Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 13 - Take you out

The twinkling light of the crystal core made Yu Lan a little surprised, she reached out and took it, and after enjoying it for a while, she “pop” and threw it aside.


Mo Wen glanced at the disliked crystal nucleus, but knew that as long as Yu Lan had enough energy every day, the energy would be lost when a good crystal nucleus was sent to her.

“Take it away for you to eat tomorrow.” He smiled helplessly.

“Wailing woo.” Melvin looked at the blue helpless look seems a little tinkling se, two eyes Gululu cheerful turn.

The Mowen didn’t say anything when he saw it, he gently pinched Yu Lan’s nose and smiled softly.

Yu Lan sneezed several times.

This is something that Mowen has discovered recently—as long as she pinches Yulan’s nose, she is almost sure to sneeze.

So sometimes he likes to put Yu Lan on his lap, and then he keeps pinching her nose, watching her sneeze a few times, the pitiful little eyes can please him no matter what the circumstances.

“Oh.” After sneezing a few times, Yu Lan finally became obedient, lying on Mo Wen’s shoulder and staring out the window motionlessly.

The well-behaved Yu Lan also made Mowen extremely fond of him. His slender fingers were drawn along Lan’s back, and his eyes also looked at Yu Lan’s legs.

Now the bones of Yulan’s legs have basically formed, but the muscles have not fully grown out, only a few parts of the joints have a thin layer of skin and flesh, which looks very oozing.

Of course, this kind of permeation has become pretty in Mo Wen’s eyes.

Putting down the raised skirt, Mo Wen thought to himself that he should go out and find a set of clothes for Yu Lan to wear.

Yu Lan’s original clothes were dirty and torn, and she couldn’t wear them anymore. She is now wearing the clothes originally in this house.

Although Yu Lan has become a zombie without any shame, Mo Wen is still very serious about dressing her every day. In his eyes, no matter how terrible the blue is, it is his blue.

As long as she is alive, she can move.

The next day, Yu Lan really ate the secondary crystal nucleus that Mo Wen had obtained yesterday. Seeing her eating happily, Mo Wen smiled happily.

He was ready to go out as usual, but he felt that the corners of his clothes were pulled as soon as he put on his combat uniform. He turned his head in doubt and saw Yu Lan’s muddy eyes open, making a grumble sound.

“What’s the matter?” Turning around and picking up Yu Lan, he asked with a kiss on the corner of her lips.

When Yu Lan saw Mo Wen picked her up, he quickly hugged his head with his hands and feet, like a koala, unable to survive.

“Blue…” Mo Wen coughed, feeling that he was going to be smothered to death. But the voice is still soft and soft, very nice, “Are you going to go out with me?”

“Wow!” Yu Lan couldn’t understand, he raised his head and kept crying.

“Lan, it’s very dangerous outside, there are many zombies, will you wait for me to come back at home?” Mo Wen took Yu Lan’s arm and took a lot of effort to hug her again in his arms and coaxed.” I am going to find you clothes to wear today, and come back to bring you nice clothes.”

“Wow!” However, Yu Lan didn’t listen to Mo Wen’s words at all, and she was very firm, baring her teeth and saying that Mo Wen would bite him without taking her out.

Originally, Mo Wen felt like a puddle of water after hearing Yu Lan’s cry, but now looking at her so determined, Mo Wen only felt that he was not at all cruel and refused to agree to her.

“Good, good.” He finally agreed, for Yu Lan, he could retire for a lifetime.

Now Yu Lan’s legs have grown out, but he can’t walk yet. But for Yu Lan Mowen, who had grown legs, there was no way to put her in the backpack, so he could only hold her in his arms and walked out the door with a stride.

Yu Lan, who was finally able to get out, looked very happy, but she was not happy for two seconds and then immediately wilted.

The smell inside the stairway is really unpleasant.

Feeling Yu Lan twisting his head and drilling into his arms, Mo Wen almost grinned as he bent his eyes.

“Like me so?” He laughed, and the smell in the corridor didn’t seem to affect his good mood at all.

However, Yu Lan sniffed and ignored him at all, only feeling uncomfortable in his nose.

Yu Lan didn’t lift his head until he walked out of the corridor, and let out a low growl looking at the desolate scenery outside.

Touching Yu Lan’s hair soothingly, Mo Wen lifted his foot and walked away from where he usually kills zombies. His goal today is not to kill zombies, but to find clothes for Yu Lan, so he doesn’t plan to go to places with many zombies today.

After going around a few roads, he looked up at a billboard half-falling in the air and said with satisfaction, “You should be able to find the clothes you are wearing in this mall.”

Yu Lan yawned.

Hugging the rather boring Yu Lan tightly, Mo Wen walked into the mall without the door without expression. After a sudden stop, he lowered his head and frowned as he looked at the fresh blood on the ground.

The dust in the hall was not as calm as it used to be, and some were still flying in the air.

Someone is here.

Looking around the hall, Mo Wen squinted dangerously, but a rather gentle smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Occasionally some people pass by in the three districts of the Land of Death, so there is nothing special about having other people.

He stepped on the fresh blood, kicked the blood and decisively walked upstairs to the side stairs to look for clothes.

There is nothing in the lobby on the first floor. On the second floor…it should be a supermarket.

Looking at the row of cash registers in front of him, Mo Wen frowned and turned to the third floor.

The supermarket in the Land of Death certainly didn’t have what he needed, and it was a waste of time for him to go in.

The door on the third floor was locked, and Mowen didn’t mean to break it open.

He stood on the stairs and stared at the hot man leaning on the door of the third floor. The dark corridor made his eyes more and more weird.

This man has been bitten and will soon become a zombie.

“Do you want me to kill you?” Mo Wen asked kindly, and the gentle voice wrote extremely horrible in this silent and dark corridor.

The man’s sanity is no longer clear, and he is shaking so badly that he can’t answer Mowen’s question at all.

Seeing that the man couldn’t answer Mo Wen, he smiled. He ignored the man and turned and continued upstairs, as if the person who asked the question was not him.

The door on the third floor was full of zombies, and it was supposed to be locked in by this man after being lured in by someone.

Yu Lan bared his teeth, didn’t have any appetite for this man, but was very interested in the zombies on the third floor.

Holding the active Yu Lan lightly and walking up to the fourth floor, Mo Wen finally found the clothing area.

He stood at the entrance of the corridor on the fourth floor, but glanced in the direction of the fifth floor.

Last time Zhang Xinlan didn’t have the appetite to eat. I wonder if she can eat other humans.

“Um… let’s find clothes first.” He said to himself.

Most of the hangers in the clothing area fell to the ground in a sloppy manner, and many clothes that even had hang tags were scattered on the ground, covering a thick layer of dust.

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