Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 26 - Why missed it

The crystal nucleus of the third-level zombie can make Yu Lan’s strength soar qualitatively, and according to her current growth rate, she may be able to reach the sixth-order smoothly.

Yu Lan took the zombie and took a look, and then threw the crystal core back in disgust. This ink text is no surprise, he puts away the crystal core and smiles and smiles and smiles to Lan, “If you don’t eat it today, I will eat it for you tomorrow.”

Yu Lan wailed.

Mo Wen hugged Yu Lan and went back to pack his things. Now the place where they live is completely impossible to live in, so just move directly to the new home tonight.

Mo Wen was already preparing to leave, but Zui Wuye, who was not far away, glanced at Xiu Qi.

They were three or four blocks away from where Mo Wen was located, so they just heard the last wailing of Level 3 zombies and did not find Mo Wen.

“You just heard it, the cry of the zombie.” Zui Wuye touched his nose and said, “That stern voice really made my chills stand up.”

“Can you still be scared?” Xiu Qi tilted a drunk Wuye up and down, frowned and went directly to the sound of the zombie’s roar.

Seeing this, Drunk Wuye hurriedly followed, and then ran and took a bite of the New Year’s Eve biscuits with a gloomy look. The rushing these few days made his handsome and sunny face a little gloomy, “I was before the end of the world anyway. A rich second generation, how come you have become so aggrieved?”

“Maybe you can continue to lie at home and wait to be eaten by the zombies.” Xiu Qi said lightly, the speed of his feet continued.

“How do you say this?” Zui Wuye smiled heartily, “I have always been the only one who eats other people’s shares. Where can I get zombies to eat me?”

Xiu Qi was too lazy to talk to Zui Wuye, he fell silent, his eyes always on the place where the zombie roared just now.

Because of the darkness, it took the two of them a while to find the third-level zombie who just roared, staring at the dead zombie that could no longer die, and they were momentarily silent.

“This zombie is definitely only a third-level zombie. I didn’t expect to see it in the small three areas.” Zui Wuye muttered quietly, trying to figure out his chin. He and Xiu Qi spent almost a month wandering in this land of death, and finally came to the northern part of the three districts in Si Ke’s mouth but did not find Mo Wen at all. He almost thought that Si Ke was coaxing. They played, “And the person who can kill Level 3 zombies in this place…should be the boss.”

Xiu Qi on the side picked up a coat on the ground that had been corroded with a big hole, and suddenly smiled, “This is the boss’s clothes.”

Xiu Qi smiled with a cold feeling, but he was undoubtedly really happy at this time.

“Above.” He looked around the zombies, then raised his eyes to look around the building, and set his gaze on the 20th floor of a building. “There has been deliberately attacked there.”

With the faint moonlight, you can indeed see the tragic condition of that piece. Zui Wuye stretched out his tongue and licked the corners of his lips. He raised his eyebrows a little excitedly, “Go up and see?”

“Of course.” Xiu Qi also seemed to be in a good mood. Although there was still no special expression on his face, Zui Wuye felt that he was different from usual.

The two of them walked into the foul-smelling corridor, Xiu Qi went upstairs silently, still expressionless, Zui Wuye covered his nose with an ugly expression and ran wildly.

This dirty smell…It’s really unbearable.

The two went to the twentieth floor and found the attacked room they had just discovered, but they saw no one except the mess in one place.

The window in the living room was completely shattered, and even the walls were cracked a lot, looking shocking.

“It looks like he just left.”

When Xiu Qi walked into the bedroom, he could still feel the breath of Mowen. He narrowed his eyes and glanced at the full moon outside the window, “We are a step late.”

“Isn’t it?” Zui Wuye wailed, “You mean the boss doesn’t know where he went?”

“He should still be in District 3.” Xiu Qi sat on the bed in the bedroom, pursing his thin lips, “If he still carries the zombie in Si Ke’s mouth.”

“Then we have to start looking for people again?” Drunk Wuye lay depressed on the bed in the bedroom, but his voice was faint, “You said it was such a coincidence. I miss the days surrounded by women so much, that Jiao Little soft hands…”

“Don’t dream.” Xiu Qi frowned. “Have you forgotten the news we got when we came?”

“Well, I will never forget that.” When Zui Wuye heard this, he stood up and sat up, curling his lips and said, “Cheng Chengcheng, hurry up to find the boss. Anyway, the food we brought is enough. Not being able to take a bath makes me a little uncomfortable.”

Seeing that Zui Wuye was still carrying his rich son’s suit, Xiu Qi got up and sat down on the other side of the bed, holding his arms and closing his eyes, “It’s still early, don’t worry, take a rest first. One night.”

“You are the one who is worried, and you are the one who is resting.” Zui Wuye rolled his eyes and lay down. He raised his beautiful eyebrows and asked, “Don’t you think it’s weird? Why do three districts appear? Level zombies.”

“The ghost knows.” Xiu Qi didn’t open his eyes. “When I came here, I only heard that there was an abnormal movement in the Land of Death, but you have to ask these zombies for the specific reason.”

“Cut, the zombies can’t speak.” I know Xiu Qi and I don’t know why, Zui Wuye is just asking like that.

He looked sideways at Xiu Qi who was sleeping next to him, and suddenly smiled narrowly, “Hey Xiu Qi, are we sharing the same bed now? What should we do if we are pregnant?”

“…”pregnant? With a jump on his forehead, he was about to pull off the chain wrapped around his left arm.

“Hey, don’t get excited, I’ll just make a joke to invigorate the atmosphere.” Zui Wuye quickly admitted, pretending to yawn and closed his eyes.

“…” But Xiu Qi just wanted to strangle the madman at this time.

Mo Wen was on the road overnight, even if he was holding Yu Lan and carrying the backpack supplies, his speed did not slow down in the slightest, and he arrived at his new home before dawn.

Putting Yu Lan on the sofa, the inscription started cleaning up and down.

Yu Lan first took a look at the new residence, then opened his eyes wide to see Mo Wen was busy working there, and jumped down to help.

Of course, her help is to let Mo Wen continue to work with her behind her back.

When the room was cleaned up, it was already bright. Mo Wen didn’t sleep all night and didn’t feel tired. He took out the third-level crystal core he got yesterday and handed it to Yu Lan.

Yu Lan stared at the third-level crystal nucleus, flat his mouth and threw it to Mo Wen.

“Why don’t you eat it?” Mo Wen frowned. He put the crystal core in Lan’s hand again, his expression was like looking at a picky kid, “Hey, don’t be picky.”

This time Yu Lan held the crystal core, and when Mo Wen thought she would eat, she reached out and grabbed the Mo Wen’s collar and pushed the crystal core into his mouth.

Mo Wen was taken aback for a moment, and reached out his hand to take the third-level crystal nucleus, staring at Lan with a little complicated gaze.

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