Zombie King Opens a Restaurant in Her Last Days

Chapter 106

At this time, Fu Cao had already arrived in the t city.

Fu Cao released the coercion and entered the city base as easily as entering a no-man’s land. She just walked in, and a man in a suit and leather shoes came over.

“My host is waiting for you.” A light smile appeared on his face, his movements were very elegant, but his **** eyes were exposed, which was also a zombie.

Fu Cao’s pupil flashed slightly, and his master should be the man in the black suit.

“Okay, lead the way.” Fu Cao smiled.

“Please on your side.” The man looks like a gentleman, and every gentleman does not look like a native. It looks like it grew up abroad.

He was afraid of Fu Cao and was in awe of Fu Cao, but his expression and eyes could not see at all that he was afraid, and it covered up very well.

The humans at the base of the city t are bound together as if humans had raised pigs before.

And because of the fear, these people seemed to have become beasts and tried their best to vent. At this time, the woman inside was miserable.

But because of this, women especially hope that they can become pregnant, because after pregnancy, these zombies will isolate them from others. Give them peace of mind to give birth.

Fu Cao just glanced at the chaotic human area lightly, and he wasn’t paying attention anymore. Is it human or human?

Even if Fu Cao rescued them now, it would be different. And how powerful that man is, Fu Ke doesn’t know yet, if she can make good friends, she feels as good as possible.

Less than a last resort, Fu Cao was reluctant to work hard. After all, despite the rebirth of the adventure, who can guarantee something, she can be reborn again?

“What’s your name?” Fu Cao looked sideways at the man.

“My host named me Qiong.” The man smiled slightly.

Fu Cao was dumb for a time: “Your host is really learned.” The past life has been doomed for many years. She still seems to be the IQ of a child of several years old. A zombie appeared.

“Master likes to read books.” Qiong explained with a smile.

It ’s great to understand. The previous thin man taught her not to count.

The city of T is relatively barren and covers a small area. But the architecture of this tall building is very delicate. But city B has a comparison.

While riding the elevator, the dome pressed the number on the top floor.

“The generator here is also made by your master?” The base was brightly lit and didn’t seem wasteful at all.

“Generator?” Qiong said something unclear: “I don’t know the generator, but the power source here is my host, who supplies the electricity in the base.”

Fu Cao’s eyes deepened.

Thunderbolt abilities, even those who control abilities well, do supply current. Because thunderbolts with thunder powers are all offensive.

If the thunder and lightning ability is used to supply power, only the wire will be burned and the electrical appliance will explode.


When the elevator reached the top floor, Fu Cao walked out of the elevator and saw a man standing not far away. His thin lips gently raised: “Welcome to you.”

Fu Cao tilted his head and looked closely at the man in front of him. His air pressure made Fu Cao a little uncomfortable. What is the reason for him to advance so fast?

She tried to bring out a trace of mental power to test this man, but it was like a rock sinking into the sea, with no response.

“Hello, my name is Dis.” Diss stretched out his hand with a smile.

“Fu Cao.” Fu Cao held out his hand, but at one touch.

“Your name is really strange, the last name is Demings?” Fu Cao looked at Deis with his head tilted, his **** eyes innocent. Clean and discerning is completely different from Diss’s full-eyed eyes.

“Last name?” Dess seemed a little puzzled, and it took a while to understand, and said with a smile: “You can also say that.”

“Please here, I have prepared a very rich for you …” It seems that I can’t remember any words to describe it for a moment. Diss looked at the sky outside, and then smiled and said: “Dinner.”

Dis is only full of hate for human beings, but is very friendly to his own kind.

If there were not so many antibody agents, he would not only inject the antibody agent into the vault. That’s right, the reason why the vault is similar to humans is because Diss injected him with antibody.

So, discovering that Fu Cao is just like him, Diss is very happy. So Fu Ke is very, very friendly.

Walking in and looking at the eyes is an extremely luxurious palace, which is decorated as if it were a European palace. Fu Cao couldn’t get used to it for a while, and the bookshelves standing on the wall were filled with dense books, which was more horrifying than Fu Ke’s space.

This room occupies almost the entire top floor, except for the bathroom in the room, everything else is transparent, such as the open study and the open kitchen.

Nose sharply smelled the sweet taste of school.

A delicate plate was placed on the marble round table, and the thin slices of meat were stacked on the plate one by one to form a beautiful pattern. But Fu Cao almost immediately thought of it as human flesh.

And the red liquid in the red wine bottle is obviously blood.

At this time, Diss was very gentleman and pulled back the chair: “Fu Cao, please here.”

Fu Cao slowly walked over and looked at the flesh arranged on the table. He closed his eyes and took a hard breath. When he opened his eyes, he said, “I’m not used to eating like this. You will wait for me to process it.”

With that said, Fu Cao walked into the kitchen with a plate and red wine.

Diss froze for a moment. He didn’t understand it at all. What would he do if he didn’t eat it like this? He looked at the dome in confusion, but the dome spread his hands and said he didn’t know.

Both of them have limited knowledge from books, but even if they read books 24 hours a day, they don’t understand many things.

Coupled with the fact that the people in the base of t city have been raised by them and they are no different from beasts. What they lose and eat, even if they are thrown on the ground, some people compete for food.

Diss’s men found rotten meat and threw it over, and someone would scramble to eat it.

After all, Diss is full, and he will not know that humans want to eat cooked food, otherwise they will get sick easily?

However, humans are extremely adaptable creatures. When they can’t change the environment, they will automatically adapt to the environment, from eating those things at the beginning to being uncomfortable, and now they have become accustomed to it.

There is a curtain in the kitchen that pulls down to block your view.

Fu Cao smiled at them. “Send you a good thing as a gift.” Then he drew down the curtain.

Feeling Fu Cao’s Diss sitting on the sofa beside was thoughtful.

“Master.” The vault looked at the direction of the kitchen, and they could not see anything from the sight cut off by the curtain.

Diss raised his hand and the dome stood aside, saying nothing.

Here, Fu Ke looked at the people and took out the garbage bags directly from the space to pack all the meat into the space. He took a deep breath and threw blood into the space, and took a bottle of red wine from the space.

A lot of red wine was placed in Fu Cao’s space. He accidentally moved other people’s cellars away.

Taking out the salmon from the space, Fu Ke, who has never had a salmon before, just started to cook salmon with the help of some information about salmon.

Soon, the fishbone of the salmon was picked by her.

Thin slices of transparent fish flesh appeared on the plate at an unusual speed. After cutting the fish flesh, Fu Ke did not dip it in water. She thought that they should not use it.

Taking out the beef, Fu Cao made the beef tenderloin very tender. Although there was no time for her to be marinated, she couldn’t help her.

The red wine took out a pot and boiled it, adding pig blood as it boiled to confuse Diss with their feelings.

For a while, Fu Cao walked out of the room with the dish.

“Waiting for a long time, try my craft.” Fu Cao grinned, showing a bright smile, but Diss’s pair of **** eyes looked at Fu Cao deeply.

The vault looked at Diss, and when he didn’t say anything, he went to help and filled the table in a while.

The pattern is not lost at all to the pattern laid out by the previous vault.

Qiong found that the smell of the things in her hand seemed to be a bit wrong, and it was still warm. She didn’t think so many hands moved, and the ice immediately condensed outside the bottle.

After a while, the heat inside quickly evaporated and the red wine returned to normal temperature.

Fu Cao took out the red wine glass and Diss played with the red wine glass: “These, shouldn’t they be the previous ones?”

Diss looked at Fu Cao.

“Trust me.” Fu Cao smiled, not caring about Diss’s increasingly dangerous look. Even if this disco is stronger than her, Fu Fu is heartbroken.

I thought she was the strongest person in the world today, but whoever thought of it had killed Cheng Jiajin.

However, she still has room, even if it is Diss, it is impossible to easily obtain benefits in her hands.

In addition to space, she has a fire spirit that can burn everything, doesn’t she?

Fu Cao picked up sashimi with chopsticks: “Don’t you eat it? The taste is very good.”

A large plate of sashimi, three three-minute cooked steaks, and the tender **** ones in the middle are very tender. Also, cold pork belly. Of course, pork belly was cooked in white water before slicing in cold water before mixing.

Diss never uses chopsticks, and has always used hands or forks with the dome.

So Disce looked at the chopsticks that Fu Cao took out, threw it aside, and took out the fork to eat.

The meat of the sashimi is very tender and smooth. Although Fu Ke cut it into thin slices, it was cut into very large slices. One bite at a time, the taste is very good.

Considering that they might not eat Steak Steak, Fu Cao changed it into small pieces with a knife before he came out.

Dess doesn’t seem to like sashimi, and after two bites, he didn’t eat it. After eating a lot of cold pork belly, I finally took a bite of steak.

“What is this?” Diss pointed to the steak and asked Fu Cao.

“Steak, what foreigners like to eat the most.” Fu Cao smiled, but the dome kept looking at the steak, as if doing some research.

“This is good and delicious.” Diss said seriously.

Red wine boiled blood, Fu Ke did not want to drink at all. The taste must be very strange, but the two of them seem to like the taste very much. A bottle of red blood boiled liquid, and soon the two of them drank it.

Everything on the table is clean.

After eating, the dome picked up the tableware and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. Diss asked Fu Cao to sit on the sofa, but after sitting down, Diss’s **** eyes became a little eerie.

“What about the previous meat?” Dess looked at Fu Cao, seriously not looking at the same kind of eyes.

Fu took out a large bag of meat from the space silently: “I have no other meaning, just don’t like to eat these things. Sorry.”

Diss chuckled.

“Your life habits are very similar to humans?” After meeting every detail of meeting with Fu Cao, Diss took the meat in his pocket.

“It’s very similar, but the previous taste is better than eating raw meat?” Fu Cao is actually not sure whether this zombie will be the same as himself.

So she only tried it, but the result was obvious. This stage should have caused more zombies than her, and his taste and smell system has been completely repaired.

And digestive functions, etc., have been slowly repaired.

“I thought you would join us.” Diss was really happy to see Fu Caolai, because there were zombies like him, could you please make him happy?

He was not so happy than he succeeded after injecting the antibody into the dome.

Man is a social animal, even if it is gradually transformed from a zombie into a human, even if it is a new life, all the previous ones have nothing to do with him. However, he still integrates the feeling that people hate loneliness. Otherwise, there will be no dome.

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