Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 87

Chapter 87 88

October 15th, at 6:00 pm, at the top of the apex.

The waiter carefully guided the birthday party guests into the main hall. Whether it was a young discerning student or a business person with rich banquet experience, when they saw the elegant and elegant decoration of the main hall, they couldn’t help but exclaimed in amazement.

The fat manager passed through the crowd, and kept all the exclamations in his ears. His already round chin was raised even higher, and his steps were much more confident.

“Have you checked all of them?” Sardin asked, his face was as usual, but his hand trembled slightly while holding the hand next to the sink.

“It’s as perfect as last night when I finished work,” the fat manager nodded, not seeing anything unusual about Sadin, and flattering happily: “Second Young Master, your aesthetics are absolutely amazing! As soon as the guests came in, there was no problem. Complimenting you, they all say what designer we hired, how to pretend to be elegant and beautiful…”

“Okay, you’ve worked hard these days, just take this gadget.” Sardin handed over a new check.

“Second, Second Young Master! You are…” The fat manager widened his eyes and immediately laughed, “Why does this make me feel embarrassed.”

He refused with his mouth, but his hands were honestly stretched out. The fat manager loves money, but he has no choice but to be timid. In addition to receiving a fixed monthly salary, he occasionally accepts tips from the children of aristocratic families. These days, the tips he received from Sardinia are almost catching up with his annual salary.

Seeing that the cheque was about to fall into the palm of his hand, the fat manager laughed even more happily, his mouth grinning to the back of his ear. However, just when there was still a little distance left, the check stopped.

“Second Young Master?” The fat manager raised his head suspiciously, his body was about to bend into a shrimp at this moment, shorter than Sardin who was standing upright, but he didn’t have any sense of losing the face of a male worm.

With the check tucked between his fingertips, Sardin’s expression was very indifferent, and even his voice was quite rigid. He said, “I asked you to put the clothes in the back door ready?”

“The clothes were ready last night, brand new,” the fat manager scratched his head and wondered, “Why do you put the back door? That is the staff passage, and it leads directly to the back kitchen warehouse, where the air is poor, I am afraid it will pollute. two less.”

Hearing that everything that should be prepared is ready, Sardin’s messy heart is much more at ease. He handed the check to the fat manager, said something that has nothing to do with you, and walked straight to the hall.

As Sardin approached the center of the hall step by step, the noise of the guests suddenly increased several times. When he passed two young female students, Sardin heard them talking.

“Look, that’s the female that Song Shao married?” said a quiet Asian female.

“He has a deceiving face and looks very weak on the outside. Who else is there besides him? He was able to stab the male worm, tsk tsk, it’s really thanks to Song Shao’s good temper, if I had kicked him earlier, I would have Is it his turn to swagger around in a place like this?” Another hot female.

“Hey, don’t talk nonsense, didn’t Song Shao refute at that time, maybe there is something hidden. After all, the most detailed article can be found on the Internet, only the S Daily article, which is famous for its popularity and dare to distort the facts!” Quiet and feminine.

“Cut, what’s the twist? He still has the courtesy to hurt the male? Now he doesn’t wear shackles and he is not tortured, and he still enjoys the male’s pampering with a shy face on TV all day long. I really don’t know how big his face is!”

“Hey! Keep your voice down, all the worms around you are looking at you.” Wen Jing Ya female stabbed Huo Huo anxiously, Huo Huo finally remembered the purpose of their trip.

As alumni, the females have seen Song Bai’s special favor on Sadin, so they don’t expect to marry him again, but once the standard of mate selection in their hearts is raised, they will not be lowered, so they have to settle for the next best thing, praying that they can marry a career. There are adult males. And the purpose of this popular trip is to see if he can catch a high-quality male worm and go back.

He looked around anxiously and found that there was no male worm looking over, and he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Looking at Sardin, he couldn’t help but stare angrily.

Damn female, he almost made a fool of himself.

Sardin took a deep breath, restraining himself not to care about the young female. He thought he was immune to this kind of remarks, but when he heard about the accident from Yaheng’s mouth, he still felt that the scar on his heart had been cut open again, and he was bleeding.

For four months, the secret love of the heroine made him almost forget the damage he caused to the hero at that time.

However, damage is damage and will not be smoothed out by the passage of time.

He pinched himself fiercely through the long-sleeved clothes, his hands were strong, and when he pinched it, Sardin let out a hiss in pain, only to feel the hairs on his body stand up.

Fortunately, the pain will remind him to never forget the hurt he caused.

This is what he owes the hero.

“Sadin, you are here,” Song Bai walked through the crowd with a drink in hand. He took Sardin’s hand, “I’ve been looking for you.”

Sardin imagined replying to the hero with a relaxed tone before, but the pain in his arm told him not to be willful on this occasion.

“What’s the matter, you don’t want to come with me?” Song Bai didn’t pull Sadin, he smiled: “You are my female monarch, you have to stay by my side until the banquet is over, okay, how many are there? A partner, just to accompany me to meet.”

“Master…” Sadin hesitated and didn’t know what to say. He raised his head and met the doubts from Song Bai, panicked in his heart, lowered his head, and made a random excuse: “I have to go to the back door to check, It’s better for the hero to go first, I’ll be there in a while.”

Sadin had no idea that the hero would arrive at the venue so early. After all, according to his original plan, he would run as soon as he could. To this end, Sardin deliberately compared the program list and decided to only attend for a short time. The first person to leave the stage immediately after delivering the gift, change clothes and slip away through the back door. Before that, he hid in the staff passage to avoid letting himself in The live broadcast was too long and destroyed the publicity effect the hero wanted.

Lord Xiong has always respected what he meant, and would never refute him. Sadin was ready to say Xie Xiongzhu, but heard Song Bai resolutely say: “Check others, you must stay by my side all night today. , not leaving an inch.”

Sardin raised his head suddenly, his voice trembling a little: “Xiong, Lord, I want to be here, it will bring trouble to the banquet, live broadcast, and branch companies.”

This trouble not only means that the reputation of the hero will be ruined, but also that the live broadcast will mislead the audience to change the focus of the discussion to scolding him, and it will also impede the branch’s use of popularity to promote things.

“You think I’m afraid of trouble?”

The center of the eyebrows was suddenly lightly tapped by the hero.

I only heard Wen Wen’s voice say, “What I care about is that you stand by my side.”

Sardin blinked, feeling a little sour for some reason.

Subconsciously, he nodded slightly.

After Song Bai and Sadin on the opposite side introduced themselves, they went to say hello to the next one, and the two Yuji who were standing there and greeted each other with a smile were completely cold.

“Song’s company is really too young to dare to invite S Daily to enter the venue. It’s really bringing a wolf into the room!” The person in charge of A Entertainment said coldly.

Glasses is the person in charge of A Entertainment. This time, he received an invitation from Song Entertainment to take the initiative to attend the banquet. Like other families, he came with the attitude of wanting to make a big news.

However, he did not expect that their mortal enemy, the editor-in-chief of S Daily, was also here.

“Senior’s words are unpleasant. We all live in the same industry, so we don’t need to belittle our peers like this.” The editor-in-chief of S Daily said with a smile, with a hint of shrewdness in his slender eyes.

The person in charge clicked his tongue and said, “What kind of peer are you? At most, you are a scum.”

In the Kyoto entertainment circle, there are two major factions, one is the old-fashioned paper media headed by A Entertainment, and the other is the emerging entertainment media headed by S Daily that uses the Internet to talk about the main online entertainment media. , of course not to become a mortal enemy. More importantly, the styles of the two sides are different.

S Daily has been established for less than ten years, and its style is bold and extreme. It likes to use bluffing gimmicks to earn clicks, and even does not hesitate to “artistically process” the content of the report. This is in contrast to the traditional conservative style, which emphasizes evidence and rationality. is out of place.

The editor-in-chief has long been used to it, and he smiled unabated, and said, “But you can’t deny that online forums are the future of print media.”

“Bah!” The person in charge pointed at the editor-in-chief’s nose unceremoniously: “No matter how good things are, they are ruined in the hands of people like you. How far do you think you can go?”

For example, the “June Accident” that caused a frenzy on the Internet this time, it is not that A Entertainment did not follow it at that time, but both the military department and the hospital had to keep their mouths shut, and the only direct evidence was an announcement from the military account. , the rest are things that netizens are chasing after the wind, which makes A Entertainment, who pays attention to evidence, have to reluctantly give up this news.

Unexpectedly, S Daily was the first to publish it, and it also came to the surprising conclusion that “male insects are controlled by vicious female insects”, which caused quite a stir on the Internet. However, the person in charge knew by experience that this was a consistent trick of S. Several evidences that seemed to have no logical connection, plus the author’s deliberate guidance, finally came to a conclusion that was eye-catching enough. This method , you can deceive ignorant children, but you can’t deceive them, middle-aged and elderly people who have grown up in serious reading.

“I don’t know how far it’s going, but I know that if you want to go bankrupt first, you must have a share,” the editor-in-chief smiled politely and said rudely, “After all, traffic and popularity determine the future. The so-called reason and logic you stick to.”

A Entertainment’s face was getting angry, but he couldn’t say anything to refute it. Whoever made their readership decline year after year is a fact, and he waved his hand away.

“Old antique just can’t keep up with the times.” The editor-in-chief of S Daily laughed.

If there is no eye-catching thing, how can it bring heat and traffic?

And what attracts attention is naturally something that can arouse anger and fear among young people.

There are only so many kinds of news in the world. If you stick to evidence and logic, you don’t have to write it at all.

It is naturally not as convenient as processing the content a little. Of course, it is basically based on the facts, but it is just putting clothes on the facts.

Other than that, it’s a little special. For example, arranging someone to spy on the secrets of the family is something that the old antiques completely disdain.

The editor-in-chief looked at a young woman with a jerky face in the distance, looking at the crowd, and raised the corners of her mouth.

This time, he deliberately chose a stunned young man who was so young that when he heard that the male worm was controlled by the female worm, he sent it to the door in a righteous indignation. Maybe it would make the venue more lively, and he could shake out more evidence. maybe.

What the old antiques said is still a little bit right, the factual evidence still needs a little more, and you can’t just rely on artistic processing.

He didn’t want to be like June, watching the reports of increasing popularity, but was actually refuted by the parties involved. Compared with inflammatory reports, young people are still more willing to believe the words of males who are known for their rationality. This has also led to the infamy of “distorting facts for the sake of popularity” until now.

At least the facts are more important.

Seeing that the venue suddenly darkened, the host came on stage, and the birthday party had already begun.

The editor-in-chief adjusted his dress and walked over to the seat with a smile.

Offstage, Sardin tried his best to control his breathing, trying to calm his heartbeat and not jump so hard.

The hand was suddenly squeezed hard, and I only heard: “I want you to practice darts well, how is the result?”

Remembering the way the fat manager looked scared to death every time, Sardin couldn’t help laughing, “Promise not a millimeter is bad.”

After the smile just now, most of the nervousness went away, and Sadin gratefully shook Song Bai back.

“It’s fine.” Song Bai smiled lowly as he looked at the host who was giving a generous speech on the stage.


The author has something to say:

Last night, I scrapped several drafts. When I wake up, I will continue, try not to delay

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