Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 50 - Start follow-up work

“But Blue…”

“Yu Lan listens to your boss so much, it’s absolutely okay to have you there!” As soon as I heard the inscription and objections, drunk all night, he continued to interrupt, patted his sturdy chest solemnly.

To be honest, put aside the little life first, and now he just wants to try his best to get out of this ghost place.

Although… it may be a certain thing for him to manage here, but he just wants to go back and enjoy his cozy cabin for a while…

Lin Xue hasn’t seen each other for a long time. I don’t know if she has lost weight again. If she is too skinny, she will be separated from others.

I don’t know the messy thoughts flashing in Zui Wuye’s head, Xiu Qi rarely glanced at him, and continued to say to Mo Wen approvingly, “Boss, if the tide of corpses comes, maybe you may not have anything. Matter, but Yu Lan…”

He paused, and directly caught Mowen’s death hole, “Will be attacked by high-level zombies, let alone say, she is very likely to be attracted by the tide of corpses.”

The so-called corpse tide is to attract zombies to gather in a certain place for reasons that are still unknown. As the original location of the attraction changes, the number of attracted zombies increases. Similarly, the threat to humans is also stronger.

Human beings will basically choose to stay away after encountering the corpse tide. After all, no one wants to face thousands of zombies directly. You must know that a corpse tide is enough to fill a city with zombies.

Fortunately, the corpse tide will automatically dissolve after it reaches an extreme point, otherwise humans have to have a headache for a long time.

Although Yu Lan is different from other zombies now, she is indeed a zombie, and it is difficult to guarantee that she will not be attracted by the source of attraction in the tide of corpses.

Mo Wen obviously thought of this too. He looked at the sleepy Yu Lan, and after pursing his face with cold lips for a long time, he finally decided to leave here.

He would never allow anything that could take Yu Lan to appear beside her.

Seeing that Mo Wen finally agreed with Xiu Qi, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. He squeezed his nose, and his mood instantly changed, even the gloomy aura around him disappeared.

“I want to go back and pack things first.” Noting that Yu Lankun’s head was almost folded behind her back, Mo Wen squeezed her nose and turned her eyes to Xiu Qi. Go out and find me again.”

“Got it.” Xiu Qi replied, and Zui Wuye stretched his waist and watched Mowen leave.

Looking at the piles of corpses around, Zui Wuye would look at each other. A few seconds later, Zui Wuye took the lead and said, “What should I do now?”

“I’ll set up the’commodities’ here, and you will deal with the corpses.” Xiu Qi raised his eyes.

“I’m going to deal with the corpses for Mao?” Zui Wuye curled his lips, looking at the corpses around him and had a headache. “No, you go to deal with the corpses. I dare to pack a ticket if you go to house those poor guys. No one can survive, especially children.”

When Zui Wuye mentioned the child Xiuqi’s eyes, a dark color flashed across his eyes. He drooped his eyelids. Although he did not reply, he agreed with Zui Wuye’s statement.

“That’s it.” Without hearing Xiu Qi’s drunk Wuye, he nodded his head and gave a final tone. With his arm resting on Xiu Qi’s shoulder, he laughed teasingly, “I remember Jiang Luo mentioned the negative one. Layers can be injected with blood to attract zombies, or else you drag all these corpses to the negative first floor for bleeding?”

“When I drag it over, their blood will run out.” Xiu Qi snorted and walked directly toward the corpse, patting Drunken Wuye’s hand away.

Zui Wuye couldn’t help rolling his eyes when he kindly made a suggestion and was despised.

“Then I will first count the number of’commodities’ here, and then go out and find two miscellaneous fish in Yumeng to look at them.” Zui Wuye said as he walked out, “I will wait until the tide of corpses has passed. Come back here to manage… well, I hope they don’t all die in the tide of corpses.”

“If you are found by the zombies, you must all die.” Xiu Qi said lightly without turning his head back. He turned on the power supply system and planned to use the elevator to transport these corpses.

In order to avoid repairing the zombies and stacking all the corpses in the underground parking lot outside the base, it took him more than two hours to transport the corpses out.

After sending the last wave of corpses outside, he returned to the underground base and looked at the blood stains on his body with no expression. There was a suffocating smell of blood all around, and a few drops of blood fell from above, rubbed his face and landed on his shoulders.

Standing on the negative floor, looking at the large transparent partition above his head, Xiuqi’s dark pupils seemed to be soaked in blood.

The large partition above his head is more than ten square meters large, and the partition is full of blood.

Perhaps because of the terrain or poor facility conditions, blood beads are constantly leaking out around the partitions. The central transparent tube keeps transfusing blood into it, filling in as much blood as it sheds.

“Thanks for what they can think of.” He reached out his hand and touched the smooth partition, Xiu Qi’s body was stained with more and more blood, and he took his hand back until the whole body was stained with blood.

It seems that there is still a lot of blood in the negative second floor, and the central water pipe continues to be filled with blood.

Well, the blood volume in a normal person’s body is about 42 to 48 milliliters, so much blood… how many people will die?

Walking out of the partition, Xiu Qi let out a cold laugh with his eyelids drooping.

This apocalypse… is really full of surprises.

When Xiu Qi and Zui Wuye packed up the sales base and came out to look for Mo Wen, Mo Wen had already showered Yu Lan and dressed her cleanly.

Yu Lan was sleepy with her arm around her neck, but the one who yawned all the time was not going to sleep.

“Lanlan, if you are sleepy, go to sleep for a while, I’ll be by your side.” Pat Yu Lan’s back to coax her to sleep, but Yu Lan’s cheeks were capricious and didn’t sleep.

“Howl.” She yawned again, and pitifully grasped Mowen by the collar, and opened her mouth to make a “grunt” from her throat.

In the past, if Yu Lan was sleepy, he would just go to sleep… Outside the window, Drunk Wuye and Xiu Qi were looking for his voice. Mo Wen looked at Yu Lan up and down, thinking about it, and finally asking, “Lanlan, do you want to Eat?”

Saying that didn’t mean that Lan understood what he meant and turned around and found a few crystal nuclei from the large backpack on the side and handed them over.

Seeing Jingnu Yulan’s eyes really brightened, she reached out and took it and stuffed it into her mouth without restraint.

She was sleepy while eating, and she couldn’t even open her eyes while eating.

Mowen looked at Yu Lankun’s eyes, tearful and still eating, and he felt very cute. He took the initiative to feed a crystal nucleus, and opened his mouth without opening his blue eyes. Coming over, someone who didn’t see clearly bit his hand.

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