-water egg into Qiu Yingying’s hands, which was regarded as a reward for her.

They were also very hungry, and they ate three or two bites of fried eggs on the noodles.

After stirring the noodles evenly, they ate them slickly, without saying anything during the period. Even Lu Xun is, after all, he ate so little at noon, not to mention so long in the afternoon, and gave everyone a meal to endure the hunger in his belly.

Fu Cao walked over and looked at them. They directly divided the pig ears into a bowl, and all the parts were clean. Eat with a gulp.

“Do you know where there is a generator in City D?” Fu Cao looked at them. If there is a generator, she can steam rice today. The dry rice is more hungry than millet porridge and noodles.

And convenient …

“Generator?” Zhang Zhongmin narrowed his eyes. He wasn’t a city D person and didn’t know.

Both Liu Guoan and Zhang Zhongmin watched the landing search.

Lu Xun also shook his head: “I am not from City D. I am from City J. Although I have been reading here for two years, I do not fully understand City D.”

However, Lu Xun looked at Fu Cao: “What are you going to do with a generator?”

Fu Cao is very distressed now. I knew I would install a generator here. Is it necessary for people to disassemble the generator and install it here?

“If there is electricity, I can steam rice for you. The steamed rice is hungry.”

Fu Cao sighed, but unfortunately there was no electricity, even though she had a lot of rice cookers, it was useless.

“Let’s go back and ask some questions, maybe someone in school knows.” Zhang Zhongmin finished a big bowl of fried noodles and finally felt full.

Can’t help but burp.

“…” She seemed to have said before that Zhang Zhongmin wanted to eat. The price has to double! Grumpy glanced at Zhang Zhongmin, forget it …

She still has to rely on them to find generators, and she still doesn’t know how to install generators, it is estimated that they have to rely on them.

After eating and drinking, a few people went back. After all, they had to leave tomorrow morning.

“What time do you depart tomorrow?” Fu Cao asked, looking at when he was going to cook.

The sky outside was completely dark, and a cold breath wrapped around them. Even if I just had a meal and felt warm, I felt a little cold now.

“At six o’clock, it was slightly bright at six o’clock, and it was not so cold. Departing too late, I was afraid that the sun would be too big.”

Now from twelve noon to four o’clock in the afternoon, the sun is like a large oven that is very close to you.

But Zhang Zhongmin also wanted to get a generator. There is air conditioning in the school, but because there is no electricity. So the air conditioner has become a decoration.

But after thinking about it, he still felt that he could not use the air conditioner. When people cannot change the environment, they can only adapt hard.

Otherwise, it’s a habit to blow the air conditioner. What if the weather gets worse in the future? Can’t I stay in school all my life?

Even if you can stay in school, go out and find supplies!

“Are you serious?” Qiu Yinlan was shocked.

“Of course it is true, they were the ones I opened and put in, can I still not know?” Said the boy who stood at the door when Chen Ju and Lin Xiaoya came to the school.

Originally, she only had a try attitude, because she just knew who was the person who was guarding at Dongdaemun that day, so she came back to find this boy.

Qiu Yinlan’s eyes flashed slightly, she was not the first team, so it was not her turn to go out to find supplies tomorrow.

“I know, thank you.” Qiu Yinlan smiled gently.

The boy couldn’t help swallowing

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