Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

The quiet night sky shrouded the main house of the Xiao family, and the Xiao family was brightly lit, as bright as day.

Countless waiters shuttled back and forth among the endless stream of guests, and there were loud congratulations and thanks in the air.

Song Bai took a glass of sparkling wine from the waiter’s plate, and at the moment he habitually thanked the waiter, he felt countless eyes looking at him.

There is inquiry, there is curiosity, there is doubt, and…

Song Bai sighed helplessly, turned his head, and said to Sardin beside him: “Your influence in Kyoto is really big enough.”

In the past 20 years, Sardin has been recognized as the next successor of the Xiao family. This is the first time he has appeared at a banquet in Kyoto since his marriage, especially with the hero, which naturally attracted many aristocratic family bugs. eyes.

Sadin was a little embarrassed. After all, the hero stayed here because of the invitation of his parents, and said, “Master, why don’t you go out for a walk and come back after the coming-of-age ceremony?”

In his previous life, Song Bai had attended many banquets, and he had never been interested in the exchange of interests. However, Sardin dealt with it very skillfully, neither humble nor arrogant, advancing and retreating in a moderate manner. It was obvious that he enjoyed it very much. It wasn’t that Song Bai had to go out, so there was no need to deprive Sardin of the fun.

Song Bai shook his head and said, “No need, I’ll go around and play with you.”

When he came in, he took a fancy to the assembly here. Although the space is large, it is not empty. The tone is stable and the details are full of liveliness. It aroused Song Bai’s curiosity, and he had to study it.

Seeing that the lord was interested in the customary arrangement of the home, Sardin remembered that his room was commented by the lord in the afternoon, and smiled clearly, “Be careful, the lord.”

Song Bai clinked glasses with him, and the amber liquor stirred in the goblet, “You too, be careful.”

“Also, stay away from the male worms present.” The male worm left gracefully.

The aftermath of that sentence was like a small snake, still circling in Sardin’s ears, crisp and numb.

If he had said this before, he would definitely have to self-examine whether he did something that did not conform to the rules, and then he would be warned by the unbearable hero. Now I don’t have so many worries, but instead taste a little sweet.

With red ears, Sardin hurriedly raised his head and took a sip of wine.

A sarcastic voice suddenly fell, “Second Young Master is as expected of a military female, she is still the same, and she doesn’t even care about drinking.”

Sardin raised his head and saw a tall and beautifully dressed married female in front of him. Sardin’s expression quickly turned cold, “Ake, long time no see.”

Ake was Sardin’s partner when he was young, but later they took different paths. Sardin was honed by his female father as his successor, while Ake later entered the female king’s professional school and married as soon as he graduated. The current hero.

Ake gently shook the glass in his hand: “It’s been a long time, the last time was four years ago, when you were still on the battlefield.”

After saying that, he pretended to be surprised, “Oh, why is your hero missing? It’s not because you think it’s too embarrassing for you to be married and still working in the military.” “Oh, I persuaded you long ago, the female is married. You should focus on your family, like you, sooner or later you won’t be liked by the hero.”

Akko grinned.

Although Sardin had seriously considered this decision, when he said it from his childhood friend, with that smile, he felt extremely dazzling.

Sadin turned his head slightly to avoid, and said lightly, “Since the hero has no objection, he naturally acquiesced.” He looked up and down Ake, and saw that although he was beautifully dressed, he couldn’t hide the loneliness on his face, “You It’s because I don’t have a job, but in my opinion, your hero’s heart isn’t in you either.”

As if answering his words, a delicate voice came from not far away: “Master, look at the other side of the master, it’s the second young master of the Xiao family!”

The gentle voice seemed to satisfy the male worm very much, he said patiently: “Yes, he is the one I told you and I was originally scheduled to be the next head of the Xiao family, but for his master, two years ago in order to marry him. , gave up without hesitation.” There was no lack of appreciation in the words.

The female servant asked suspiciously, “The male master likes him very much?”

The male worm smiled and said, “Which male would not like such a pure and kind-hearted person?”

Not far away, Ake’s face turned black. Before going out, he repeatedly confirmed that the female servant was sent away. Why is he now entangled with the hero, and the hero is still tender and sweet to him?

And the female servant is still pretending to say: The lord is there, won’t you go take a look, lord?

And he is the hero: I get upset when I mention him, walk away, go somewhere else…

The Zerg generally have good hearing. The female insects around Sardin are mostly young people who adore him. They can hear the conversation clearly. They dare not speak loudly because of the face of the Xiao family, but they whisper to each other:

“Who is that who went to touch Er Shao’s bad head, didn’t you see the intimacy between his hero and Er Shao just now?”

“Che, he is an unloved one himself. When his brain is hot, he is jealous. Let’s see, a female worm can be like the second young master, and I don’t expect anything…”

“Just you? Forget it, you’ll be safe if you don’t make yourself an unloved Akke!”

“You can’t tell the truth, you can’t even dream?”

A burst of laughter followed.

Ake listened to his ears, his face was obviously ugly, and he insisted to save face for himself: “My hero is always with me, and your hero, don’t look at not marrying now, say I’m not sure I’ve been thinking about which Asian female was present.”

He raised his chin high, looking proud.

All of a sudden, Sardin felt that this scene was too funny, he really wanted to, and there was no one who could compare to him.

But what does he do than this. Whether a marriage is happy or not is like drinking water, knowing whether it is warm or cold.

After barely holding out in front of others for a while, and returning home alone, can I lie to myself for a lifetime?

He smiled and shook his head, ready to stagger away from Ake, but was stopped by Ake, who was unable to wait for his response, “Are you guilty?”

Ake also smugly swept the unmarried females who were whispering around in a demonstration-like manner.

“The venue is so big, I can’t find my way back when I look for something to eat.” A gentle and pleasant voice sounded from the back, Ake and the surrounding females were involuntarily attracted by the beautiful voice, and when they looked back, they saw that he was Come this way.

Ake didn’t notice him just now. Judging from the bearing of this male worm, he is more polite than his male master. It may be a sideline of the noble family. Ake straightened his back involuntarily, trying to make a good impression on him.

However, seeing him walking straight towards him, Ake’s heart beat in his throat, is he really attracted to him?

It is also possible, after all, he often does maintenance after marriage, which is much more refined than the rough military female exposed to the wind and the sun…

Then, he saw the male worm coming to him, passed by him, handed the dessert in the plate to Sadin, and smiled gently: “Well, what you want, next time I won’t run so far for you to get it. ”

After he finished speaking, he patted his hair fondly.

“?” Sardin was stunned for two seconds, and then a soft smile spread on his lips, a little naughty: “Thank you, Lord.”

The air was quiet for a moment, and then it exploded, and Ake could almost hear the restrained screams of some female insects around.

“We still have something to do, so let’s go first.” Song Bai embraced Sardin’s shoulders, his expression showing a completely different alienation and indifference from the previous one.

After walking a few steps, as if remembering something, he looked back and said, “By the way, I saw your hero in the rest area. You have to find him as soon as possible, otherwise…”

The rest of the words were not finished, and Ake knew what he meant.

If he doesn’t hurry up, his male lord will run to the next place with that female female again.

Ake’s teeth are rattling, why is a rough military female who doesn’t follow the rules of the female emperor so favored, and he works so hard, but he still falls into the field that is rejected by the male master?

However, when he came back to his senses, he realized that the female insects around him were looking at him with pity and mockery in their eyes.

Ake’s face flushed instantly, he flicked his arm, and left here angrily. When he left, he tripped over the hem of his dress and was in a state of embarrassment. Long after he left, the air was still full of joy.

Sardin: “Master, why are you here?”

Song Bai walked in front: “I went to the self-help area, and the females there talked a lot, saying that you would rather say that you are not favored than to ruin your childhood affection, and also said that you don’t have a cold temper, but you have a good character. ”

Song Bai raised his eyes: “How lucky do you think I am to marry you?”

The small plate in Sardin’s hand almost didn’t hold, and he put it on the terrace beside him, and said solemnly: “It is my blessing to be able to marry the hero.”

It was too serious, Song Bai’s hands trembled, and he wished he could hold Sardin in his arms and rub it around.

After all, he held back and said softly, “You work harder.”

In fact, Song Bai lied, and he actually heard more, including the conversation between Akexiong and Yafei.

After staying in the main house of the Xiao family for a day, he felt the strictness of the Xiao family’s family rules. Sardin, who is self-denying and observant, openly defied such an old-fashioned family when he sat in front of the computer and wrote a line of words casually. I don’t know how much he suffered.

What Sadin lost was not only the position of successor, but also the attention of the female father he cared about, the affection of the younger brother, and the emotional support of the Xiao family.

Song Bai still couldn’t hold back, “Why were you so stupid back then?”

If Sardin had been defiant, none of this would have happened.

Sadin shook his head, stretched out his hand to hold the hand of the lord, and after testing it for a while, he made sure that he would not take it away, and said, “The lord said, as long as I dare to jump, you will definitely catch me.”

Smile like a child.

The lights at night were so bright that it blinded Song Bai’s eyes.

It was exactly like what he would say.

However, in the biography he set for Sardin, there was never this paragraph.

Could it be that it was too long, he remembered it wrong?

Above them, at the fence on the second floor.

Xiao En glanced at Sardin and Song Bai below, and said to Jingshan: “Master, since the female servant has returned, will we send it over at night, will it arouse the little male’s disgust?”

Jingshan chuckled, “Xiao En, that’s not a worm, but the uncle of the Xiao family, you can’t even like him anymore.”

He got up from the rattan chair, came to the fence, and looked at the bright lights outside: “I can’t understand the mind of the male worm, but now it’s just for the Xiao family to see, his small company didn’t rely on you to improve. Well, besides, he has already accepted the thank you gift from one of his juniors, how can an elder covet such a thing from him?”

Behind the rattan chair, the butler standing with the bamboo pole was expressionless: “Master, the thank you gift is so thin, how did you see that it was for our Xiao family?” When did the Xiao family’s resources become so shabby!

Sean still looked reluctant.

Jing Shan patted him on the shoulder, “I know you care about Xiao Er, but when the third child takes over the army in Xiao Er, you can feel sorry for him as much as you want. Now, Xiao Er’s heroic attitude is very important to our Xiao family. The position of the military is still very important.”

Sean hesitated for a while, but didn’t say, he was actually more worried that he would annoy the males and would not be able to successfully take over the Fourth Army from the second-hand.

It’s just that the hero always seems to be trying to get proof from him that Sean also likes Sardin very much.

Although Sean was puzzled, he finally nodded.

Seeing this, Jing Shan smiled with satisfaction.


The author has something to say:

Why do humans stay up late, why do I stay up late

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