Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

A distant and empty bell rang, it turned out that it was time for lunch break, and the students who were willing or unwilling to the place immediately hooted, fortunately this was finally liberated.

The students standing behind took advantage of Sardin’s response, bowed and shouted: “Instructor has worked hard, goodbye instructor.”

Immediately disperse as birds and beasts.

This is still the fastest class in the entire playground.

Sardin walked all the way to the lord. On the way, he did not forget to look back at the subordinate officers who deserted. When they saw the indifferent face of the commander, they shrank their necks and immediately went back to announce their lunch break.

Sardin made the meal, packed it and brought it over in the morning. The same is placed under the tree together.

Out of selfishness, he didn’t want Xiongzhu to fall in love with other people’s cooking at all. After all, lunch was the only skill he finally cultivated during the summer vacation.

When Sardin trotted all the way to Song Bai, there was still a little sweat on his forehead.

Song Bai wiped it off with a tissue and said with a smile, “Why are you in such a hurry? Your face is covered in dust, haven’t you noticed?”

Sardin was very daring, knowing that the hero had no other intentions, he took his arm and said, “Don’t make fun of me, the hero.” He dragged him to the steps to sit down.

However, it doesn’t pull.

Sadin looked back and saw that the hero was staring at his face, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

He pulled Song Bai’s arm and whispered, “What’s wrong, what’s wrong with me?”

It’s just that he heard a voice floating in the wind: “Sadin, how about comparing with me?”

The hero’s voice was no less than a thunderbolt, causing the blood on Sadin’s face to fade instantly.

His footsteps seemed to have taken root in the same place, and he smiled reluctantly: “What are you joking about, the hero, I don’t care. Okay, let’s go eat.”

Song Bai smiled as if a little helpless, “I have been exercising, you know. Besides, you have always controlled your strength very well. I believe you will not hurt me, right?”

The whole-hearted trust of the hero is what every military woman dreams of.

However, Sardin didn’t seem to hear it at all, he sat directly under the steps, and muttered to himself with the package containing the lunch: “Where should I go for lunch, the cafeteria is too crowded, why don’t I go to the single dormitory of the hero? How about it?”

Song Bai didn’t care much about anything at first, but if you try to hide something more, he will become interested.

So, the male worm raised his eyebrows, held his arms, and said in a gentle and firm tone, “Come on, try it with me.”

God knows how long he has been jealous of Sardin’s skills!

Helpless, I have been trapped in this weak body, and I have been busy with work, and it took a summer vacation to adjust a little better.

Seeing that he couldn’t get through, Sardin was like a defeated pigeon and was forced to play, biting his head and doing what he wanted to smack off.

Sadin subconsciously assumed a defensive posture for the battle, but he remembered something in a flash. He retracted his attacking hands and replaced them with a plain, defenseless stance. behind.

Song Bai, who was standing opposite, felt his blood boil in an instant.

He took a deep breath and decided to start taking the initiative.

The female students who had had enough rest in the middle of the camp finally stood up, eased their sore flesh, and grinned.

“Look, the male is challenging the instructor.” A sharp-eyed suddenly said.

“Cut, I don’t know how high the sky is.” The squad leader glanced over there, then withdrew his gaze.

There are nearly a hundred people in their military class, and half of them fell under the hands of the little god, not to mention the male who is weaker than their physique?

It’s not that the squad leader underestimates him, the reason why the female worm dares to fight hand to hand is also thanks to the innate advantage of her unyielding fighting spirit and thick skin.

“Hey, how can the instructor be like this, he just gave up without saying a word to us, and he fought seriously against the male and female.” A dissatisfied one.

“It’s still a good fight.” Another exclaimed.

“You don’t even look at the situation. We call it a gang fight. A group of worms bully a worm. The male worm is fighting in earnest. Look, his set of martial arts must be some unknown martial art.”

One suddenly exclaimed.

Hearing the physique, the squad leader could not help but look over in surprise.

I saw that the male insect tossed and moved with a light pace, which was completely different from the one in the army circulating on the insect star.

However, he was quickly taken aback by another surprise.

The male is actually fighting against the female, the world is crazy.

“Let’s go and eat.” The carefree female next to him hooked the monitor’s neck and was thrown away by the monitor.

“You bastard, don’t eat it if you don’t eat it, what are you doing with me?” The female worm swung her arm and muttered, “Isn’t it just a battle, how are you surprised…”

Sweeping to the bottom of the big tree, he was dumbfounded.

“Grass, no one told me that it was a rare battle between males and females. Fortunately, I found it early!” Then he took off his legs and ran under the big tree.

For a time, many female insects did not go to eat at all, but gathered under the big tree.

Surrounded, bad.

This was the first thought in Sardin’s mind.

Frankly speaking, Sardin is not afraid to expose his relationship with the hero, they have legal procedures anyway. However, this is not what he is afraid of.

Seeing that the hero on the other side is in high spirits, he seems to want to continue for a long time.

If it was him who could control his strength stably in the past, he would accompany the hero as long as he wanted.

But now, Sardin felt the abundant and turbulent power flowing in his body, which was a monstrous wave.

If the power of an ordinary worm is a stream, then his power is a river.

Inexhaustible, inexhaustible.

This is when he hid behind his female father and listened to what the researcher in the white coat said to the reagent in the needle.

For 20 years, he has relied on this physical enhancement agent to stand out among his peers and even military females.

However, starting a year ago, he gradually discovered that he was about to lose control of the exponentially increasing power.

Even because of this, when the jealousy attacked, the violent magnetic field of the body made the dagger stab the hero in the opposite direction.

He was cautious and cautious, not wanting everything to happen in front of the hero.

At least, don’t hurt the hero.


The male worm’s next offensive attacked, and Sardin turned sideways, with his forearm blocking the front. However, the familiar frenzy seemed to have finally found a place to escape.

However, before reaching the male lord, Sardin forced himself to twist 180° and aimed the direction at the place where the male worm faced his back.

A silent air wave spreads outward with Sardin’s predecessor as the radiating point.

The female worms directly opposite him who kept a certain distance and watched also felt that a strong wind was cutting head on.

In an instant, they all squatted down involuntarily, ahhhhhhh covering their faces, as if they would die from the pain in the next second.

Song Bai was still wondering why he stopped suddenly, when he felt an irresistible force that pushed him to dozens of meters away, dragging a deep trace on the ground.

The air is still at this moment.

In the distance, Huai Yu, who ran from the direction of the cafeteria, shouted excitedly: “Today, I’m so lucky that there is sweet and sour pork made by the master chef in the cafeteria… Hey, why are you all around here?”

This sound seemed to wake up all the worms present.

Sadin felt the muscle twitching in the arm that was forcibly twisting the direction, and he turned pale, his heart almost hanging in his throat.

The lord is okay, bless the lord it’s okay. As he stroked his arm, he made a humble begging timidly.

Turning around, seeing that the hero is still fine, Sardin finally breathed a long sigh of relief.

But the tense nerves exploded again, no, they haven’t decided the winner yet!

In the duel between female insects, it has always been necessary to decide the winner.

He and the hero must have a winner.

Looking at the hero, Sardin made a decision.

Song Bai was a little stunned. The blood in his bones was just excited when he was suddenly interrupted by an unstoppable force.

On the opposite side, Sardin walked over.

Do you want to continue?

Song Bai’s body subconsciously assumed a ready-to-attack posture. His spirit was so focused that he didn’t notice the onlookers beside him, and he didn’t even see them rolling on the ground.

Huaiyu finally squeezed in. While squeezing back, he carefully avoided the apprentices, and muttered, “It’s crazy, this time the students will be crazy busy, and they will be expelled.”

Huaiyu thought it was a normal swarm of female worms fighting, but in the middle of the field, Song Bai and Sadin Fufu were standing opposite each other, and they were fighting against each other. Only then did he realize that they were fighting.

Hey, no!

Song Bai doesn’t have common sense. You, a female gentleman, don’t have common sense. The bones of a male worm are so fragile. If they bump into each other, it will be a huge disaster.

“No, no, please stop now-”

Only hearing a loud “dong”, Huaiyu’s footsteps suddenly froze in place.

A gust of autumn wind blew past two males standing in a daze, and a “weak” military female lying on the ground.

I saw that the female soldier was very weak: “You are so powerful, I… admit defeat.”

“This… This counts as the male worm winning?” Uncertain.

“Okay… It seems so, the one who falls to the ground first admits defeat, theoretically speaking,” pushed up his glasses in a serious science: “The male wins.”

Song Bai’s mind was stunned, and he didn’t react until he heard the whispers of the onlookers.

No, why did Sardin suddenly fall? ?

Following Huaiyu’s reaction, he chased away the females who had slowed down and stood up one after another to watch the excitement: “Okay, okay, the outcome will be decided, and I will disperse it.”

When he finally cleared the field, he turned around and wanted to teach Song Bai a lesson, but who would have thought that Song Bai was helping Sardin to sit on the steps.

Since both of them are here, let’s teach a lesson together, and open their mouths to scold them.

“Why didn’t you be careful? Just tell me if you don’t want to fight me. The ground is so hard, it’s not like there are carpets everywhere in the house.” Very distressed.

“What you said is.” Respectfully admit your mistake.

“Also, next time you have to point me, your 112th move is very clever.” Song Bai’s exaggerated memory was able to memorize every move in the battle.

“Okay, Lord Xiong set a time?” The tone was brisk.

“Then how about this weekend, you and I have time after the military training is over.”

Huayu, who wants to teach a lesson: “…”

I shouldn’t be here, I should be under the car.

The military squad leader and classmates who didn’t have time around: “…”

Ancestor, you are husbands, you say!

As a result, they had to deal with themselves, and now they have a sore back.

return! Yes! single!


The author has something to say:

I was going to have a double shift, but I fell asleep… Tomorrow double shift

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