Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 30 - You can\\\'t open your mouth

King of spades? Mo Wen didn’t move his face when he heard the name, but his eyebrows were secretly wrinkled in his heart.

In addition to the three obvious forces in the north, the south and the handover city, China now has two hidden forces. One is called the Yumeng, located in a sin city that no one can find except the Yumeng. The other is a white envoy base in no man’s land.

The uninhabited area is located in the area between the transfer city and the dead place. There are all kinds of alien plants around this area. It is not connected to the northern and southern forces, nor can it reach the transfer city and the dead place. It can be said that it is a completely isolated place.

In the last year of the last days, almost everyone thought that there was no one in that place, so it was named No Man’s Land.

It wasn’t until the White Angel base was exposed to the eyes of the world because of a coincidence that they knew that there was still a hidden force in the no man’s land.

People know very little about the white envoy base. They only know that the people inside are called “clowns” except for the leader, and the other four high-level cadres are called “heart K”, “plum K”, “square K”. Kings and Kings of Spades.

Now that the king of spades was found in this land of death, I have to say that this is really a surprise.

“I admire him.” The other dark figure seemed to sigh. “He can escape from here. I really underestimated him before.”

The dark figure who spoke before was called Lu Renbing. There was a deep bone scar on his forehead, and the look on his face was very gloomy. “Think about the way the kid pleased us before, now it seems that it was premeditated.”

The other black shadow shook his head, picked up the gun and walked out quietly, “I really don’t understand, he can do things under the hands of an adult…why does he have to run away for such a glorious thing.”

“The brain is sick.” Lu Renbing hummed coldly.

“In your eyes, our brains are all sick. Okay, don’t forget the mission.”

“Of course I won’t forget the task.” Lu Renbing kept his gun away from the sight of a zombie, and narrowed his eyes dangerously. “Yun Fan, who do you think is the one who solved all the zombies this morning?”

“I don’t think we can solve all the zombies that we can use to cover our eyes. I don’t think it will be done by one person.” Yun Fan was also vigilant and avoided the sight of several zombies. I got into the window of a house on the first floor twice.


Lu Renbing nodded, and when he was about to lift his heels behind Yun Fan, a cold light flashed in front of him, and a dagger directly cut off half of his throat.

His head fell back weightlessly, and at the end of his consciousness he only saw a hand with distinct joints, and he didn’t even know who killed him.

Mo Wen silently turned over and walked into the room, playing with the dagger in his hand with a smile. Yun Fan hadn’t noticed the abnormality and continued, “In short, this time we are going to find these people who have suddenly appeared. In any case, we can’t be exposed here.”

There was no reply for a long time after him, and Yun Fan realized that there was something wrong. However, before he turned his head, he only felt his neckline tightened. He only knew that his whole body had been thrown to the ground heavily, and there was no time to resist.

“What a coincidence.” The sharp blade of the dagger pressed against Yun Fan’s neck tightly, Mo Wen squatted on the side of Yun Fan’s face and smiled, “I am the one you are looking for.”

Yun Fan’s eyes widened in an instant, he swallowed, and a sharp pain came from the rolling of his throat.

“Don’t move.” Mo Wen looked at the drops of blood leaking under the dagger, and smiled gently, “The neck will break.”

Chilled by Mo Wen’s smile, Yun Fan forced himself to calm down over and over again in his heart, and after a long time he said hoarsely, “Killing me is not good for you.”

Without saying any unnecessary nonsense, Yun Fan saved his life as soon as he opened his mouth.

Mowen has always been interested in this kind of people who have a strong desire to survive. His ink-colored pupils gradually expand, and the darkness is very penetrating. “It’s no good to talk about it.”

Yun Fan could not hear anything from the mediocre voice of the ink text. He was a little flustered, but he still gritted his teeth and said, “It depends on the owner. My leader is the black cadre in the white messenger. Peach K.”

“Really, it’s terrible.” Mowen seemed to smile, but there was no smile in his tone. “Well… to be honest, the king of spades is something.”

Hearing the unabashed contempt in the Mowen’s tone, Yun Fan only felt that his back was soaked with cold sweat. He stared in horror at the gentle man in front of him, secretly suspicious of his identity.

There are only a handful of people in the world who can say the king of spades in this tone.

“Tell me, what are you doing here.” Mo Wen was too lazy to sloppy with Yun Fan, he directly raised the dagger and cut off Yun Fan’s hand that was secretly holding the gun, and then pressed his throat again.

“Eh…” The pain from the wrist caused Yun Fan to bite his teeth. He could now fully see that the man in front of him was not a good person at all.

But he knew better that as long as he revealed the secret here and the man in front of him didn’t kill him, the king of spades would definitely not let him die. Desperately preparing for death in his heart, Yun Fan’s whole body has the aura that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, “Sorry, this is a secret. Even if you kill me, I won’t say anything.”

Seeing Yun Fan staring firmly at him, Mowen stretched out his hand to cover the left half of his face without changing his color, and hung his thinly callused thumb over the bridge of Yun Fan’s nose.

“It doesn’t have to kill you to make you speak.”

He sighed in a low voice, and the next second Yun Fan felt a sharp pain in his left eye. The pain made his brain hypoxia and almost fainted. His throat was blocked by an unknown foreign object, and he couldn’t make a sound even if he wanted to scream.

There was a **** smell in his throat, Yun Fan let out a nauseous retching, but he still didn’t know what was blocking his mouth, only the smell of blood was tasted.

Crushing Yun Fan’s left eyeball, the ink was stained with blood and the thumb brushed over Yun Fan’s right eye.

Yun Fan trembled in pain, he closed his right eye tightly and did not dare to open it, but his ears became more sensitive.

“You said, I cut off all your ears, eyes, and tongue and fed the zombies. If you don’t have enough, you still have fingers, toes, skin, and internal organs.” The gentle voice sounded very sweet, but the content was terrifying. To despair, “I will come one by one in order to ensure that you still have a heart to beat at the end.”

“Woo…” Yun Fan, who was blocked in his throat, was startled at first, and then he was scared to cry, really scared to cry, the bursts of bone-chilling chill made him only feel dead for a while.

The foreign body in his mouth was taken out, and before he could even pray, he heard the voice of Mowen again, “How about the smell of your own hands?”

It was his hand that just blocked his mouth? !

“I said, I said it all!” Yun Fan said with trembling teeth, when he asked him to explain to the eighteenth generation of his ancestors, he said.

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