Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 41 - Drunk Emperor and Emperor Xiu

“I’m ashamed to say that I was fortunate enough to have seen the scene where the Drunken Emperor was torturing and killing civilians.” K of Spades said with a gentle smile, “I have been paying attention to your movements from the moment you entered my base… Drunken Emperor, Zui Wuye, I didn’t expect your supernatural power to be such a surprising existence.”

“You know.” Because the corridor was dark and dark, Drunk Wuye couldn’t find where the king of spades was paying attention to him. With some helpless hands, he deliberately sighed and said, “So…I have never liked being in a monitored place, and I can’t even hide a little privacy.”

“Oh, who made your supernatural eyes so hot?” Xiu Qi’s flat voice sounded from the depths of the corridor, and he walked out of the prison on the side, covered with sticky blood stains. Drunk Wuye smelled a strong smell of blood when it was meters away.

“Have you played enough?” Hearing that his ability was evaluated as “spicy eyes” Drunk Wuye was still a bit uncomfortable, he jokingly slanted Xiu Qi and said, “You can’t bear to go back and play again, let I’ll wait for a while.”

“You know.” Xiu Qi is obviously in a good mood now, and a happy smile appeared on his gloomy face, “I always love cute children.”

“Tsk, abnormal.” Zui Wuye rolled his eyes, and while despising Xiu Qi, he seemed to forget that he is not a normal person.

The King of Spades didn’t make a sound after Xiu Qi appeared. Sitting in front of the rows of monitors, he watched the scenes that he couldn’t directly look at inside the monitors. He couldn’t help clenching his fists, who was always indifferent.

“Huh? Your Excellency King of Spades, why don’t you speak anymore?” After taking two steps casually, looking at the only monitor in the corridor with a tiny red light, Zui Wuye raised his head and asked loudly, “Speak out, and pervert Being alone in this dark corridor makes me scared.”

The green veins on his forehead leaped, but because of a good mood, he didn’t say anything mocking, just snorted coldly.

“It is said that people in the League of Destiny are not worthy of being called humans. I have seen it today.” The king of spades who had been silent for a long time finally uttered. There was undisguised disgust in his voice, and it was obvious that he was very concerned about what he had just seen. The scene is disgusting from the bottom of my heart.

“It looks like he saw you playing with the kids.” Wen Yan Zui Wu Ye couldn’t help but squinted Xiu Qi. In fact, he didn’t feel much about what Xiu Qi had done, but for normal people, he absolutely couldn’t. Tolerable.

“He knows that we are the people of the desire alliance?” Not paying attention to the sarcasm of the king of spades at all, Xiu Qi turned his head and looked at Zui Wuye and asked, with a bad tone.

“He already knows that I am the Drunken Emperor.” Zui Wuye Tan said, “Did you just hear it.”

The game was too serious just now. He really didn’t hear him. Xiu Zim couldn’t help but sneered, “I told you to cover your face when you were on the mission. Look, now you are recognized.”

“Blame me, I rely on this face to coax people.” Zui Wuye pointed at his face with a smile, but it was a pity that even the sunny smile couldn’t coax Xiu Qi.

“I once heard that there is a Drunken Emperor Xiuhuang in the Yu League. I don’t know if the one who abused that child just now, is Xiu Emperor?” The king of spades obviously had no intention of watching Zui Wuye and Xiu Qi quarrel, and he tried his best to make His voice was calm, but the strong sarcasm in his tone couldn’t be concealed anyway.

“Obviously, these children are usually regarded as commodities, but now they call them great children in awe-inspiring manner… It is hypocritical.” Zui Wuye smiled and said to the king of spades. He picked up the corners of his lips handsomely and looked back with expressionless expression on his face. Xiu Qi said, “Look, what if you usually cover your face, isn’t it recognized now?”

Xiu Qi placed his gaze on the monitor, and didn’t even give Drunk Wuye a look in his eyes.

“Even if I were indifferent, I wouldn’t treat a child like that.” The voice of the king of spades almost squeezed out between his teeth.

“I’m just saving them.” Xiu Qi said faintly, his eyes staring at the monitor were mixed with a cold breath, and the feeling of being in the dark became more and more gloomy, “Stop talking nonsense, what are you going to do? do what.”

The king of spades doesn’t seem to be entangled in a child’s question either, he snorted, “It’s nothing, I just want you to come to me as guests. The one on the second floor, although he doesn’t know who he is, but It should also be a member of your desire alliance.”

“Well, he is.” Zui Wuye replied very refreshingly, and Xiu Qi couldn’t help but squinted at him.

Mowen didn’t react when he heard the king of spades mentioning him. It should be said that he didn’t put his energy on the king of spades from beginning to end.

Holding Yu Lan in his arms, he continued to walk towards the elevator. He hummed a little tune that Yu Lan liked to listen to before. In fact, he was still in a good mood.

“This one on the second floor.” The king of spades finally turned his gaze on Mowen, watching him calmly walking in the dark corridor and couldn’t help being speechless, “I’m sorry, now everything else on this floor except me The floors are all cut off, the elevator is no longer available, and now the only thing you can do is to come to me through the stairs. I think I will entertain you very warmly.”

Hearing the words, the Mowen immediately stopped, he stood still and drooped his eyelids a little displeased, because he was disturbed to go home with Yu Lan, and his black eyes were extremely dangerous.

“Where are the stairs?” he asked.

“Turn and go straight, push the wall at the end to the stairs.” Spades K smiled. He still doesn’t know the strength of this unknown man, so he deliberately set up some “tests” on the stairs. The existence of ability.

Mo Wen laughed too, he didn’t say anything again, just raised his head and showed a very clean smile at the monitor.

“Since you are looking for death, it is as you wish.”

Perceiving Mo Wen’s undisguised killing intent, Yu Lan flattened his mouth and hugged his neck harder and harder.

The king of spades behind the monitor was inexplicably wet with cold sweat.

What’s going on, this weird feeling…

Mowen walked very quickly this time, he indifferently stepped on the sticky flesh and blood on the soles of his feet, and quickly reached the end of the wall. Looking at the bare wall, he didn’t have any thoughts about finding any switches, so he lifted his foot and kicked the wall to the ground.

After passing through the flying dust and ink writing, he walked directly into the corridor, but Yu Lan wrinkled his nose.

There is no light in the stairway, but fortunately, the night vision ability of the supernatural person is much better than that of the average person, and this darkness can’t stop the ink writing.

He stopped after only a few steps, looked up at a group of guards holding guns, and suddenly smiled.

He is really getting more and more unhappy with this king of spades.

Just breaking the guy’s neck obviously can’t satisfy him, um… he may be able to squeeze that guy into powder inch by inch, starting from his limbs.

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