Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 798 - Repair

“I will contact Charles on the Hundred Gods side.” Qu Yaoyao sighed, “Drunken Emperor, please help contact the Gina’er base.”

Zui Wuye thought for a while, and felt that there was no problem.

He had already provoked a hundred gods when he had turned his back.

As for Ai Li’s side, if they didn’t overdo themselves, they wouldn’t betray her, so the drunk emperor who went to Gina’s said that he was magnanimous.

On the second day after Mo Wen and Yu Lan disappeared from everyone’s sight, a small base on the edge of Siren suddenly rioted, and under the banner of dissatisfied with the management of the three people, launched an attack on Siren’s main city.

This riot was like a signal. Immediately afterwards, countless places in country m began to riots. Each riot was small, but the number was extremely large.

There were also many riots in Baishen and Gina, and this phenomenon was getting worse under the suppression.

“Is this the person who stayed by Yezhi?” Ginaer’s current leader, Elster, looked at the document handed up in front of him, and asked Drunk Wuye obliquely.

“Almost.” Drunk Wuye nodded, “Of course I can’t rule out robbery by fire.”

“It’s the enemy anyway.” Elster said, “I’m just hesitating whether we want to target them all or destroy them one by one.”

“Target all.” Zui Wuye thought for a while, “breaking one by one is suitable for a long battle, but the boss and sister-in-law should not take too long to deal with Ye Zhi, we just need to put pressure directly.”

“It makes sense.” Elster smiled gently, took the tea cup in front of him and took a sip on his lips, “I heard you went to my grandmother just now?”

“Is your grandmother not affected by the prophet?” Zui Wuye did not deny it, “I just want to ask what will happen next.”

“What did she say?” Elster was curious.

His relationship with his grandmother is not good, and his grandmother will not reveal anything to him about these things.

“Mysteriously said something about our destiny being shrouded in darkness? She just can’t see it.” Thinking back to what she had heard, Zui Wuye only felt that she had a hole in her brain before she went to find the prophet.

If she could predict anything, she could stay here? You can make yourself a saint a long time ago, and then you’ll be aloof.

“She always said this.” Elster was unconsciously disappointed when he heard the words, and immediately set about preparing after the discussion, leaving drunk and night alone in the room.

Those who stayed by Yezhi should be prepared to provoke human war, and now they are being used to target a few of them.

“Ah…” Some boringly covered his eyes with his arms, Zui Wuye sighed and said, “Boss, you have to hide it. If you are discovered, you will be all over.”

He didn’t understand why in such a good era of the last days, why would someone want to destroy it? He was set in a normal world but he couldn’t live as comfortable as he is now.

Just when Zui Wuye was thinking about it, Xiu Qi came in from outside the door. He glanced at Zui Wuye, then walked to the table and picked up the file and glanced at it.

“Are you going to do it yourself?”

Hearing Xiu Qi’s voice, Zui Wuye rolled his eyes and said angrily, “I’m crazy, I will do it myself.”

“Then you want to stay here to command?” Xiu Qi nodded, “Yes, you are more suitable for conspiracy behind the scenes than the starter.”

“…” Zui Wuye glared at Xiu Qi, “Thank you for the compliment.”

“But I want to do it.” Xiu Qi put down the file in his hand and walked to Zui Wuye, “I am different from you. I am not suitable for staying behind the scenes.”

“So you came to see me this time for a fight?” Zui Wuye couldn’t help but raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Xiu Qi didn’t say anything, but his attitude was obviously tacitly acquiesced.

“Don’t worry, I’ve already arranged your position.” Zui Wuye touched his chin and looked out the window, which was still calm. , You just wait quietly.”

Knowing that Zui Wuye would not do anything to cheat him, Xiu Qi nodded and sat opposite him.

The room was quiet for a while, and Zui Wuye sighed with emotion, “Do you think we can live this time?”

“Are you afraid of death?” Xiu Qi raised his eyes.

“I don’t want to just die so obediently.” Zui Wuye held his chin and said, “If I die, who will take care of Lin Xue?”

“Do you want to see your sister at this time?” Xiu Qi’s gloomy face added a smile, “I am forgiving, you should let your sister go. Everything you have been doing is hurting her.”

“Lin Xue doesn’t think so.” Zui Wuye smiled indifferently, “I know, she loves me.”

“…” Is this feeling deformed from the beginning?

Xiu Qi curled his lips and said, “Are you sure it’s not an illusion. Maybe it’s just that you are too strong. People are just relying on you. You are passionate.”

Zui Wuye stopped speaking, he just looked out the window and didn’t know if he had listened to Xiu Qi’s words.

Yu Lan was standing in a void at this moment, surrounded by galaxies flowing like water.

And where she was, there was always a faint sense of oppression, not as comfortable as she was in the air before.

“Where are we going?” She looked at Xu Jielin.

The first person Mo Xiaohuan contacted after regaining his memory was Xu Jielin, and Xu Jielin had been aware of Ye Zhi’s **** since he became a zombie.

He knew that if Ye Zhi didn’t die, he and Yu Lan would die. It didn’t matter whether he died or not, but Yu Lan had to protect everything he said.

He had already lost Yu Lan once and didn’t want to let her die again.

“I know the way.” Xu Jie said, “Yezhi has probably noticed our arrival now, and must speed up.”

Yu Lan nodded.

Seeing that Yu Lan and the others were leaving, Mo Xiaohuan stayed in place, “Mom, I will stay here to make room for Dad.”

“Mo Wen’s role must be a one-shot kill, Mo Xiaobing, you must seize the opportunity.” Xu Jielin seriously ordered.

In front of the biggest enemy, he decided to put his rivals aside first.

“Yeah.” Mo Xiaobing responded, closing his eyes gently after everyone left.

The surrounding area became quiet for an instant, and Mo Xiaobing’s figure also unknowingly melted into the world behind him, and soon disappeared.

All the senses can clearly feel the ups and downs of this space, but this has also expanded the pain she suppressed in her heart even more.

“If you do this, I won’t be grateful to you.”

This is what Mo Xiaobing said to her at the end.

She didn’t expect that Mo Xiaobing would pounce on herself at the last moment, let alone that she would have become Mo Xiaobing when she woke up again.

What happened at the last moment?

Mo Xiaobing…that is, Mo Xiaohuan couldn’t remember at all, but felt depressed and uncomfortable in his heart.

Until now…maybe in the future, she might not know why Mo Xiaobing chose to replace herself at the last moment.

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