Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

Xiao family, Jingshan mansion.

Jingshan just finished his official review, when he opened the door, he saw a resolute figure facing him, kneeling with low eyebrows.

Jingshan ignored it, just following his old habit, he brought the tea that was just right from the waiter and slowly sipped it.

Sean knelt patiently, without the slightest dissatisfaction, as if he had become accustomed to this.

It’s just that his clenched fist can see that his mood is not as calm as it seems.

“What’s the matter?” Jingshan asked his partner after drinking tea.

Sean’s throat rolled, and he could see that it had been brewing for a long time: “Master, Sardin is going to make a fool of himself again.”

“What’s the matter, you don’t say anything?” Jing Shan said.

Sean’s face darkened for a moment, he took a deep breath, and then slowly explained: “Saddin wants to remove the physical strength enhancer.”

With three children in the family, the second son, Sardin, has always been the most worry-free for him, but since he got married, all kinds of absurd things have happened one after another. The last time the male was stabbed was counted as one, but this time, I don’t know what the devil was, and it had to be right with the booster that had been injected into the body for 20 years.

“Oh?” Jing Shan chuckled, “As expected of him, he has an idea.”

Sean’s eyes darkened again, and he calmly said: “Master, if you really want Sardin to be like this, then the mistress will not succeed in taking over the army. Sardinsu is close to the master, and he probably won’t listen to what I say.”

Although it was said from the eldest son’s newsletter that Sardin was angry, Xiao En did not dare to let the Xiao family, who represented the third son, take a little risk. Therefore, I hurried to find the hero, hoping that he would persuade him.

“Do you think he will listen to what I say?” Jingshan still smiled, “Then do you know why he removed it?”

Sean was puzzled, but he didn’t want to think more deeply: “Isn’t it just being angry and willful, what other explanation is there besides this?”

What kind of pain does the booster have, at most a little pain, you are a military woman, what can’t you survive in the future?

Jingshan recalled what his partner said when he was training the child, and was convinced that he still did not change his idea that “enhancers will kill bugs”, and shook his head helplessly.

Even after giving birth to three children, the partner still cannot understand the child’s mind.

Or rather, disdain to understand.

Years of being the owner of the house made him think about the Xiao family as a subconscious reaction. If the child’s thoughts didn’t go his way, there must be something wrong with the child.

Jingshan reassured him a few words. Seeing that he was still kneeling and refused to get up, he explained, “Don’t worry, Xiao Er is just complaining, he doesn’t dare to come to the truth.”

Sean frowned: “Really?”

Jingshan slowly explained to him, and his words showed the patience of ordinary heroes: “Naturally, think about how much Xiaoer values his Song and Song. And the Song family relies on our Xiao family. The army. It is the foundation of the Xiao family. If Xiao Er gives up the booster, it means that he will lose his position as an officer, and then he will also lose his dominant position in the marriage.”

“If he can’t see through that, he’s stupid enough.”

In the limited life, the male is the only one, and in the infinite life, the male lord hugs left and right. As long as the female is not confused, she knows how to choose.

In the limited life, especially after giving birth, the female will become a cinnabar mole on the male’s heart, a ray of moonlight that will never be extinguished.

Jingshan is well aware of the inferiority of males who like the new and hate the old. However, in such a society, the biggest pursuit of many females is to be remembered by the male master for a lifetime. Therefore, when the two children received the booster, Jingshan did not refuse.

Sean’s expression relaxed only then, but the eyebrows that had just stretched were wrinkled again: “In case he suddenly changes his mind…”

Jing Shan was a little surprised. The female gentleman, who has always been rough and leafy, even noticed this kind of detail: “Doesn’t your head of the family have a quick decision?”

Above the four great masters, whether national policies and decrees can be passed, and when they will be promulgated, are all through the pure decision-making system of the light brain. Because there are so many laws and regulations, if the brain can’t handle it, they can only queue for an extension. In the event of an emergency, the resolutions jointly nominated by the four great family patriarchs can skip the queue and get priority review.

“However, a quick decision is wasted for such a trivial matter, then when the time comes…” Sean couldn’t help pondering because the stakes were so important.

Jingshan looked at the big tree in the courtyard peacefully. If Xiao Er was so absurd that he removed the enhancer for a male insect, how could the prosperity of the insect star be started in the future.

The next afternoon, Beijing University, the special infirmary for the elderly.

“I’ve only driven this place for you, and the males have no chance to come.” The old man stared at Sardin on the hospital bed.

Sadin looked a little nervous, but still smiled: “Don’t worry, I won’t come in the future.”

The old man’s expression returned to seriousness from a smile: “Have you really decided?”

Sardin took a few deep breaths, “It was decided long ago.”

“When the remover is delivered, one stitch will give you nothing now.” The old man was serious.

“It’s as if I have everything now. The army will belong to the third brother in the future, so will the head of the Xiao family, and the business belongs to Fengji, what about me?” Sadin smiled as if relieved: “I only have the hero left.”

“You won’t be able to go to the battlefield in the future,” the old man said.

Sadin’s expression froze for a moment, and then he quickly resumed his faint smile: “It’s not that there are no candidates for the fourth army commander. Besides, the peace contract has been signed for many years, and there is no more of me anywhere.”

The old man read out Sardin’s insincere words and sighed, but he didn’t dissuade him any more.

Female worms value the male lord, even if the male worm does not look at it, they will still love the male lord.

The old man looked at his watch and frowned: “How long have you been gone, why haven’t you got the medicine back yet?”

He sent his assistant to the research institute to get the removal agent. The enhancer is not a top-secret drug. In recent years, some people have injected it, but it will not take long to come back and ask for removal, and it will not take ten years to take effect. Therefore, this drug is always kept in the secret room of the scientific research institute.

The old man looked out the window, the sun was setting, and there was still no shadow of his assistant.

“This little bastard, can’t go play.” The old man was complaining, but he saw the terminal on the table buzzing and vibrating.

As soon as it was picked up, the frustrated voice of the assistant came from there: “Doctor, I said, they won’t let me take it.”

The old man frowned: “What’s the matter? You can go to the dean to register this thing and get it. Didn’t I give you my card?”

Assistant: “It is said that the new regulations will only take effect at noon. Participants who have participated in national scientific research projects must apply to the representative of the family to withdraw from the experiment, and they will be allowed after approval. We do not have an approval letter.”

Repeatedly convinced of the authenticity of the news, the old man hung up the phone angrily, “What absurd rule is this!”

Sadin was puzzled and asked the old man why, but after learning about it, he was silent and terrifyingly quiet.

Sadin was a bit terrifyingly quiet, and the old man couldn’t help but worry: “It’s okay, when we finish the application, it will be a little later…”

“The application won’t go through.” Sardin suddenly smiled, and he got up and jumped out of bed.

“How?” The old man was surprised.

“You’re not at Xiao’s house, I don’t know.” Sardin put on his military jacket and buttoned up one by one.

The female father is a person who values the inheritance of the Xiao family. If the male father still has a touch of warmth, then the female father completely treats them as tools.

This is the conclusion that Sardin came to after he learned about the disadvantages of the enhancer from the old man and recalled it for a long time.

The female father is a military female like steel. He firmly believes that military females should dedicate themselves to the country and the world, and not to indulge in petty love. The female father did not like him to marry, and has been disappointed with him to this day.

And now, the behavior of the female father is clearly saying, I no longer trust you.

Sadin buttoned the button to the top, and his fair and slender neck was tightly blocked.

“Okay, I’ve never understood your Xiao family.” The old man sighed and patted Sadin’s shoulder, “But, Sadin, I watched you grow up, I don’t care what happened to the Xiao family, I just hope you are well. .”

The old man’s dry fingers touched Sardin’s heart: “Listen to your heart.”

Do what you really want to do, not for the ethereal love, not for the honor and inheritance of the family.

Sardin stood at attention and slowly gave the old man a military salute.


Thank you for always being by my side during those unbearably painful nights of the past.

On the way back, Sardin was still thinking about how to get the removal potion from other sources.

However, he was found by the military squad leader who finally found him.

“It’s not school yet, why did you leave the camp?” Sardin frowned.

The squad leader held his knees and panted heavily: “Teacher, instructor, come and see, Song Bai and the new male worm are fighting.”

“I’m asking for leave today, why didn’t you tell the acting instructor about this?” Sardin said, but his pace quickened.

“Deputy instructor, he didn’t dare to touch the male insect, and he’s been stiff now.” The squad leader hurriedly caught up with Sardin and followed behind him, staggering.

Sadin was angry: “Don’t dare to touch? What is he doing to eat?!” The pace was even faster.

Sardin hurriedly came to the arena, only to see nearly a hundred military officials surrounded the tree and their voices were buzzing.

Worrying that the hero would be injured, Sardin hurriedly pushed aside the surrounding insects and walked to the front.

Entering the field, I saw two males fighting in the center of the field under the dense canopy of the big tree. A boundary line was drawn on the surrounding ground, and the timekeeper was completely invisible.

On the way here, he had already heard the squad leader introduce the male worms, saying that Teacher Sheng An had designated him to train with them.

At first, Song Bai and the newcomer were doing well, but during the break, what they said again caused Song Bai to suddenly challenge each other.

The Junli classmate who had seen Song Bai’s skills yesterday thought that the newcomer would definitely lose, but who would have thought that the battle with Song Bai would not be weak at all.

Moreover, Song Baihua’s arena is a battle of winners and losers. There is no time limit, and the arena will never end regardless of winners and losers.

Everyone was worried that the two males would hurt each other again in the fight, so they had to hurry to find someone who could talk to both sides. On Song Bai’s side, only Sadin could invite him back.

The noisy whispers of others came from my ears:

“I’m going, when did the male worms be so fierce!”

“Yes, I was shocked by Song Bai yesterday. I didn’t expect that there are still shocking memes in this world, that is, two very fierce male insects!”

“Hey, guess who wins and who loses? I bought a new one, and he’s flexible enough.”

“Come on, I think Song Bai is even more powerful. Look at his physical skills. He moves calmly and is as fast as the wind!”

At this moment, Sardin was not in a hurry at all.

Although it is said to be a fight, but with his eyesight carefully, the hero is clearly unilaterally abusing this newcomer. Every time the new male worm wants to push out the ring line and admit defeat, he uses a clever movement technique to get the new male back.

Because these body techniques are so delicate, the young females who only valued body techniques didn’t even notice them.

Much like the lakeside of the villa and the fireworks display, he looked flat.

Thinking of this, the corners of Sardin’s lips completely evoked a smile.

I just need to get a camera and capture all the appearance of my hero.


The author has something to say:

The second is slightly later, around 0:00

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