Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 774 - The accuracy of the message

The news of Drunk Wuye came quickly.

“Boss!” Drunk Wuye, who was sitting in the room wrapped in a quilt, sneezed, looked at Xiuqi who was cooking porridge for him, and complained to the communicator, “I spent all night inquiring about you. Didn’t sleep, I almost caught a cold when I missed it!”

Speaking, he put up his little finger pretendingly, and clicked on the fingernail of his thumb.

Xiu Qi, who was making porridge, glanced back at him contemptuously.

Listening to the full of breath in the communication device, Qin Huai twitched the corner of his mouth, and quietly glanced at the ink text without making a sound.

“Drunk without night.” Mowen buckled the tabletop and said gently, “You don’t have to come back if you say a word of nonsense.”

“Don’t don’t.” Knowing the danger of Mowen’s words, Drunk Wuye pretended to cough, gave up being dead and honestly began to talk business, “I investigated the relationship between Alex and Siren. , It’s really not so good. Ellie said that Alex’s two sons were killed by the Sirens’ people.”

“In other words, Hundred Gods and Siren are indeed mortal enemies?” Qin Huai asked.

“It looks so right.” Zui Wuye nodded, and wrapped his little quilt tightly, “If Alex is interested in the affection of flesh and blood.”

“Then you shouldn’t worry.” Qin Huai recalled how Alex was before, and felt that his petting of his youngest son, Gail, was not like cheating, so he shouldn’t be too bad for his other two children. “Now we don’t have to worry about Siren and Baishen working together against us.”

Seeing Qin Huai’s expression of relief, Qu Yaoyao couldn’t help but curl his lips and said, “This is not necessarily. People’s hearts are biased, maybe in the eyes of Alex, these two children are not at all. What is it.”

“No parents care about their children.” Qin Huai leaned towards Qu Yaoyao, walked forward and took her by the shoulders, seeming to regard her as his own good buddy. “At least I think Alex cares about himself. The child’s father.”

“I thought you would say that my perverted thinking is incomprehensible.” Qu Yaoyao snorted and let Qin Huai embrace him.

It was Qin Huai who received Zhang Xin’s unkind gaze. He glanced sideways at Yaoyao’s close face, then looked at Zhang Xin who was angry, and let go of his hand with a light cough, “It’s really difficult. Understand, but this kind of thing is just our different views.”

Qu Yaoyao rolled his eyes in response.

Qin Huai continued to ask, “How is Gina’s situation now? Has the prophet got any news?”

“Gina’er is now more messy than expected.” Zui Wuye paused when he said this, opened the quilt and took the porridge Xiuqi had cooked, “Thank you.”

It’s bitterly cold now, just as he found a place to cook in Gina’er’s hotel, and asked Xiu Qi to cook a bowl of porridge for himself.

Hot things are better than dry biscuits.

What’s more, Xiuqi’s cooking skills are really good. A bowl of things cooked with simple materials can become delicious with the hands of Xiuqi.

Xiu Qi squinted at him, leaning against the window with his own meal, staring at the messy crowd outside, frowning slightly.

Gina’er is more chaotic than any other force in China. The flow of people here is dense, but there is no one to maintain order. The whole street is directly blocked by the flow of people early in the morning.

You must know that it is winter now. Generally speaking, ordinary people will not come out at all. It is hard to guarantee that one will be buried in the snow accidentally, or be directly frozen to death.

After taking a sip of steaming hot porridge, Zui Wuye stretched his brows, and then began to say to the communicator, “Boss?”

“Go on.” Mo Wen’s voice passed over faintly.

“Okay.” Zui Wuye smiled, eating while looking out the window and said, “Gina’s authority seems to be very loose on the control below. As far as I have learned in the past two days, I am now in this area. It is directly no one has jurisdiction. All people fend for themselves, and the phenomenon of the strong eating the weak is very serious.”

“I asked the waiter at the hotel that the first and third earls of Gina’s did not agree with the second earl, Ai Li, and the whole Gina’er was divided into two factions. This is a household name.” Zui Wuye After drinking the hot porridge, the couple lay down by the window and looked out the window with Xiu Qi.

“Aili said that Gina’s original name was Wales, and she changed her name to her sister’s name after she seized the leadership. Is this true?” Hearing the voice of Drunk Wuye, Mo Wen slightly hung down. Eyelids, continue to ask.

“I also know a little bit about this matter, Ai Li did not lie to us.” Drunk Wu Ye said, “Wales is actually their uncle, who was later killed by Ai Li.

The current first earl is Eri’s twin brother. They originally worked together to seize power, but differences in the distribution of power have led to the current situation of tit-for-tat. “

“Brother twin?!” It didn’t show up on the ink text, but Qin Huai exclaimed, “In other words, Alice is now an enemy of her twin brother?”

“Yes, if Lin Xue dares to act like this, I will definitely skin her.” Zui Wuye snorted, “Dare to resist brother’s order? What is the younger sister’s job?”

Ignoring the neurotic view of Zui Wuye, Qin Huai pondered, “If the prophet is Ai Li’s grandmother, there are definitely a lot of caregivers around her.”

It was Ellie’s grandmother, that is, the grandmother of the first earl. This kind of person would be the most closely guarded existence no matter what.

“Who said no.” Zui Wuye’s eyes deepened, and the joking smile on his lips faded a little. “Anyway, I was very cautious about yesterday, and I didn’t get any news about the prophet at all. But now I have a survey goal, and if given two more days, I should be one step closer to the prophet.”

He had already investigated yesterday that there was once a guard next to the first earl was transferred here to be the chief guard, and he must know much more than these people who ran around for a living all day long.

It’s just that Gina’s overall defensive facilities are different from that of China. He has to spend a day to determine the specific circumstances around him before he can do it, otherwise a small guard may expose him.

“Good.” Mo Wen said, “I will give you two days.”

“Boss thank you.” Zui Wuye smiled casually, and said one last thing before hanging up the communication, “Also, guard against Mo Xiaohuan, her reputation in Gina’er is terrible. Exactly.”

“It’s terrible?” Qin Huai asked in surprise, “Is Mo Xiaohuan so good?”

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